Monday, May 17, 2010

Weekend Wonders

Friday night I stopped in at the Flying Pig in Malvern after work. First up was an IPA from Southern Tier. This was a nice tasting beer but definitely not an extreme beer like I have come to expect. After that I enjoyed an Imperial Brown Ale from Lagunitas. They didn’t call it the Wilco Tango Foxtrot but I think that it what it was. Nice and tasty.

On Saturday I was on my way to Zern’s Farmer’s Market in Gilbertsville to get some tomato and pepper plants for my garden. I had my 1-year-old with me and as luck would have it she fell asleep just before we got there. I decided to take a detour out into the country to give her a chance to sleep. I found my way to Union Jack’s Inn on the Manatawny and parked the car. The baby was still asleep. Waiting…waiting…turn the radio up a little louder…eventually she woke up. We went in and I had a Spite Pepper Ale from Founder’s Brewing Company. This was a most unusual beer. It smelled of fresh Bell pepper’s and tasted like jalapeƱo’s. I have had pepper beers before but never one like this. Your mouth will actually feel the heat of these peppers. After one beer I felt like I just ate a bowl of hot chili. I mean that in a good way but I usually like to follow my chili with a beer so I ordered a Big Eye IPA from Ballast Point Brewing Company. That hit the spot. What a nice refreshing IPA.

On Sunday I ended up at Union Jack’s Congo Hotel in Bally. I only had time for one (wife and kids waiting in the car) so I made it a double. Double Trouble that is…from Founder’s. This is a fine example of a DIPA. Then it was off to the playground to burn off a little steam.

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