Friday, October 15, 2010

No Randall Required?

After work tonight I stopped at TJ's Restaurant and Drinkery in Paoli.  I started with an Outdoor Harvest Ale from Ithaca Beer Company.  This is a very nice American Pale Ale...nothing extreme...just a good tasting pale ale.  I'll look for it again.  I ended with a Nosferatu from Great Lakes Brewing Company.  I love this brewer but this beer?  Not so much.  It was OK but I won't travel to get another one.  TJ's was hopping again tonight.  I hate to think it is because of that stupid Randall they have.  I'm all for innovation but it seems to me if the brewer wanted vanilla in his/her stout he/she would have put it in there.  Maybe I'm old school.

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