Saturday, May 29, 2010

Friday Evening at the Drafting Room

Last night after work I stopped in at the Drafting Room in Exton because they had a couple of beers on the menu that I wanted to try.  First up was an Original Ale from Boxcar Brewing Company.  I wanted to try this one because apparently Boxcar is a new brewery in West Chester, PA and I work in West Chester.  It was a pleasant pale ale but as I was drinking it I thought, "if you are going to start a brewery in Victory's back yard you should make extreme beers", which this was not.  But what do I know?  I wish Boxcar the best of luck and I will continue to support them as I do with all the local beers. 

Next up was a Saison du Potts from Dock Street.  This is an excellent farmhouse ale.  One of the best I have ever had.  I wanted to have another one right after the first but it violates my "never have the same beer in a row" rule. 

Next I had a Shark Attack from Port Brewing Company.  This is a double red ale and it is a very nice beer indeed as I have come to expect from Port Brewing. 

I ended up the evening at the Drafting Room with a Heavy Seas - Small Craft Warning from Clipper City Brewing Company.  This is an imperial pilsner or uber pils (it would be really cool if I could figure out how to put those two dots above the "u" in uber).  I must admit I am not a big fan of this beer.  Maybe it's me but I just didn't like the taste.

Later in the night I made my way to the Sly Fox in Phoenixville.  I wanted to have another one of those Keller Pikeland Pils but it apparently kicked shortly before I got there so I had to settle for a US Saaz Keller Pils which happens to be a very good pils but for some reason I prefer the Keller Pikeland.

I can't wait to see how my adventure goes today (Saturday).

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