Sunday, December 12, 2010

Dancin' With The Devil

My wife and I went to dinner last night at Zacharia's Creek Side Cafe in Worcester, PA.  We started with a cheese plate which had 2 excellent cheeses (Pecorino Romano Italy and Taleggio Cow's Milk) and one that was not my style (Hendrick's Dairy Selections, Cow's Milk).  I'm sure this was an excellent cheese but it just didn't suit me.  Then again, I'm no cheese connoisseur. My wife had the excellent Jumbo Lump Crabcakes and I had the equally excellent Swordfish.  Truth be known, the best part of the meal was the  potatoes & parsnip purée which came with the Crabcakes.  This was absolutely fabulous.  We had a most excellent Pinot Noir with dinner.  2007 Seasmoke Southing was probably the best wine I ever had.

After dinner we stopped in at the Blue Dog Pub in Lansdale.  I have always wanted to visit the Blue Dog.  I ordered a Devil Dancer from Founder's.  They call this a triple IPA.  It is a huge beer.  Imagine as much hops and alcohol that you could expect in a beer and then triple it.  I wanted to drink it fast because my wife was waiting patiently out in the car but I couldn't drink this beer fast.  At 12% alcohol I had no choice but to sip it.  It was pretty good.  Not the best extreme IPA I have ever had but it was pretty darn good.

Thanks to Gin and Dave for taking care of the kids so we could have a great night out.

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