Friday, December 31, 2010

High Tide, Pliny and a Short Rib Sandwich...Awesome

OK, I went to the Craft Ale House in Limerick yesterday because I knew they had Pliny the Elder on tap the night before.  I figured if I got there early enough there might be some Pliny left.  I got there and I got my Pliny.  It was awesome as usual.  Next I ordered a High Tide IPA from Port Brewing Company.  This is a great IPA but even this one couldn't stand up to Pliny.  I would normally have ordered the High Tide first and then the Pliny considering the Pliny is an Imperial IPA.   But today I went in the opposite order because I feared the Pliny would kick.  And it did.  Mine was the last full glass poured.  For once my strategy paid off.  I also had the Short Rib sandwich for lunch.  If you haven't had this yet you have to have one.  They are great.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Ron's Choice and a Blind Pig

I had lunch at Ron's Original Bar & Grille in Exton today.  I had a "Ron's Choice" (Steak with melted provolone, lettuce, tomatoes and mayo) and it was great.  I also had a Blind Pig from Russian River Brewing Company.  This is a very good IPA, not overdone. 

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Nice Mix of Beers

On Thursday after work I stopped in at TJ's Restaurant and Drinkery in Paoli for a couple beers.  I started with a Hop Meadow IPA from Thomas Hooker Ales and Lagers.  I think this is the first beer I ever had from this brewer.  It was pretty good.  Next up was a Raging Bitch Belgian-Style IPA from Flying Dog Brewery.  It was from a firkin.  It was OK.  As I have said before, I'm not a big fan of this style but this one was pretty good.  After that I was thirsty for a "real" IPA so I got a DuganA from Avery Brewing Company.  Now that is a real IPA.  Imperial IPA to be precise.  My next stop was the Sly Fox in Phoenixville while waiting for my pizza to cook.  I had a Pikeland Pils.  Good ole Pikeland Pils.  It never disappoints. 

On Christmas Eve I went to Exton Beverage to pick up a sixtel of Dock St. Hop Garden.  This is a double IPA.  It is pretty good, not great.  On the way home I slipped into the Drafting Room in Exton.  I had a Shackamaximum from Philadelphia Brewing Company.  Actually I had a small taste of it first and didn't think I cared for it that much.  But, in the name of science I ordered a pint of it anyway.  I'm glad I did.  This is one of those beers where I didn't care for the first sip but once I got to the bottom of a pint I really enjoyed it.  Shackamaximum is an Imperial Stout that I will look for again.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Nice Quick Beer

On the way home from work tonight I stopped in to the Flying Pig Saloon in Malvern for a beer.  I had an Atomic Raygun Imperial Red from Spring House Brewing Company.  I enjoyed the heck out of this one.  It was pretty hoppy and the 8.3% alcohol was well hidden.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Union Jack's and Craft Ale House in One Weekend

Over the weekend I had the opportunity to visit both Union Jack's Inn on the Manatawny and the Craft Ale House.  Union Jack's had an event on Saturday called the 12 Bell's of Christmas featuring beers from Bell's Brewery.  I started with a Rye Stout and followed with a Special Double Cream Stout.  Both were good but if I had to pick one it would be the SDC Stout.  At the Craft Ale House I had a Glacial Trail IPA from Central Waters Brewing Company.  I had never heard of this brewer.  I thought this was a good IPA.  It isn't necessarily memorable and it is more like a pale ale to me but I can't think of anything bad to say about this beer.  I will get it again.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas Shopping and Such

I had a vacation day yesterday and went Christmas shopping at the King of Prussia Mall.  Of course lunch was at the Rock Bottom Brewery located in the mall.  I have returned to this brewery once or twice a year for many years now.  In fact I visited when it in a prior incarnation when it was called Brew Moon.  I always return with the hope that they will blow me away with their beers.  It just never seems to happen.  They are better now than I remember them to be but not great yet.  I had two beers yesterday and I don't remember their names and their website is no help.  The first beer I had yesterday was an IPA called something like Hoppy Haleeday".  It was a pleasant beer.  The second was a cask-conditioned Flemish Sour which was pretty good for an American brewer.  OK, I must admit this was very enjoyable.  I will visit again in a couple months to monitor their progress.

On the way home I stopped at the Sly Fox in Phoenixville.  First up was a Pikeland Pils to satisfy my thirst.  Then I noticed they had a couple different Saisons on.  I tried one called Casuelijck Saison which was very good.  I would like to taste this again with a Saison Vos next to it to see the difference.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Dark...light...they're all good

Last Sunday I made my way to Union Jack's Inn on the Manatawny with the family.  We had 2 sleepers and 1 wide awake.  I went in with the 1 wide awake while my wife waited patiently in the car with the sleepers.  The day before Union Jack's was having their Back In Black event with a lot of very good dark beers.  I knew they would have leftovers and I was happy to help them finish them.  I have always considered Founder's Breakfast Stout the best Stout I have ever had.  I was told that they have a version that is also aged in Bourbon barrels called Kentucky Breakfast Stout.  That is what I ordered.  Clearly this beer is not the Breakfast Stout aged in Bourbon barrels.  It strikes me as thinner (mouthfeel) than the Breakfast Stout and even disregarding the barrel flavors you know this is not the Breakfast Stout.  That is not to say it isn't a great Stout.  It is.  But I still favor the Breakfast Stout.  For whatever reason, I went lighter on my next beer.  I ordered a Hop 15 from Port Brewing Company.  As always, this too was an excellent beer.  Altogether it was a fantastic trip to Union Jack's. 

Monday was a vacation day and my wife and I went shopping.  Somehow we ended up at the Victory Brewing Company in Downingtown for lunch.  I started with a Yakima Glory which is a very dark IPA although I wouldn't call it a Black IPA.  It is a very good beer.  I finished with a cask-conditioned Storm King Imperial Stout.  Storm King is always good but it is so much better from the hand pump.  It occurred to me that the lowest alcohol beer I had in the last 2 days is the Yakima Glory at a mere 8.7% abv.  I am looking forward to this winter season.  Bring it on.

On Wednesday I was back at the Victory in Downingtown to return a keg and pick up a fresh one.  That Yakima Glory I had the other day was pretty good so that is what I got.  While there, I went to the bar for a quick one.  I had a pint of the Pursuit Of Pale Ale (El Dorado).  It was OK.  I guess if this was some other brewer I would have said it was great but fairly or not, I hold Victory to higher standards.

Postscript - A quick search of my blog shows that I have already had the Pursuit Of Pale Ale and had the same opinion the first time.  Not very memorable.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Dancin' With The Devil

My wife and I went to dinner last night at Zacharia's Creek Side Cafe in Worcester, PA.  We started with a cheese plate which had 2 excellent cheeses (Pecorino Romano Italy and Taleggio Cow's Milk) and one that was not my style (Hendrick's Dairy Selections, Cow's Milk).  I'm sure this was an excellent cheese but it just didn't suit me.  Then again, I'm no cheese connoisseur. My wife had the excellent Jumbo Lump Crabcakes and I had the equally excellent Swordfish.  Truth be known, the best part of the meal was the  potatoes & parsnip purée which came with the Crabcakes.  This was absolutely fabulous.  We had a most excellent Pinot Noir with dinner.  2007 Seasmoke Southing was probably the best wine I ever had.

After dinner we stopped in at the Blue Dog Pub in Lansdale.  I have always wanted to visit the Blue Dog.  I ordered a Devil Dancer from Founder's.  They call this a triple IPA.  It is a huge beer.  Imagine as much hops and alcohol that you could expect in a beer and then triple it.  I wanted to drink it fast because my wife was waiting patiently out in the car but I couldn't drink this beer fast.  At 12% alcohol I had no choice but to sip it.  It was pretty good.  Not the best extreme IPA I have ever had but it was pretty darn good.

Thanks to Gin and Dave for taking care of the kids so we could have a great night out.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Maryland and Back

I was in Maryland on business this week and didn't really have anything interesting to drink.  I had a Blue Moon at the Outback Steakhouse, a Sierra Nevada Celebration at some bar, and a Sam Adam's Winter Lager at Carrabba's Italian Grille.  That Winter Lager wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  On the way home I stopped in the Half Moon Restaurant and Saloon in Kennett Square.  I had a Heavy Handed IPA from Two Brothers Brewing Company.  It was OK but not great.  Then I got a cask-conditioned Joe Coffee Porter from Philadelphia Brewing Company.  This was a very nice porter.

It was good to get back home and visit TJ's Restaurant and Drinkery in Paoli on Friday night.  I started with a Hop Garden (Firkin) from Dock Street.  This was excellent.  Next I asked for a Barrel Aged Elysium from White Birch Brewing.  The keg kicked halfway through my pour so that one was free which always makes the beer taste better.  You can definitely smell and taste the barrel.  The mouthfeel was kind of thin.  The 11.7% alcohol was well-hidden.  There was actually a tartness to this beer.  I don't know where it was coming from but it was pleasant.  I ended with an Old Bartholomew Barrel-aged Barleywine from Yard's brewing company.  If you are looking for something sweet and malty and big with alcohol this is your beer.  It was quite good.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Too Much Fun. No Time for Beer.

The weekend was pretty much a bust as far as beer is concerned.  Family obligations kept me out Friday night.  Saturday night I had a chance to go out but couldn't get the energy to go very far.  I went to the Sly Fox in Phoenixville.  I had a Royal Weisse, a Saison Vos and an Oatmeal Stout.  All were good but it's the same beer I've been drinking forever.  Sunday was a bust also.  Two Christmas parties and both were for the kids.  In between I did stop in for a quick one at McKenzie's in Frazer.  I had a Saison Vautour.  It was quite good with a nice dry finish.  Then I had to get back out to the car to get us to the second party which happened to be at a movie theatre.  We saw a 3-D movie called Tangled.  It has been years since I went to the movies and even longer since I saw anything in 3D.  I have 2 observations.  Some time in the past 15 years they have made great strides in making theatre seats more comfortable and technological leaps in 3D technology that allow me to believe for a second that I am about to get splashed by that water coming my way.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Good Beer in Wayne, PA (and not at Teresa's Next Door)

Earlier this week I was out on the main line and ready for a late lunch.  I hoped to go to Teresa's Next Door in Wayne.  After parking the car and feeding the meter I walked over to TND but they were closed.  Luckily there was a Flanigan's Boathouse almost next door.  Me and my buddy went in and we were practically the only customer's in the place and definitely the only ones at the bar.  I started with a Mad Elf from Troeg's.  At 11% abv this was a good start to my lunch.  I followed with a bottled IPA from Long Trail Brewing Company.  This was a pleasant IPA, nothing extreme.  I ended with a draught of Chimay White.  What a perfect ending to a great lunch.  In between I also had a chicken wrap which was excellent.  I don't think the line-up can compete with Teresa's Next Door but if Teresa's continues with their weird hours I think the Boathouse is going to do just fine in this location.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

On Wednesday I made my way to the Drafting Room in Exton after work.  I started with an Endeavor from Bear Republic.  I knew this was an English-style IPA so I didn't have my hopes up.  The English are not big fans of hops and an English IPA is likely to be what we might call a pale ale at best.  I got exactly what I expected.  It was a nice enough beer as you would expect from Bear Republic but I just don't care for the style.  I had to have a Bell's Two Hearted after that one just to get my hop levels back where they belong.

