Friday, May 21, 2010

Friday at TJ's and Sly Fox and Politics

I had a chance to have a couple of nice beers today.  I went to TJ's Restaurant and Drinkery in Paoli for lunch which started with a Saison DuPont and a great Buffalo Chicken wrap.  I followed that with a Mikkeller Simcoe Single Hop IPA.  This was a very nice IPA with an earthy taste that was not at all unpleasant.  Before leaving TJ's I also enjoyed a Too Cream Stout from Dark Horse Brewing Company.  I found this to be an average tasting stout. 

On the way home from work I stopped in at the Sly Fox in Phoenixville and started with a Keller Pils.  I had one of these on Mother's Day and I couldn't wait to get my hands on another.  This is a very good, unfiltered Pilsner.  I followed that with a US Saaz Pils and as happened on Mother's Day, I enjoyed the Keller Pils better although both were excellent.  For some unexplained reason the Keller Pils had a happy hour price of $2.50 and the US Saaz Pils had a happy hour price of $4.50 (actually it's full price, i.e. no happy hour pricing for this one).  Not being one to turn down a great deal I ordered another Keller Pils.  Thanks to JP for another great experience at the Sly Fox.

On a completely unrelated note I have to say that I am dissappointed with Pennsylvania's rejection of Arlen Specter.  Here's how I see it.  You have these idiots on the left that want to give away the farm and aren't really concerned about how to pay for it all.  And then you have these idiots on the right that want to make sure that the rich get richer so they can continue to trickle down the prosperity to the rest of us.  The only thing that makes the right the worst alternative for me is that they also want to tell you how to behave.  I believe most Americans (in fact most people regardless of nationality) live in the center and should want their representative to be somewhere in the center.  The problem is that with our corrupt two-party system you have to toe the party line to a certain degree or you don't have a chance of (re) election.  The weaker politicians have to toe the party line with greater consistancy.  It seems to me that Arlen Specter voted with the party only when he absolutely had to and he voted his conscience the rest of the time (with of course the one exception of the big one that got him fired).  We need more representation for the center in Washington not the left or the right and that is why it was a mistake for Pennsylvania to reject Arlen Specter.

Now as far as this political system we have in America I think we can take the whole process and trade it in on a better one.  Do I think I am smarter than our founding fathers?  Well actually yes I do.  It was a great system when our founding father's created it.  Send representatives to Washington to vote for us in our stead.  That made a lot of sense in the 18th century.  We all couldn't walk or get on our horse and go to Washington so we sent folks to represent our interest.  Well a lot has changed since then and the respresentatives are not really looking out for our interests are they?  But they are really no longer required.  Instead of asking a handful of representatives to vote on behalf of 350+ million people, how about putting the vote for all legislation to the American people directly via the Internet?  Let's not just vote out the incumbents and replace them in like kind.  Let's vote out the politicians and not replace them.  We have the technology.  Ironically, we have had the technology since Al Gore invented the internet.

For what it is worth Senator Specter, thanks for a job well done.

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