Monday, December 6, 2010

Too Much Fun. No Time for Beer.

The weekend was pretty much a bust as far as beer is concerned.  Family obligations kept me out Friday night.  Saturday night I had a chance to go out but couldn't get the energy to go very far.  I went to the Sly Fox in Phoenixville.  I had a Royal Weisse, a Saison Vos and an Oatmeal Stout.  All were good but it's the same beer I've been drinking forever.  Sunday was a bust also.  Two Christmas parties and both were for the kids.  In between I did stop in for a quick one at McKenzie's in Frazer.  I had a Saison Vautour.  It was quite good with a nice dry finish.  Then I had to get back out to the car to get us to the second party which happened to be at a movie theatre.  We saw a 3-D movie called Tangled.  It has been years since I went to the movies and even longer since I saw anything in 3D.  I have 2 observations.  Some time in the past 15 years they have made great strides in making theatre seats more comfortable and technological leaps in 3D technology that allow me to believe for a second that I am about to get splashed by that water coming my way.

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