Tonight (Friday) I went to the Craft Ale House in Limerick.  It seems like such a long time since I was here.  I started with a Cascazilla Imperial Red Ale from Ithaca Beer Company.  This is a solid performer every time.  Not great but very good.  Next up was a DuganA IPA from Avery Brewing Company.  This is actually an Imperial IPA coming in at 8.5% abv.  It is a very good beer.

I bought a mixed case of Erie Brewing Company to take to Thanksgiving dinner.  I must say that I'm disappointed in this one.  The Railbender Ale is good as always but I'm not a big fan of the other three beers in the case.  They are Presque Isle Pilsner, Mad Anthony's APA and Misery Bay IPA.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A Reason to Celebrate - Sierra Nevada

Well it might seem like I am a big fan of Sierra Nevada based on what I have been drinking lately.  I didn't think I was a big fan but looking back...maybe I am.  I just tapped a sixtel of Celebration Ale from Sierra Nevada and I am enjoying the heck out of it.

As Beers Go By

There's been so many beers since my last post I can hardly keep up.

Saturday 11/13 I stopped in the Drafting Room in Exton.  They were having a Fresh Hop event.  I had to stand so I only stayed for one beer.  It was a Heavy Handed IPA from Two Brothers.  This was a nice IPA and I'll look forward to having another in the future.

Sunday 11/14 I stopped back in the Drafting Room in Exton and this time I didn't have to stand but with the family waiting in the car I couldn't stay long.  I had a Fresh Hop from Troeg's which was very good.  Next I took a chance.  I am thus far not a big fan of Philadelphia Brewing but I ordered their Harvest From the Hood regardless.  This is a pale ale?  It was a lot darker than you might expect.  But this was a very good beer.

During the following week I had obligations for work every evening.  My beer choices were limited.  On Tuesday I had one Heineken.   That was enough.  I then ordered a Kettle One neat.  That did the trick.  On Wednesday the best I could find was Blue Moon.  OK, this was actually pretty good coming out of a tap I must admit.  On Thursday it was one Stella Artois (bottle).  That was enough. I continued through the evening with Sam Adam's Boston Lager (bottles).  Nuff said.

Friday 11/19 I was back at the Drafting Room.  I had a High Tide from Port Brewing which was awesome.  Then I had a Northern Hemisphere Wet Hop from Sierra Nevada.  I wasn't expecting much especially following that Port but guess what?  It was a very good beer.  My hat's off to Sierra Nevada.

Saturday 11/20 I was at the Exton Mall and needed a quick lunch.  We went to Rino's.  Having enjoyed a Sierra Nevada product the day before I thought I'd give them another try.  Rino's had Tumbler on tap.  And yes...I liked this one a lot also.  Maybe I should re-think how I feel about Sierra Nevada.

Sunday 11/21 I made a quick stop in Union Jack's Inn on the Manatawny.  I had an Unearthly from Southern Tier.  This beer is over the top with alcohol and hops.  Yes, it was very good but maybe a little harsh for me.  There was a time when I would have thought this was the best beer I ever had but I think my tastes are starting to mellow.  Don't get me wrong.  It was a very good beer. 

Friday, November 12, 2010

Friday at TJ's

After work tonight I stopped in at TJ's in Paoli.  It was busy as usual.  I got a Yellow Tail Pale Ale from Ballast Point Brewing Company.  I have had these before and always sort of felt disappointed.  I think I finally figured out why.  I always assumed this was a pale ale as I think the name implies.  However, it is actually a Kolsch.  I have never appreciated this style of beer.  I'm guessing this is a good example of a Kolsch it's just that I personally don't care for Kolsch.  It was really busy and I hate standing while drinking a beer.  Scott at the bar must have noticed me dodging the servers passing by with their trays etc (or the servers complained to Scott about the old dude getting in the way) and he took the time to come around the bar to where I was standing just to tell me there was a seat or two available at the other end of the bar.  I think it is that kind of customer service that is driving TJ's success along with their impressive beer offerings (and I suppose the food).  Now that I was comfortably at the bar I decided to have another.  This time it was Idiot IPA from Coronado Brewing Company.  This is a nice DIPA and a good finish to the evening.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Bigfoot Returns

I took a quick detour tonight on my way home from work and stopped in at the Drafting Room in Exton.  I knew they had Bigfoot 2009 from Sierra Nevada on and I had to have one.  This is a barley wine that I look forward to every year.  This time however, it was not as good as I remembered.  It was still very good...don't get me wrong.  But I must have built this one up in my mind since last year and it was just OK.  I thought it almost had a metallic taste to it.  Maybe I just had an off night.  I'll have to have another one soon.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Union Jack's Inn for Lunch

On Saturday I took my mom and my 2-year-old to Union Jack's Inn on the Manatawny for lunch.  I started with an IPA from Avery which was very good.  I followed that with a Double D IPA from Otto's Pub and Brewery.  This was better than I remembered it and it went well with the Reuben sandwich I ordered for lunch.  The Reuben was excellent.  Mom was busy with her crabcake sandwich and Miller Lite.  I ended with a Dragon's Milk from New Holland Brewing Company.  This is a pretty good American Strong Ale.  At 9% it is easy to see why they call it a strong ale.  I would have loved to have more but something was telling me it was time to go.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Take the good with the not so good

Last night on the way back from Massachusetts I was passing right by the Tap & Table in Emmaus, PA.  I went in and enjoyed a cask-conditioned Rastafa Rye Ale from Blue Point Brewing Company.  This is an excellent rye ale and the Tap & Table is a great place to enjoy a beer.

Tonight (Friday) I stopped in at the Flying Pig in Malvern.  I had a Hop Garden Double IPA from Dock Street.  This is a pretty good DIPA but maybe a little harsh with hops.  I followed that with a cask-conditioned Nosferatu from Great Lakes Brewing Company.  This is an American Strong Ale or a double Red Ale.  It wasn't as good as I remembered it.  It was good, just not that good.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

More Massachusetts Beers

Wednesday night in central Massachusetts and I decide to go get some beer to take home with me tomorrow night.  I go to  Julio's Liquors in Westborough.  This place rocks.  I got a six pack of Leather Lips IPA from Haverhill Brewery and a six pack of Opa Opa IPA.  I also got 22oz Bombers of Port High Tide, Port Wipeout, and Port Hop 15.  I won't have any of those until I get home.  Instead, I go to my favorite bar in the world, Horseshoe Pub & Restaurant in Hudson, MA.  I had an excellent seafood casserole and onion rings.  Both were to die for.  I also got a Be Hoppy from Wormtown Brewing in Worcester, MA.  This is a very good IPA with a great taste and great mouthfeel.  I ended with a cask-conditioned double IPA from Opa Opa.  Now I was down on Opa Opa for a 12 pack I brought home from last trip up this way and as you can see I am giving them every chance I can.  This was a good double IPA.  Not great but good.  The alcohol was in your face with nothing great to back it up.  Final decision on Opa Opa comes when I taste that IPA I took home in six-pack form.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Cask Ale and More

Friday after cutting out of work a little early to see my daughters in their Halloween parade I went over to the Sly Fox in Phoenixville for a couple.  First up was a Pikeland Pils quickly followed by a Royal Weisse.  Both were satisfying as usual.  Then for a change I ordered an Oatmeal Stout.  This is even better than I remembered.  I don't know why I don't get these more often.  Maybe in my mind I confuse it with O'Reilly's Stout.

Saturday was a great day.  There was a cask beer festival at The General Sutter Inn in Lititz, PA.  I always wanted to visit this place and what better occasion than a cask ale festival.  20 cask ales were on tap.  I started with a Ruthless Rye IPA from Barrier in Oceanside, NY.  I never heard of this brewer before but this was a very good IPA.  Next up was 4 Seasons IPA from Voodoo Brewing Company in Meadville, PA.  I never heard of this fact...I never heard of Meadville, PA before.  Again, a very good IPA.  Finally I had a Harvest Ale from Founder's Brewing Company.  This is an American Pale Ale and it was excellent.  I hated to leave but the wife and kids were waiting patiently in the car.  I went outside, collected the family and we then walked to the Wilbur Chocolate Factory.  The kids each got a treat and then we walked to a nearby park to feed the ducks.  When it came to potty time I suggested we go into the General Sutter so they could use the ladies room.  When they were done they asked if they could go back and feed the ducks some more.  I thought this was a good idea and since my wife and I both need not go I stayed behind at the General Sutter Inn.  I got a Black Pearl from Pearl Street Grille and Brewery in Buffalo, NY.  This is an India Dark Ale and a very nice beer at that.  Then I got a Hoptical Illusion from Blue Point Brewing Company on Long Island.  I've had this on draught before but this cask conditioned version was far superior as you might expect.  Keep in mind all of these beers were cask conditioned.  What a great day.

Now (Tuesday) I am on business in Massachusetts.  I just enjoyed an Archer Ale from Sherwood Forest Brewers.  This is an English Style pale ale.  I've had it before and I enjoyed it then and I enjoyed it now.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Boring Weekend Beerwise

Friday after work I went to the Drafting Room in Exton.  I started with a Racer 5 from Bear Republic Brewery.  It was awesome as usual.  Then I had a Pumpkin Ale from Blue Point Brewing Company.  It was OK.  When I first sniffed it I thought "Uh oh.  Too much pumpkin".  But then I tasted it and it was just fine.  The pumpkin was there but it was not overdone.

On Saturday I went into Victory Brewing Company in Downingtown.  First up was a Summer Love.  This is a Blond Ale and it was pretty good.  It was not extreme like most Victory beers but it was good none-the-less.  Then I had a cask-conditioned Harvest Ale.  Same deal.  Pretty good but nothing extreme.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

What the Helios?

I needed to return an empty keg and pick up a new one from the Victory Brewing Company so after work I stopped in.  I didn't see anything of interest except for Helios which I never had.  So before making the investment I decided to go to the bar and try one.  Victory calls this one a "bottle conditioned Belgian-inspired ale".  Well, I was drinking it on draught and about to buy a keg to drink more on draught at home so I don't know about the bottle conditioned part but this is a great beer.  It is darker than I would expect a saison yet dry and refreshing.  I decided to make the investment.   As it turns out, it is not that large of an investment.  I got a sixtel for only $52.  You just can not beat that.  I'm starting to consider keeping two Victory beers on tap at home instead of one Victory and one something else.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

What Was That Beer?

On Saturday we took the kids back to Sesame Place.  As usual, I would visit Isaac Newton's in Newtown for a beer when the day is done.  As we drove through Newtown we happened by an area with a lot of police activity and traffic and folks just milling about.  That was a little irritating but things got worse.  As we passed by the most congested area I said to my wife "There's some type of event going on.  What is it?"  She said it was a brewfest.  Naturally I took this as a bad joke...only she wasn't joking.  This was bad news for several reasons.  Firstly, I missed it.  Secondly, with a brewfest in Newtown, where do you think all of the drunks are going to go after the event?  Of course, Isaac Newton's.  When we got there the parking lot was full.  I told my wife I was going to pass but she encouraged me to go in and try to get a beer (apparently beer improves my mood).  I found a parking spot and headed in.  The place was 3-deep at the bar.  As soon as I walked in and saw the crowd I spun on one heel and headed back towards the entrance.  Then, a fascinating thing happened.  Some how one of the extremely busy bartenders looked past the crowd and made eye contact with me.  "Sculpin" I yelled over the noise.  I wasn't sure if he heard me so I mouthed the word very carefully as I yelled.  Within a couple of seconds he was back with my beer.  He held up seven fingers.  I nudged my way past a couple of folks to get my Sculpin and handed the bartender $8 and considering my great fortune at even getting a beer this night I should have given him a bigger tip.  Things were going well.  Too well as it turns out.  The beer in my hand was not a Sculpin.  It was dark and malty looking.  I knew what had to be done.  The chances of me getting the attention of the same bartender were slim.  Then shouting my dilemma over the din of the crowd and getting a positive response from the bartender...impossible.  All I could do was drink what I got and be happy.  I ordered a hoppy IPA and this was quite the opposite.  Brown and malty.  The good news is it was very good.  The bad news is I still don't know what it was.  I studied the draught menu to try and figure it out but nothing fit.  I've had most of the beers on the menu and ruled them out.  The remaining beers didn't fit.  For example one was a Wit beer.  No way.  My guess is that the Sculpin had kicked and the tap changed to something else but with the rush to satisfy the thirsty crowd, the tap handle wasn't changed and this bartender was not aware of the change.  That is my guess anyway.

Friday, October 15, 2010

No Randall Required?

After work tonight I stopped at TJ's Restaurant and Drinkery in Paoli.  I started with an Outdoor Harvest Ale from Ithaca Beer Company.  This is a very nice American Pale Ale...nothing extreme...just a good tasting pale ale.  I'll look for it again.  I ended with a Nosferatu from Great Lakes Brewing Company.  I love this brewer but this beer?  Not so much.  It was OK but I won't travel to get another one.  TJ's was hopping again tonight.  I hate to think it is because of that stupid Randall they have.  I'm all for innovation but it seems to me if the brewer wanted vanilla in his/her stout he/she would have put it in there.  Maybe I'm old school.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Saison, Simon and Garfunkel

I went into the Drafting Room in Exton tonight without looking on-line to see what was on tap.  That was my first mistake.  The most interesting thing they had on that I never tried before was Saison Du Buff, a collaboration between Victory Brewing Company, Dogfish Head Craft Brewery and Stone Brewing Company.  It is a Farmhouse Ale brewed with parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme.  I suppose this is somehow an homage to Simon and Garfunkel.  This might have been a very nice, dry Saison if not for the parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme.  Somehow I suspect this was Sam Calagione's contribution to the beer.  Hey Victory and Stone...remember this.  Paul Simon did just fine after the breakup.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A Lot of Tom Foolery for One Week

So much has happened in the past week or so that I didn't have a chance to do an update until tonight.  Here's how the week played out:


Ron's Original Bar and Grille, Exton - Indica Pale Ale from Lost Coast Brewery and Cafe (good, not great)

Epicurean, Phoenixville - Philadelphia Porter from Manayunk Brewery (surprisingly good porter)


Craft Ale House, Limerick - Hugh Malone from Allagash Brewing Company (although I don't usually like Belgian-style IPAs, this is a good one).  Old Rasputin Russian Imperial Stout from North Coast Brewing Company (this is a very good stout).  Expedition Stout 2009 from Bell's Brewery (another very good stout).  I also had the short rib sandwich and as always it was awesome.


Craft Ale House, Limerick - Imperial IPA from Green Flash Brewing Company (very good IIPA).  Another Expedition Stout from Bell's (still good).  I also had a burger for a change.  It is a really good burger but it can't compete with that short rib sandwich.

Sly Fox, Royersford - Yes, Royersford.  It's not often I go to the Sly Fox in Royersford since I live in Phoenixville but we were in the area.  I had a Pikeland Pils (always good).  Next was an Octoberfest which I didn't expect to like but I did.  Then I had a Saison Vos (excellent as always).

Sly Fox, Phoenixville - Yes, Phoenixville.  I had to go home at some point right?  A Royal Weisse (always good) and then I called it a day.


I went to a new place that the folks from Ortino's opened in Harleysville.  It's called East End Alehouse.  It's a lot like Ortino's Northside including a nice selection of beers on tap.  I had a Conductor Imperial IPA from Steamworks Brewing Company which was on the nitro tap.  It was pretty good.  The nitro gave it a silky mouthfeel and left a nice Vienna Lace on the glass.


I went to Union Jack's Inn on the Manatawny, Oley - When we got to Union Jack's the parking lot was full.  Mostly it was full of Harley Davidson motorcycles.  I was a little hesitant to go in at first because I had to take my 6-year-old daughter in with me (she was awake, the other 2 were asleep).  It would be embarrassing for her to see me get my ass kicked by a bunch of bikers who didn't like the minivan I pulled up in.  My wife convinced me to go in anyway.  I had a Stone Arrogant Bastard (very good, not as harsh as I remember it to be) and my daughter had a lemonade (tart but good).  As it turns out, my daughter makes friends pretty easily...see photo below courtesy of Tony.


Back to the Craft Ale House, Limerick - This time it was a Gubna Imperial IPA from Oskar Blues Brewery.  This is a big beer.  Big alcohol and big hops.  Very good but maybe a little harsh with the hops.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Thanks Gin and Dave!!!

What a weekend that was, and starting early no less.

Friday I went to the Drafting Room in Exton for Lunch which consisted of a pretty good Buffalo Chicken Wrap and an even better DIPA.  Actually it was Outta Focus DIPA from Appalachian Brewing Company.  I expected this to be a good beer but it was a very good beer.  After work on Friday I stopped in for a quick one at TJ's Restaurant and Drinkery in Paoli.  I had a Little Sumpin' Wild from Lagunitas.  I expected a sour beer made with wild yeast but that is apparently not the case.  This is in fact their version of a Belgian Strong Ale.  It was OK but I still think we should leave the Belgian style beers to the Belgians (and perhaps Ommegang).  Later Friday night thanks to the kindness of my sister Ginger and my brother-in-law Dave, I was able to enjoy a nice evening out with my wife sans children.  We went to Marly's Restaurant / BYO in Phoenixville.  I had a nice lamb dish and a great bottle of Kosta Browne Pinot Noir.  It was a 2006 Russian River Valley and quite possibly the best wine I have ever tasted.  We liked that so much that we opened another bottle of wine for the sake of comparison.  This one was was another 2006 Pinot Noir.  It was a Kanzler Sonoma Coast.  It too was excellent.  As we found out on the way in to Phoenixville the whole downtown section was closed to traffic for a festival complete with German bands and other music.  After dinner we rambled around town and ended up it Iron Hill.  I had an unremarkable Belgian Pale Ale (see above about Americans attempting to make a Belgian-style ale).  Of course it may be because of the excellent wine we had earlier.  Perhaps this was an unfair comparison, although I don't think so.

On Saturday I went to the Craft Ale House in Limerick for lunch/dinner.  I had their excellent short rib sandwich and a Mad Hatter IPA from New Holland Brewing Company.  This was much better than expected.  It was not extreme but a very nice IPA.  I followed that with a Big A IPA from Smuttynose Brewing Company.  This too was a pleasant surprise.  A very good DIPA indeed.  I ended with a Breakfast Stout from Founder's Brewing Company.  As I have said before, this is the stout against which all others are measured.  It is awesome.  Just when I was ready to call it a day my other sister Jean called and said she was going to the Sly Fox in Phoenixville for dinner.  I stopped in there and had a Royal Weisse and a Grisette.  Both were very good as they always are. 

On Sunday I cut the lawn and did some yardwork and basically dried out for the week ahead.

Monday, September 27, 2010

A Weird Mix of Beer Styles

On Saturday I stopped in Union Jack's Inn on the Manatawny for a beer or two.  First up was a Confluence Ale from Allagash Brewing Company.  This is a Wild American Ale.  The wild yeast gives an expected funky smell and taste that is not at all unpleasant.  It is slightly perfumey tasting but I got past that.  The best part is the dry finish.  This is a nice beer.  I followed this with a Wipeout IPA from Port Brewing Company.  Awesome as usual.

Today I went to the Flying Pig in Malvern.  I started with a cask-conditioned Amber Ale from Bell's Brewery.  It was a pretty good beer.  I'm not sure I would have liked it as well if it was not cask-conditioned.  Then I had an Oktoberfest from Blue Point Brewing Company.  Same was a pretty good beer.  Neither of these beers will knock you socks off but I guess they were true to their style, which is not necessarily my style.

Friday, September 24, 2010

In a Dark Mood

I left work and headed for TJ's Restaurant and Drinkery in Paoli for a cold one.  I knew they had Serpent's Stout from The Lost Abbey for $3 as their keg kicker tonight.  It was great.  An 11% abv Imperial Stout from a great brewer for $3?  But I painted myself into a corner.  What could I follow that with?  Since I was already in a dark mood I decided on a Satellite Espresso Stout from Dock Street.  I enjoyed the roasted coffee flavors but I didn't think this was their best effort considering I love this brewer.  Then it was back home to enjoy a couple of Braumeister Pilsners from Victory currently on tap in my basement.  I'll say it again...this is one fine pilsner.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A Victory for Victory but not Necessarily for Me

I headed out to the Victory Brewing Company in Downingtown after dinner tonight to return a keg and pick up another one.  I figured I would have a beer at the bar while I'm there.  When I got to the parking lot it was clear I was not going to have a beer at the bar.  The place was packed.  I had to park about as far away from the entrance as possible without leaving the parking lot.  It took about 5 minutes to walk from the car to the Victory.  I didn't see an empty table or booth in the place.  I never even bothered to go to the bar.  I am confident it was packed as well.  I went straight to the retail shop, return my keg and picked up a new one.  This time it was Braumeister Pils.  This is a fantastic pils.  Crisp and clean.  Life is good.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Some Good and Some Not So Good Beers

Over the course of the last week or so I've haven't had much opportunity to write about the beers I have had.  Traveling on business has consumed a good bit of my time.  I did visit the Sly Fox in Phoenixville and had a new (to me) beer.  It is called Citra Pale Ale.  I am not a big fan of this one.  Back on the road again I went back to the Horseshoe Pub in Hudson, MA.  I started with a cask-conditioned Sky High Rye from Arcadia.  It was a very nice beer indeed.  I followed that with a Wipeout IPA from Port Brewing.  Of course this was excellent.  This may be my favorite beer of the year.  The following night I went back to the Horseshoe and had a Wachusett Country Ale.  This was not very good at all.  In fact, since I knew I was only going to have one more this night I decided to have a Wipeout IPA just to play it safe. 

Back home in Pennsylvania I visited the Craft Ale House in Limerick.  First up was an IPA from Mission Brewery.  This is a pretty good IPA.  I had never heard of Mission.  Apparently they are out of San Diego, CA.  I'll look for more from them.  I followed this with a Lima Black IPA from Weyerbacher Brewing Company.  This was risky because I am not a big fan of this brewer or of this style.  I am here to say, this is an excellent beer.  That's why I keep going back and trying brewers and/or styles that I think I may not like.  Hats off to the folks at Weyerbacher for making this excellent beer.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Good Draught and a Bad 12 Pack?

I made a rare appearance at the Tap & Table in Emaus.  I first tried a My Antonia which apparently was brewed by Birra Del Borgo (Italy) and Dogfish Head (DE).  This is an Imperial Pilsner.  As is usually the case with Dogfish Head products I didn't care for this beer.  I followed this with a beer from another brewer that I normally don't care for.  At least I keep trying.  And this time it payed off.  The brewer is Brooklyn Brewery and the beer was an Imperial IPA called Detonation.  Hurray, I finally got a Brooklyn beer I can enjoy.  I ended with a Russian Imperial Stout from Rogue Brewery.  Yeah, this is a really good Stout.

I also had a chance to visit the Craft Ale House in Limerick.  I had a Dogtown Pale Ale from Lagunitas Brewing Company.  This beer is always excellent. 

Speaking of beer that is not excellent is Opa Opa IPA.  At least not the 12 pack that I brought home from Massachusetts.  It is undrinkable.  I suspect that the problem is with the 12 pack I got and not the brewer but I don't know.  I will have to find this on tap on my next visit and hopefully redeem this product.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

When in Rome

I'm still on business in Massachusetts and staying near Marlborough.  I went to Longhorn Steakhouse for dinner and asked if they had any local beer on tap.  They did.  It is Archer's Ale from  Sherwood Forest Brewers in Marlborough.  This is a pretty good English style pale ale.  It was a dark copper color and malty.  I was pleasantly surprised especially considering it was at a Longhorn.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Best Beer Bar in Massachusetts

So I'm traveling on business to Massachusetts and I don't have high expectations on finding any great craft beers.  I do my usual internet search and find a couple of places that seem interesting but I expect to be disappointed as usual.  I have my heart set on a brewpub in Gardner, MA when a co-worker suggests a good beer bar in Hudson, MA.  It is called The Horshshoe Pub & Restaurant.  I get there at 7:00 on a Wednesday night and the parking lot is full.  Things are looking pretty good.  I walk inside and see 80 taps.  Things just got even better.  At first I go to the bar and then I realize that I would be much better at a table where I can peruse the menu at my leisure.  And so I perused.  I decided to get samples instead of pints.  Samples, it turns out are 3 oz beers at $2.55 each.  I start with 4 IPA's.  They are (1) Big Eye IPA from Ballast Point Brewing Company, (2) Racer 5 from Bear Republic Brewery, (3) Wipeout IPA from Port Brewing Company and (4) Wachusett Larry from Wachusett Brewing Company.  OK, the first 3 I've had before and I knew they were excellent but I enjoyed every one none the less.  The fourth one was taking a chance.  Let me tell you, this Wachusett Larry was a really good IPA.  Actually I think it was a double IPA.  It was right up there with the other three.  I was surprised.

I had the seafood sampler for dinner which was a great choice.  Then I ordered four more beers.  They were (5) Black Fly Stout from Gritty McDuff's in Maine, a very nice Irish stout, (6) Extra Special Oak from Element Brewing Company in Massachusetts, good but not great, (7) Coffee Haus Porter from Berkshire Brewing Company in Massachusetts, excellent...taste like fresh coffee beans, and (8) Black Shack Porter from Wachusett Brewing Company in MA, pretty good, not great.

The real hero in this story is the Horshshoe Pub & Restaurant for having these 8 beers among their 80 on tap plus 2 cask conditioned beers.  I love this place.  And I didn't even have one of the many Belgian's they had on tap.  I might move to Massachusetts.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Tumbler...This Ain't No Bigfoot

On Sunday we went out to practice biking and roller blading.  On the way the kids fell asleep and as it happens we were near Union Jack's Congo Hotel in Bally.  I stopped in for a quick beer so the kids could get a little extra sleep.  There wasn't anything really interesting on so I asked for a Tumbler from Sierra Nevada Brewing Company.  This is an American brown Ale.  It is like all Sierra Nevada products in my opinion...that is, they are well made but unremarkable (the lone exception being the great Bigfoot).  So the Tumbler is a nice brown ale and you could enjoy a couple of them in a row but you will not go out of your way to get one.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Pig and a Party

Friday after work I went to the Flying Pig in Malvern.  I started with a cask conditioned beer called Gumutlekite German Pale Ale and I think it was from Stoudt's but I'm not sure.  I'm also not sure of the spelling.  I figured I could Google it and learn more but a Google search came up dry. Anyway, it was an unremarkable beer.  Not bad but not great either.  Next I had a Big Daddy IPA from Speakeasy Ales and Lagers.  Same thing...unremarkable.

Saturday we had a birthday party for my 2 year-old.  We enjoyed the Gassy Jack from Victory and the Founder's Red's Rye that I have on tap in the basement.  I did get a chance to go to the Sly Fox in Phoenixville when my wife sent me out to pick up the pizza's.  I had a Saison Vos and it was great as usual.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Saturday Fun and Sunday Thud

We went to Union Jack's Inn on the Manatawny on Saturday afternoon.  Originally we were all going to go in but that plan fell apart on the way there.  So I went in by myself.  First up was an Avant Garde from The Lost Abbey.  Again, this was a very good beer but not the kind of great beer you think of when you think about The Lost Abbey or Port Brewing.  So I followed that with a Hophead Red from Green Flash.  This is a fine beer indeed.  Exactly what the doctor ordered.

On Sunday I fell off a ladder.  Saturday was the better day this weekend.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Beer and a Cheese Steak

Yesterday I met my wife for lunch at Ron's Original Bar & Grille in Exton.  I had an awesome pizza steak made with sharp provolone and it was the real deal.  I had an Anniversary Ale from Port Brewing Company.  This is a huge IPA.  10% abv and enough hops to choke a horse.  It was excellent as you would expect from Port.  Later in the evening I stopped in at the Sly Fox in Phoenixville for a pint of Pikeland Pils and a pint of Royal Weisse.  Total bill was $5.00.  You can't beat that.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I'm traveling on business and staying in Manchester, CT this evening.  I had dinner at John Harvard's in Manchester.  I tasted a Heffe Weissen which was a lot lighter than I was in the mood for.  I ordered a tall Old Willy IPA instead.  This wasn't the greatest IPA I have ever had but at the same time it was better than anything I would have gotten at the Outback Steakhouse (which was my other choice for dinner).  So it was a typical trade off.  I got a better beer at John Harvard's but the Tuna Steak I had was mediocre at best.  I'm sure the steak at Outback would have been awesome and maybe I would have gotten a bottle of Sam Adams at best?

I'm missing my kegerator right about now.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

You Gotta Pay If You Wannna Play

My wife left with the kids for a weekend of fun with her parents in upstate Pennsylvania.  She made sure to leave me a list of things to do while they were away.  After completing a considerable amount of work (not enough I am sure) I decided enough was enough.  It was about 7:00pm and I was ready to stop working and start recharging my batteries.  I showered up and headed for the Craft Ale House in Limerick.  Their website said they had Russian River Registration Ale and Port Wipeout IPA.  I already knew what I was going to drink tonight before I left the house.  When I got to the Craft Ale House and looked at their draught menu guess which two beers were scratched off?  Yep, Registration Ale and Wipeout IPA.  That figures.  I sampled a Blast DIPA from Brooklyn Brewery.  As is usually the case with this brewer, I didn't care for the beer.  So I got a Loose Cannon from Heavy Seas instead.  This is a nice enough IPA but nothing special.  I would get it again though.  The Craft Ale House did have a beer from Twin Lakes on the list.  I remembered reading about a brewery starting up near Greenville Delaware (Wilmington) a while back and I always wanted to give the local guys a chance.  So I ordered a Greenville Pale Ale.  It was OK.  Again, nothing great but a nice pale ale none the less.  After that there was nothing else on the menu that I wanted...except of course that Rodenbach Grand Cru which I did not want to pay $7.50 for a 10 oz. pour.  Guess what I ordered...yep...a Rodenbach Grand Cru.  You know what?  Considering the options tonight I have no regrets even considering the astronomical price.  It was awesome as usual.  The fish and chips I had for dinner was pretty good as well. 

Good Beer Free

I hadn't been to TJ's Restaurant and Drinkery in what seems like a very long time.  I also noticed that they had a couple of good ones on tap so I decided it was time to visit.  I asked for a Jack D'or from Pretty Things.  This is a nice Saison.  I think it is interesting that  Pretty Things is a gypsy brewer.  Maybe I should be a gypsy brewer.  How do you go about getting a gig like that?  Anyway, the Jack D'or kicked but at least I got a little free beer...the half glass or so that was in my glass when the keg kicked.  Next I asked for a Little Sumpin' Sumpin' from Lagunitas.  It was awesome as usual.  Love that pine and grapefruit combo.  I had a quick taste of Newbold IPA from Philadelphia Brewing Company.  They need to work on that one a little bit.  I'll try it again within the next year or so to see how they are doing.  I finished with a Hop Head Red from Green Flash Brewing Company.  This is a very good American Red Ale.  Hoppy as you might expect with a name like that.  It was a great way to end the visit.

Monday, August 16, 2010

No Great Beers But Some Great Crock Pots

On Saturday I had to go to the Exton Mall to pick up a new Crock Pot.  Actually I picked up 2 new Crock Pots.  One 6 quart for entres and one small one for dips and things like that.  It was about the most fun I could have without beer.  Since I was in Exton I went to the Drafting Room for a cold drink.  I asked for a Luciérnaga from Jolly Pumpkin.  After attempting to pour one I was told something was wrong and it was just pouring foam.  I had to pick something else.  Somewhat disappointed I asked for a Summer Session from Dock Street.  From there my disappointment grew.  This was an OK beer but I have come to expect greatness from Dock Street.  Next up was a Rogue Mogul Ale.  This is a big red hoppy beer and a good one at that.  With nothing else interesting on the chalkboard I decided to head up the road to Ron's Original Bar and Grille.  I started with a Double Wit from Great Divide Brewing Company.  This is not my style of beer but I will say that the 8.1% alcohol was well hidden.  Next up was a Shark Attack from Port Brewing Company.  I have had this beer a couple of times now but this time it wasn't as good as I remember.  It seemed to have a chemical taste to it and I don't mean the 9% abv.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Friday at the Craft Ale House

My boss was kind enough to let me work from home today.  I am sure I gave him more than 8 hours of solid performance but this also allowed me to get to the Sly Fox in Phoenixville by about 5:00pm.  Last Friday I got there a little after 5:00pm and the place was mobbed.   This time not so bad.  I ordered a Jake's ESB which was OK.  I asked JP about the crowd last week and he said it was because they were having their grand opening.  That is typical of me.  I stumble into a grand opening and don't even realize it.  Of course the place opened several months ago but that is besides the point.  Anyway getting back to tonight, after a little disappointment with the Jake's I had a Chester County Bitter from the hand pump.  This is a really good session beer.  I followed that with a good old Pikeland Pils and everything was OK.

Later in the evening I made my way to the Craft Ale House in Limerick.  I started with a Pharmhouse Arrest from Philadelphia Brewing Company.  I must admit I was a little disappointed.  It wasn't bad but it was nothing to write home about.  Then I had a Black IPA from 21st Amendment Brewery.  This was a really nice beer.  And now I'll show my ignorance.  What is the difference between this style and a really good black and tan made from a nice IPA and porter?

Next up was a Big Eye IPA from Ballast Point.  It was not as good as I remembered. 

Let's go home and have a couple of good ones from the basement.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Bikes and Beer

I stopped in at the Flying Pig in Malvern after work on Friday.  I had a Tommyknocker Hop Strike Black Rye IPA.  This is a very unusual beer.  I wouldn't say it was great but it was pretty good.  Of course I like rye and I like IPA's so I knew it would be likely that I enjoy this one.  I think the black color had a psychological affect on me though.  It didn't taste like you might expect from its color.  I followed that with a Summer Solstice from Anderson Valley Brewing Company.  I didn't care for this one that much and that surprised me because I like this brewer a lot.  It was almost like drinking fruit juice.  That may be because it followed that black IPA I don't know.  I'll have to give this one another try in the future.  I then made a quick stop at the Sly Fox in Phoenixville.  The bar was packed.  When my Pikeland Pils came my bill was $2.50.  No wonder the place was packed.  I always liked Pikeland Pils but when it is $2.50 during happy hour it just tastes a little better.

On Saturday, after an afternoon of bike riding and bike pushing (my daughter is learning to ride without training wheels) we went to Union Jack's Inn on the Manatawny for dinner.  That's right.  Me and the rest of the family went IN to Union Jack's.  Actually we didn't go in.  We ate outside.  I started with an Avant Garde from The Lost Abbey.  This is a Biere de Garde which is not my favorite style of beer.  However as you might expect, I liked this one.  At least I liked this one for a Biere de Garde.  The Lost Abbey could not make a bad beer if they tried.  My second beer at Union Jack's was A Little Sumpin' Sumpin' Ale from Lagunitas Brewing Company.  This is a fantastic Pale Wheat Ale (or maybe an Wheat IPA).  If you don't like the taste of hops don't order this beer.  That will leave more for me.

By the way, if you like ribs and you are near Union Jack's Inn on the Manatawny should should order them   They were really good.  Plenty of BBQ sauce on them and the meat falling off of the bone.  I got a full order because my daughter and I were going to share.  I ended up taking half of the rack home with us because the serving was so large.  It was a great outing.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Two Fresh Kegs

I somehow allowed both of my taps to go dry at the same time.  I kicked the Victory Hop Wallop about a week ago and then the Dock Street Saison DuPotts kicked yesterday before I could replace the Hop Wallop.  So tonight after work I was on an adventure.  After running a few quick errands I went to Exton Beverage and picked up a sixtel of Red's Rye PA from Founder's Brewing Company.  I have had this on tap at home before and it never disappoints.  Then I went down the road to Downingtown and the Victory Brewing Company.  I returned my keg ready to pick up another one and I noticed they had a sixtel of something called Gassy Jacks Bitter.  Since I was unfamiliar with this beer I strolled out of the retail shop and into the bar to order a pint.  The chalkboard signaled a 4.7% abv for this beer.  Quite low for Victory I thought.  Despite the low alcohol content I ordered one and to my surprise I really liked this beer.  They call it an American Bitter.  It poured copper with a white head.  I was satisfied enough that I went back to the retail shop and got that sixtel to take home with me.  It is a refreshing change to the usually extreme Victory beers.

Once home I thoroughly cleaned my system and replaced the beer lines.  By the time I was done it was 10:30pm.  I tapped both kegs and of course had to pour one of each.  When I carried them upstairs my wife had already fallen asleep.  Now here I sit with a Gassy Jack and a Red's Rye all to myself.  Life is good.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Winter, Summer, Who Cares?

I spent the last week on vacation in Bethany Beach, DE.  Because it is Delaware and for other reasons beyond my control my beer drinking experience was extremely limited.  I did have a bottle of Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA.  I am still not a big fan.  I knew of two other local breweries that I wanted to try and I found the first, 16 Mile Brewing Company on tap at the Cottage Cafe in Bethany Beach.  It was their Blues Golden Ale.  This was a nice enough beer.  Nothing fact it was ordinary but I admit I had a couple.  The second brewer I wanted to sample was Evolution Craft Brewing Company.  I got a six pack of their Exile ESB.  Now this was something to get excited about.  It is not an extreme beer but it is a solid, good tasting, well balanced beer.  I enjoyed all six of them.  I can't wait to find this brewer's beers on tap somewhere.  I hope they are not a one-trick pony.  Considering they are located in lower Delaware and almost in Maryland I don't expect to find them any time soon in Pennsylvania but a guy can hope.

Finally back at home I made a virtual B-line for Union Jack's Inn on the Manatawny.  I started with a 2XIPA from Southern Tier.  It was very good just as it was the last time I had one.  With the wife and kids waiting in the car I had to finish it in a hurry if I wanted to have that Imperial Russian Stout from Stone Brewing Company that was on tap.  It's interesting to me that this is a seasonal beer (i.e. they brew it to be consumed in the summer) but I never had a problem drinking a big, dark beer whether summer or winter.  It is a very good beer.  I still favor the Breakfast Stout when it comes to Stouts but they are really two different beers aren't they.  My hat is off to Stone for defying common logic and brewing this big wonderful Stout for the summer.  Which reminds me...a brewery I don't talk about much is Appalachian Brewing Company in Harrisburg, PA.  They have a Broad Street Barleywine on tap year-round.  It is one of their flagship beers.  Imagine that!  I always thought they were a little nuts for having a barleywine on tap in the middle of summer and I always got one when I was there (Summer and Winter).  I think a road trip is in order.

Friday, July 23, 2010

On a completely unrelated note...

On a completely unrelated note I heard on the radio this week that the casinos in Atlantic City are not doing that well financially thanks to competition from neighboring states including Pennsylvania.  Since the private sectory can't make money with the gaming industry Governor Christie came up with the idea to allow the state to take it over?  Genius!  That should guarantee failure.  I'm glad I live in Pennsylvania.  We wouldn't allow such a ludicrous idea to ever get traction let alone become the law of the land.  Unless you count that lousy Liquor Control Board.  There's another great idea.  Allow the state to control every aspect of the alcohol industry including but definitely not limited to how we buy and consume alcohol.  I guess that makes up dumber than the folks in New Jersey.  We have allowed this stupid system to exist for 75 plus years.  That's another thing the good people of New Jersey should consider.  Even if this takeover sounds like a good idea short-term don't expect it to be a short-term solution.  And another thing, did you ever hear of the Johnstown Flood Tax?  Go to THIS PAGE and scroll down to the "Johnstown Flood" tax.   If you consume alcohol regularly in the state of Pennsylvania you are probably familiar with this tax but if not you will probably laugh heartily. 

I have to go to bed now.  I am getting up early tomorrow so I can drive to Delaware to buy a car load of alcohol less the 18% Johnstown Flood Tax and less the 6% sales tax.  Of course it will be for my personal consumption while in the State of Delaware.

Planning is Everything

Friday night and I'm happy to end another work week.  I see TJ's Restaurant and Drinkery in Paoli have tapped a keg of Pliny the Elder from Russian River.  I guess I'll have to go for one right?  Before I settle into my bar stool Scott behind the bar shines up a glass in expectation that I have come in for the Pliny.  I throw him a curve ball.  "I'll have the Jai Alai IPA from Cigar City".  He looks at me in disbelief but I want to enjoy two beers tonight.  I know that if I start with a Pliny then I will only enjoy one beer tonight (unless I have 2 Pliny's which would violate my one-only of any beer in a sitting only).  Anything after a Pliny will taste mediocre at best.  I enjoyed the heck out of the Jai Alai but the whole time I am staring at that empty, shiny Pliny glass that Scott left in front of me.  As I get to the bottom of the Jai Alai Scott asks "Do you want me to fill that now"?  I nod yes.  I then spend the next 20 minutes or so sipping on that Pliny the Elder and enjoying every second.  My plan worked perfectly.  I enjoyed two beers tonight.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Not Much Going On

There wasn’t a whole lot going on over the weekend. I did manage to get to Union Jack’s Inn on the Manatawny for a couple of beers. I had The Maharajah from Avery Brewing Company. I always enjoy this one. It’s an American Double IPA and it’s a good one. I followed that with Lucky 13 from Lagunitas Brewing Company. This is a big Red Ale at 8.3% abv. I was definitely feeling the alcohol after those two.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Saison Farmhouse Ale Frenzy

Last night after work I did something unusual for me.  I stopped at McKenzie's Brewhouse in Malvern for a beer.  Historically I have not been a big fan of McKenzie's.  I found their beers to be banausic.  Recently I have heard good things about their Saison Vautour and I am in the middle of a Saison frenzy.  OK, McKenzie's has a winner.  This is an excellent farmhouse ale.  I wanted another but I have that darn rule about ordering the same beer twice in one sitting.  So, I ordered something called Two Threads.  It was described as a blend of their French Spring Ale and American Pale Ale aged in French Oak wine barrels.  Since I am not familiar with their beers I had no idea what to expect.  After my initial taste I thought, "Uh oh, is this beer infected or what"?  Then a funny thing happened.  My second swallow tasted better and my third better yet.  It is a dry, funky beer and by the time I was finished I really enjoyed it but it is not for the faint-hearted beer drinker for sure.

Afterwards I stopped at the Sly Fox in Phoenixville for a quick one while waiting on my pizzas to be ready.  I tasted a new one called Belgian Blonde.  It was similar to Saison Vos but not as dry and not as good in my opinion.  I ordered a Saison that is good.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Quick Weekend Update

Here's a quick update on beers I tried since the last update on Friday.  Ground Break Saison from Ithaca Beer company was a nice beer.  I am really enjoying Saisons lately.  This one is not as good as the Dock Street I have on tap at home but it is a nice beer.  I had a 2X4 IPA from Bavarian Barbarian Brewing Company.  I thought it was a really good IPA.  In fact it got better the closer I got to the bottom of it.  I had never heard of this brewer before but they are in Williamsport, PA.  There may be a road trip in the near future.  I had a Left Coast Hop Juice from Oggi's Pizza & Brewing Co.  This is a big DIPA but I was not crazy about the taste.  I need to try it again some time in the future.  I finally got to try a Zuur from Brewery Ommegang.  This is a Flemish Sour Old Brown Ale.  It tasted a lot like Rodenbach to me.  I would like to try these two side-by-side one day.  It's hard to believe this was brewed in New York.  Finally I had a Sorachi Ace Pale Ale from the Sly Fox.  It was OK.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Nothing Interesting Here

It was kind of a boring Friday night.  First stop was TJ's Restaurant and Drinkery in Paoli.  I ordered a Honey Rye from Lake Placid Pub and Brewery.  It was not an unpleasant beer but also not what I was looking for.  This was one of those beers you could enjoy after mowing the lawn.  I wanted something bigger and bolder so I ordered a Russian Imperial Stout from (are you ready for this?) Bierbrouwerij Grand-Café Emelisse.  This is apparently a brewpub in the Netherlands.  The chalkboard listed a price of $7.25 or $7.50 something like that.  I can't remember but it doesn't matter because it was a kegkicker special which means I got it for $3.00.  This was a very nice beer but I would never pay full price for one.  For $3.00 it was a bargain. 

I didn't see anything else on the chalkboard that was interesting and that I didn't have recently.  So I headed for the Flying Pig in Malvern.  I ran into the same problem here.  Nothing interesting on tap that I haven't had recently.  I tasted a Derailed Black Cherry Ale from Erie Brewing Company but this was too sweet for my taste.  I ordered a Piraat Ale because you don't see this on tap every day.  It was good as usual.  Anything from Belgium is going to be good, right?.  The 10.5% alcohol doesn't hurt either. At least not on the night that you are drinking it.  This is actually brewed by Brouwerij Van Steenberge N.V.  I'm not sure why it is called a Belgian IPA but what do I know?

I had to get home and pour a Saison DuPott's.  Ahh...that's so good.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Holiday Fun in the Sun

It was a 100 degree day here in eastern PA and we decided to go out for a ride to get the kids to fall asleep in the air conditioned car. It worked like a charm as usual only this time by the time I got to Union Jack’s Inn on the Manatawny they were all awake. Not wanting to waste a trip I went in anyway. I enjoyed a 2XIPA from Southern Tier Brewing Company. I enjoyed this one just as I did the last time I had one. It has a very good citrus flavor. Having rehydrated, it was back to the car to get the kids to a playground. Did I mention it was a 100 degree day? Anyway, we had a good time, albeit brief, at the playground. We ended up at my sisters house for a quick dip in the pool and then on to Dairy Queen for an ice cream dinner. Not a bad holiday.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Fireworks and beer (not simultaneously)

It seems like just last week we were at Sesame Place and we were right back again this Saturday.  So after a day of water rides and roller coasters and finally fireworks at 9:00 there was still enough time to go to Isaac Newtons for a beer or two.  Naturally the kids were asleep before we left the parking lot of Sesame Place.  I started with a Duvel Green.  After a day like today this was the perfect beer.  As far as I'm concerned it is just as good as the regular Duvel without the big alcohol punch.  The only problem I had with this beer is that I finished it in about 10 minutes.  At least that saved me time to have another.  This time I chose Undercover Shut-Down Ale from Lagunitas.  I had this beer before and enjoyed it a lot.  Same thing this time.  It is bitter and sweet with big alcohol (9.7%).  It was a nice ending to a great day. 

In other news I tapped a new keg yesterday.  It is Saison DuPotts from Dock Street Brewing Company.  I love these farmhouse ales and this one is a great example of this style.  It is 5.75% abv and has a wonderful dry finish.  We had a party yesterday to celebrate the Fourth of July and I discovered one thing about this beer.  It is one of those rare beers that I really enjoy and yet my Mom can enjoy as well.  Even though I had her beloved Miller Lite at the house she chose to have a Saison DuPotts.   Awesome.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Friday before the holiday

On Friday I had lunch at the Flying Pig in Malvern.  I ordered a Lake Erie Monster from Great Lakes Brewing Company to go along with my excellent cheese steak.  The chalkboard called this an IPA but one sip told me this was an imperial IPA.  I started to regret ordering this one because of the big alcohol (9% abv) and I had to go back to work but this was a really nice beer.  Then, despite my better judgement I ordered a cask-conditioned Sawtooth ESB from Left Hand Brewing Company.  This was a pleasant beer but I really didn't give it much of a chance since it was following that imperial IPA.  I'll look for this one again.

After work I stopped in to the Drafting Room in Exton.  I started with a Carnevale from The Lost Abbey.  This is a pretty good Saison but a little spicey for me.  It was actually probably a very good traditional Saison and I guess I have come to enjoy the Americanized version.  I then had a Red Rocket from Bear Republic Brewery.  Since it is from Bear Rebuplic you know it must be good.  It is a full flavor beer meaning to me that it is both hoppy and malty.  I guess some would call that well balanced.  I love this beer.  Then I had a 16th Anniversary Ale.  Every year Troegs Brewing Company brews a beer to celebrate another anniversary for the Drafting Room.  This 16th Anniversary is a Belgian IPA.   As I have said in the past, this is not my style of beer.  Belgian beer...great!  IPA...great!  Belgian IPA...not so great.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Oh those sleepy kids

On Saturday we took the kids to Sesame Place for a day of roller coasters and water rides.  We stayed until closing (8:00pm) and I knew the kids would be asleep within minutes of leaving the parking lot.  I also knew that we were not far from Newtown which means we are not far from Isaac Newton's.  This is a place I have heard of and always wanted to visit.  Although it is in the center of town it is a little hard to find because it sits behind the other buildings on State Street.  In fact, I made several passes down the street and could not find the place.  It was my wife who suggested I park the car and get out and walk as the town is not that big.  That is what I did.  It is a really cool place with a good selection of beer.  I had a Terrapin Gamma Ray which is a big wheat wine coming in at 11% abv.  It had a good flavor with a bit of a tang to it.  I was sorry to leave after only one beer but I had to get back to the wife and kids. 

On Sunday we were out for a ride and ended up at Union Jack's Inn on the Manatawny.  Again, those sleeping kids...I went in and had a Lagunita's Undercover Shutdown Ale.  This is a malty, sweet and yet bitter ale at 9.7% abv.  Despite the temperatures in the upper 90's I enjoyed this one. 

Friday, June 25, 2010

Big Alcohol, Little Time

It's Friday night so after work I went to the Flying Pig in Malvern for a drink.  At least that was my intention.  We had a bad storm yesterday afternoon with downed trees and electrical wires all over the place.  I even saw a fully assembled trampoline next to an on-ramp of US 202 with not a residential area in sight.  Clearly it was deposited there courtesy of the storm.  I had to make several detours due to the downed trees but I made it to Malvern only to discover the downtown looked something like a ghost town.  Parking lots were empty and all the businesses were closed.  No power and this was more than 24 hours after the storm.  After making certain the Flying Pig was closed I got back in the car and headed to TJ's Restaurant and Drinkery in Paoli.  Things were looking up.  Not only were they open but they had all Brew Dogs as happy hour special for $3. 

I asked for a Bashah.  This is an American Strong Ale with an alcohol content of 8.6% abv.  Apparently this is brewed in collaboration with Stone Brewing Company.  I wouldn't say it is great but I will say it is the best beer I ever purchased for $3.  With that in mind and considering it was still happy hour I asked for another Brew Dog product.  This time it was their Tokyo Intergalactic Fantastic Oak Aged Stout.  As he was pouring it, the astute bartender (I think it was Kevin) told me it was 18% abv and asked "Is that OK".  I have to give him credit.  This beer could kill you if you aren't expecting that big alcohol.  I enjoyed this one thoroughly and it replaced the Bashah as the best beer I ever purchased for $3. 

I made my way home and poured a Victory Hop Wallop from the keg in my basement.  In fact I poured a couple of them.  At only 8.5% abv I could drink these all night.  Yeah, right.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Father's Day

For father's day yesterday we went to Union Jack's Inn on the Manatawny.  My wife and kids stayed in the car and allowed me to enjoy some peace and quiet.  I tried a new one from Southern Tier Brewing Company called 2XIPA.  As you might gather from the name it is an imperial IPA, and a very good one at that.  It has a nice grassy flavor.  I followed that with a Sexy Beast Stout from Dock Street.  I don't have any problem drinking a stout in 90 degree weather.  It was a good stout.  Not a great one but a good one.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Lost Weekend

I almost forgot to post about last weekend.  On Friday night I went to Sly Fox in Phoenixville and had a Keller Pils which I love and then I had a cask-conditioned Jakes ESB which was also very nice.

On Saturday I took my Mom to Union Jack's Inn on the Manatawny for Dinner (and beers).  I had a Sculpin IPA from Ballast Point Brewing Company.  It was great as usual.  Then I had a Double Trouble from Founder's Brewing Company.  This was also great but there is a good reason they call it Double Trouble.  Finally I had a Shark Attack from Port Brewing Company.  This is a double red ale.  I like it a lot but it is time to go.  Mom had a Miller Lite (and if I'm telling the truth she had 2 of them).  It was a fun time.

Sunday I was feeling that Double Trouble.  Or maybe it was all of the Hop Wallops I drank from the kegerator in my basement.

Monday, June 7, 2010

A Day in the Park

It was a pleasant weekend for us.  On Friday night my wife took our oldest daughter to a minor league baseball game in Allentown (go IronPigs).  She told me to pick up our 2 youngest daughters at daycare and get them a happy meal so after work I picked them up and took them to the Sly Fox in Phoenixville.  My happy meal was Buffalo wings while the girls decided on linguine and chicken strips.  During dinner I also managed to have a US Saaz Keller Pils and a Saison Vos.  Both were good as usual.

On Saturday we went to Dorney Park in Allentown.  We left at sundown and with all the activity of the day it wasn't long before the kids were asleep.  I pulled into the Tap and Table in Emaus but there was not an empty spot in the parking lot so we headed on down the road.  I went a little out of the way to get to Ortino's Northside in Zieglersville.  Obviously the kids were still asleep and my wife was playing with the DS that we bought our daughter for her birthday.  So I went in and had a Hoppy Trails IPA from Appalachian Brewing Company.  It was OK but not extraordinary.  I needed something extraordinary and I saw it on the menu.  It was a Sublimely Self-Righteous Ale from Stone Brewing Company.  I have had this strong ale before and knew I wouldn't be disappointed.  If you see it on tap get one.

Sunday was a very nice day indeed.  My mom came over to the house and we sat on the deck watching the kids play in the pool.  Mom had a Yuengling while my wife and I had Red's Rye.  Now that is a relaxing weekend.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

One Quick One Before Philadelphia Beer Week Starts

I stopped in at the Drafting Room in Exton after work today for no other reason than I was thirsty.  I got The Immortal IPA from Elysian Brewing Company.  It is a pleasant IPA but not anything unusual.  If you are looking for something extreme this is not your beer.  If you are looking for a nice, clean IPA bordering on a pale ale then this is your beer.  It looks like everyone is getting jacked up for Philadelphia Beer Week.  I will probably stay home most of the 10 day duration kind of like I stay home on New Year's Eve.  After the crowds go away I will be back.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Sunday With No Work Monday

Sunday was a fun day.  I went to the Union Jack's Congo Hotel and had a couple of beers.  First up was a Wipeout IPA from Port Brewing Company.  Great as always.  Then I had a Pursuit of Pale Ale from Victory Brewing Company.  It was just OK for me.  Nothing spectacular.  Before leaving the gal behind the bar gave me an unsolicited taste of John John Dead Guy from Rogue Ales.  Smart gal behind the bar.  I had to stay and have a full glass.  It was a wonderful and complex beer.  The oak taste from the barrels was clearly evident.  I also got tastes of sweet vanilla.  It was time to go but later on I was able to visit the Pickering Creek Inn in Phoenixville.  I must go in there at weird times because it was empty just like the last time I was in there.  I'm not complaining.  As far as I'm concerned that's a good thing for me.  I just want to sit and enjoy a beer and not be bothered by anyone.  I had a Southampton Keller Pils from Southampton Brewery and Publick House.  Under normal circumstances I would probably have said this was a really nice pils but I have been drinking quite a bit of Keller Pils at the Sly Fox and maybe I am biased towards the local brewery but I think Sly Fox has the better product.  I would definitely still order a Southampton again if it was on the menu though.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Nice Drive in the Country

Yesterday was such a nice day I had to take a drive in the country with the family.  By chance the kids fell asleep just as we were nearing Union Jack's Inn on the Manatawny.  So I went in to give the kids a chance to sleep and my wife a chance to enjoy the peace and quiet.

I had 2 really nice IPA's.  The first was an Islander IPA from Coronado Brewing Company.  I have had this in a bottle before an thought it was OK.  This is the first time I have had it on draught and it was much better.  My second beer at Union Jack's was a Conductor IPA from Steamworks Brewing Company.  This is actually an imperial IPA.  It was a pleasant enough beer but I have had other imperial IPA's that I would prefer over this one (Port Hop 15 comes to mind).  Regardless, I enjoyed two very nice beers and left a happy customer.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Friday Evening at the Drafting Room

Last night after work I stopped in at the Drafting Room in Exton because they had a couple of beers on the menu that I wanted to try.  First up was an Original Ale from Boxcar Brewing Company.  I wanted to try this one because apparently Boxcar is a new brewery in West Chester, PA and I work in West Chester.  It was a pleasant pale ale but as I was drinking it I thought, "if you are going to start a brewery in Victory's back yard you should make extreme beers", which this was not.  But what do I know?  I wish Boxcar the best of luck and I will continue to support them as I do with all the local beers. 

Next up was a Saison du Potts from Dock Street.  This is an excellent farmhouse ale.  One of the best I have ever had.  I wanted to have another one right after the first but it violates my "never have the same beer in a row" rule. 

Next I had a Shark Attack from Port Brewing Company.  This is a double red ale and it is a very nice beer indeed as I have come to expect from Port Brewing. 

I ended up the evening at the Drafting Room with a Heavy Seas - Small Craft Warning from Clipper City Brewing Company.  This is an imperial pilsner or uber pils (it would be really cool if I could figure out how to put those two dots above the "u" in uber).  I must admit I am not a big fan of this beer.  Maybe it's me but I just didn't like the taste.

Later in the night I made my way to the Sly Fox in Phoenixville.  I wanted to have another one of those Keller Pikeland Pils but it apparently kicked shortly before I got there so I had to settle for a US Saaz Keller Pils which happens to be a very good pils but for some reason I prefer the Keller Pikeland.

I can't wait to see how my adventure goes today (Saturday).

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Capone's and Sly Fox Saturday

My 5-year-old daughter was invited to a birthday party Saturday in Norristown.  So after we dropped her off it seemed like a good idea for me to go to Capone's and have a beer.  My other 2 daughters and my wife seemed very happy to wait in the car but being the kind of father/husband I am I wouldn't leave them out there long.  I had an E.S. Bam from Jolly Pumpkin.  The E.S. apparently for extra special farmhouse ale.  The only other beer I previously had from Jolly Pumpkin was the Bam Biere (not to be confused with the E.S. Bam).  I am just not a fan of these beers.  Although I love the dry finish it is the perfumey, almost chemical taste that I don't care for.  As I said before, it may just be my beer ignorance of this style but regardless, I didn't care for it.  I followed that with a Crazy Ivan IPA from Bear Republic.  They call this a "Belgo-American IPA".  As I have said before, traditional Belgian-style beers are awesome and American IPA's are awesome but it does not necessarily mean that some hybrid of each is going to produce something as good or better than the parts.  Belgian IPA's never work for me.  That is not to say this is a bad beer.  It was pretty good but I think I would have enjoyed a nice Belgian followed by a nice American IPA better (as opposed to both concurrently).  Although I saw Bear Republic's Apex on the menu and was tempted to get one to restore my faith in Bear Republic I decided to head back out to the car because that's the kind of father/husband I am.

As dinner time drew near my 4-year-old daughter shouted "Let's go to Sly Fox for dinner" which was not prompted by me in any way.  My wife didn't like the idea but she suggested I take my two oldest daughters there for dinner and she would enjoy the relative quiet of our home with the baby.  So that is what I did.  I had the Keller Pils which is quickly becoming my favorite Sly Fox beer.  I also ordered a Greek Chicken Wrap which is my favorite sandwich there.  I also took this opportunity to have a Saison Vos.  Ahhhh, now that is what I consider a nice farmhouse ale.  I ended with a Royal Weisse which never disappoints.  The kids behaved and as it turns out it was a very nice dinner.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Friday at TJ's and Sly Fox and Politics

I had a chance to have a couple of nice beers today.  I went to TJ's Restaurant and Drinkery in Paoli for lunch which started with a Saison DuPont and a great Buffalo Chicken wrap.  I followed that with a Mikkeller Simcoe Single Hop IPA.  This was a very nice IPA with an earthy taste that was not at all unpleasant.  Before leaving TJ's I also enjoyed a Too Cream Stout from Dark Horse Brewing Company.  I found this to be an average tasting stout. 

On the way home from work I stopped in at the Sly Fox in Phoenixville and started with a Keller Pils.  I had one of these on Mother's Day and I couldn't wait to get my hands on another.  This is a very good, unfiltered Pilsner.  I followed that with a US Saaz Pils and as happened on Mother's Day, I enjoyed the Keller Pils better although both were excellent.  For some unexplained reason the Keller Pils had a happy hour price of $2.50 and the US Saaz Pils had a happy hour price of $4.50 (actually it's full price, i.e. no happy hour pricing for this one).  Not being one to turn down a great deal I ordered another Keller Pils.  Thanks to JP for another great experience at the Sly Fox.

On a completely unrelated note I have to say that I am dissappointed with Pennsylvania's rejection of Arlen Specter.  Here's how I see it.  You have these idiots on the left that want to give away the farm and aren't really concerned about how to pay for it all.  And then you have these idiots on the right that want to make sure that the rich get richer so they can continue to trickle down the prosperity to the rest of us.  The only thing that makes the right the worst alternative for me is that they also want to tell you how to behave.  I believe most Americans (in fact most people regardless of nationality) live in the center and should want their representative to be somewhere in the center.  The problem is that with our corrupt two-party system you have to toe the party line to a certain degree or you don't have a chance of (re) election.  The weaker politicians have to toe the party line with greater consistancy.  It seems to me that Arlen Specter voted with the party only when he absolutely had to and he voted his conscience the rest of the time (with of course the one exception of the big one that got him fired).  We need more representation for the center in Washington not the left or the right and that is why it was a mistake for Pennsylvania to reject Arlen Specter.

Now as far as this political system we have in America I think we can take the whole process and trade it in on a better one.  Do I think I am smarter than our founding fathers?  Well actually yes I do.  It was a great system when our founding father's created it.  Send representatives to Washington to vote for us in our stead.  That made a lot of sense in the 18th century.  We all couldn't walk or get on our horse and go to Washington so we sent folks to represent our interest.  Well a lot has changed since then and the respresentatives are not really looking out for our interests are they?  But they are really no longer required.  Instead of asking a handful of representatives to vote on behalf of 350+ million people, how about putting the vote for all legislation to the American people directly via the Internet?  Let's not just vote out the incumbents and replace them in like kind.  Let's vote out the politicians and not replace them.  We have the technology.  Ironically, we have had the technology since Al Gore invented the internet.

For what it is worth Senator Specter, thanks for a job well done.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Wipeout on the Way Home from the Mall

After work tonight I went to the mall to buy some clothes in anticipation of casual dress days at work for the duration of the summer.  God, I hate shopping and especially shopping at the mall.  By the time I was done I was so thirsty I had to stop at the Drafting Room in Exton for a drink.  I chose a Wipeout IPA from Port Brewing Company.  As I have said many times, this is one great IPA.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Weekend Wonders

Friday night I stopped in at the Flying Pig in Malvern after work. First up was an IPA from Southern Tier. This was a nice tasting beer but definitely not an extreme beer like I have come to expect. After that I enjoyed an Imperial Brown Ale from Lagunitas. They didn’t call it the Wilco Tango Foxtrot but I think that it what it was. Nice and tasty.

On Saturday I was on my way to Zern’s Farmer’s Market in Gilbertsville to get some tomato and pepper plants for my garden. I had my 1-year-old with me and as luck would have it she fell asleep just before we got there. I decided to take a detour out into the country to give her a chance to sleep. I found my way to Union Jack’s Inn on the Manatawny and parked the car. The baby was still asleep. Waiting…waiting…turn the radio up a little louder…eventually she woke up. We went in and I had a Spite Pepper Ale from Founder’s Brewing Company. This was a most unusual beer. It smelled of fresh Bell pepper’s and tasted like jalapeño’s. I have had pepper beers before but never one like this. Your mouth will actually feel the heat of these peppers. After one beer I felt like I just ate a bowl of hot chili. I mean that in a good way but I usually like to follow my chili with a beer so I ordered a Big Eye IPA from Ballast Point Brewing Company. That hit the spot. What a nice refreshing IPA.

On Sunday I ended up at Union Jack’s Congo Hotel in Bally. I only had time for one (wife and kids waiting in the car) so I made it a double. Double Trouble that is…from Founder’s. This is a fine example of a DIPA. Then it was off to the playground to burn off a little steam.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Hop Wallop In The House

Once again I have Victory's Hop Wallop on tap in my basement.  This is an awesome IPA and at 8.5% I think it is a great value for $73 a sixtel.  The best part is that my wife enjoys this one as much as I do.  What a that a good thing?  There's one thing I know that's a good thing.  I have this one on tap AND Founder's Red's Rye at the same time.  Life is good.

Monday, May 10, 2010

So Many Beers...So Little Time

It was a pretty busy weekend of beer tasting. On Friday I started at Capone’s Restaurant in Norristown. First up was a Mongo IPA from Port Brewing Company. This was even better than expected. Next up was a B.O.R.I.S. The Crusher Oatmeal-Imperial Stout from Hoppin’ Frog Brewery. This is a nice example of an imperial stout. I followed that with a Victory At Sea Coffee Vanilla Imperial Porter from Ballast Point Brewing Company. This was the best tasting chocolate milk I ever drank (drunk?). I then went to the Black Horse Tavern in Norristown (actually closer to Collegeville) but the best I saw on draught was a Yeungling Lager. After sipping my lager I noticed Chimay and other nice bottles were available. I then went to Pickering Creek Inn in Phoenixville. I had a Quercus Vitus Humulus from Otter Creek Brewing. I loved the big alcohol but not necessarily the taste. I moved on to a Raspberry Ale from Dark Horse Brewing Company. This was pretty enjoyable. Maybe because it followed that Otter Creek, I don’t know. Next up was an Oatmeal Stout from Breckenridge BBQ and Brewpub. This was a nice-enough stout but nothing spectacular. Next was a quick stop at the Sly Fox in Phoenixville for a Pikeland Pils and I finally had my fill.

On Saturday I went to TJ’s Restaurant and Drinkery in Paoli. I had my usual Cajun Chicken Sandwich which was awesome as usual. I had a Greenville Pale Ale from Twin Lakes Brewing Company. This was not so awesome. It was an OK pale ale…just not awesome. So to go with my awesome Cajun Chicken Sandwich I ordered an awesome Mongo IPA (see paragraph above). Now that’s more like it.

For Mother’s Day I took my wife and kids to the Sly Fox in Phoenixville. I had a US Saaz Keller Pils which I enjoyed the heck out of. I then had the Keller Pikeland Pils which was just as good. Actually, I couldn’t taste the difference. I think both are based on the same recipe but one uses US Saaz hops and the other German and Czech. Both are unfiltered and both are delicious.

Monday, May 3, 2010

No Time Left For You

Not even enough time to blog.  What a crazy life.  This past Saturday...Union Jack's Inn on the Manatawny...3 beers.  Souther Tier Oak Aged Unearthly Imperial IPA, yeah it's as good as it sounds.  Double D IPA from Otto's Pub and Brewery in State College.  Another good Imperial IPA.  After all these hops I was looking for something malty.  Java Head Stout from Troeg's Brewing Company would do the trick.  This is good.  If you like coffee you will think this one is good as well.

Then Craft Ale House in Limerick.  2 beers.   Bruery Rugbrod was first up.  Now I like rye beers a lot.  But this one was not my favorite.  Don't get me wrong...I'll get one again in the future but it wasn't fantastic.  I guess I wasn't expecting it to be that dark I don't know.  Finally I had a chance to  try a beer from Jolly Pumpkin Artisan Ales.  I had the Bam Biere.  I usually like the saison style and I know this brewer has a great reputation but this was not my favorite saison.  I suspect that it is my ignorance.  I probably really like Americanized versions of the style.  Perhaps one day I will graduate to the real deal.  I will say that it is very dry and I like that.  I will need to have another to be sure.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Room for a Draught

I had time to stop in at the Drafting Room in Exton tonight to enjoy a beer or two.  First up was The Wise ESB from Elysian Brewing Company.  I really enjoyed this one.  Especially the mouth feel and the thick creamy head, not to mention a nice hop flavor worthy of the style ESB.  I followed this with a Gubna from Oskar Blues Brewery.  I enjoyed this one quite a bit as well but it occurred to me that I may have just enjoyed that high alcohol content and not necessarily the taste.  I'll have to give this one another shot in the future.  With a little luck I will make it to Union Jack's Inn on the Manatawny tomorrow for lunch.  Gosh I hope they still have the Jolly Pumpkin on.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Buzz then Beer?

I knew that TJ's Restaurant and Drinkery in Paoli had Pliny the Elder on tap today and I just couldn't resist the tempation to stop in after work for a quick one.  I look forward to the day when Russian River Brewing Company either expands their capacity to the level required to satisfy the demand for this great beer or decides to have it contract brewed, but something has to give.  I guess the same could be said for Pliny the Younger but I don't know because I have never had it.  It is that hard to get!  Sometimes I wonder if it is really a matter of capacity and resources or is it really just an elaborate long-term marketing scheme.  Come on guys, you got the buzz now get the beer.  Kind of backwards huh?

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sly Fox Opens In Phoenixville Once Again

Yesterday without any announcement that I am aware of, the Sly Fox opened it's new brewpub in Phoenixville. My wife noticed that there were balloons and a lot of cars at the new location and surmised that they must have opened. Could they reopen without any announcement? Even their website didn't mention the opening. I had to see for myself. I went over at about 8:30 last night and sure enough they were open. A lot of people somehow learned that they were open because there was quite a crowd. Apparently they did a soft opening in anticipation of some wrinkles which almost always occur with an opening. Good move. Apparently there were wrinkles.

As I was enjoying a tall Royal Weisse I was greeted by owner Pete Giannopoulos. Pete was kind enough to give me a sneak peek into the as-yet unopened part of the dining room which can be isolated from the rest of the restaurant by closing a pair of large sliding doors. Just as the original location had the upstairs section for private parties this room will be available to serve the same purpose. I told Pete that it might have been easy for them to say "Well we have the Royersford location we really don't need a presence in Phoenixville anymore". Pete said that idea "never, never, never" was a consideration. Thanks Pete.  Just like me they call Phoenixville home.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Beer, Wine and...Oh Yeah...Food

Friday after work I had some time to kill waiting for my pizza to get cooked so I stopped in at the Drafting Room in Exton.  I had a Jack D'or from Pretty Things Beer and Ale Project.  I am particularly fond of the saison style and this is a good one.  I drank it so fast I had time for a second beer.  I had to get the cask-conditioned Racer 5 from Bear Republic.  Awesome as usual.  My sister and brother-in-law watched our kids so my wife could take me out for dinner for my birthday.  We went to Daddy Mim's Creole BYOB in downtown Phoenixville.  We started with Crawfish Spring Rolls which were very good.  I then had Grouper on Jambalaya which was fantastic.  My wife had Jumbo Lump Crabmeat Cake which she enjoyed thoroughly.  Before and during dinner we managed to have 2 bottles of wine.  First was a 2006 Rutherford Cabernet Savignon Beaulieu Vinyard (courtesy of my sister for my birthday...the same sister who was watching my kids...what a great sister) and second was a 2006 Roar Syrah Gary's Vinyard.  All-in-all it was a great night out.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Mid-week Shenanigans

On the way home from work last night I stopped at Exton Beverage to pick up my next sixtel for home consumption.  As usual the choices were many but I ended up taking home Red's Rye PA from Founder's Brewing Company.  I have had this in a sixtel at home before and enjoyed the heck out of it.  It is also great in bottles.  As I traveled home up Route 100 I couldn't resist stopping in at the Drafting Room in Exton for a quick one.  I had a Sublimely Self-Righteous Ale from Stone Brewing Company.  This is a dark-as-coal strong ale that tastes like an IPA at first and then after the swallow you get the taste of dark chocolate.  It's a very good beer but I'm not crazy about the style.

I went to TJ's Restaurant and Drinkery in Paoli for lunch today.  I had an Arrogant Bastard also from Stone Brewing Company and also a strong ale although quite different from the Sublimely Self-Righteous.  I could drink a couple of these (but I didn't).  It went well with the Buffalo Chicken wrap that I had for lunch...excellent as always.  After work I went home and tapped my new keg of Red's Rye PA from Founder's Brewing Company.  I can not emphasize enough how very good it is to have this back on tap at the house.  Life is good.