Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year (Good Riddance 2009)

This day could not have come quickly enough.  2009 was a lously year for my family.  I lost my father, my brother-in-law and my dog.  I know it is irrational to think that the flip of a calendar can make all of the difference but that is my hope.  And 2009 wasn't going to go away without flicking my earlobe one last time just for the fun of it.  I spent the last 4 days in bed with a fever and the aches and pain that go along with it.  I also haven't eaten solid food or had any alcoholic drinks in 4 days unless you count whiskey which was strickly medicinal.  A shot or two of Tullamore Dew will cure what ails you.  Which brings me to today...New Years Eve.  My wife took the kids and went to her parents primarily because I don't have the greatest disposition when I am sick.  After they left I started to feel a little better.  By this evening I was ready for food and even beer.

On the way home from the grocery store I stopped at the Epicurean Restaurant and Bar in Phoenixville to get a couple of bottles of beer for tonight.  Check out their website (I clicked on the tab that said "Tapas Menu" only to learn that this would not tell you their draught beer selection).  I started for home and somewhere along the way I decided that I would make hot wings for dinner.  Probably not the best choice but that's what I did.  Then something in the oven started to smoke pretty bad.  Perhaps this was yet another ear-flicking curtesy of Year 2009.  My (new) dog couldn't wait for me to let her out of the house which is unusual.  The other unusual thing I noticed as the house filled with smoke is that the smoke detectors never went off.  I will get new smoke detectors ASAP because I would feel pretty stupid if me and the dog died and the house burned down because I didn't have working smoke detectors (which probably only cost $25 a shot).

Anyway, the beers I got from the Epicurean and enjoyed this evening are Orval Trappist Ale, Duvel Belgian Golden Ale, and Delirium Noel.  First of all, they are from Belgium so you know they are great.  If you look carefully in the photo you can see all of my friends who celebrated with me tonight sitting in the kitchen chairs in the background.

Here's to a great 2010!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Chicken and Beer...Sounds Good to Me

I took my two oldest kids to Craft Ale House in Limerick for a snack yesterday.  The kids shared a bucket o' fries and I got some spicey chicken strips.  I forget the actual names from the menu and their website still does not have the food menu online (Incidentally they are celebrating their 1 year anniversary today).  Regardless, the food was great as usual.  The kids got lemonade to have with their fries.  I thought beer would go well with my chicken so I ordered a Great Lakes Eliot Ness Amber Lager.  This is a nice beer as far as lagers go.  I then had a Mad Elf from Troegs.  You have to like barley wines to like this one.  I happen to like barley wines.  All was well in the world.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Mom

We went to Kimberton Inn to celebrate my mother's 80th birthday tonight.  We had the Wine Cellar and pretty much filled it with family.  The food was great by all accounts.  We ordered pasta with red sauce for our kids and I ordered the duck.  My 5-year-old daughter ate as much of my duck as I did.  I had mixed emotions about the beer.  They had only 3 taps.  That's not great.  But I have to give them credit.  They could have used those 3 taps for Bud, Miller and Coors but that was not the case.  They had Yard's Pale Ale, Brooklyn Lager and Sly Fox "unfiltered wheat beer" which I assumed to be the Berliner Weisse.  Although I applaud the Kimberton Inn for using their 3 taps for 3 beers that are out of the mainstream I am not a big fan of any of the 3.  I started with the Yard's Pale Ale.  I have had mixed reaction to this beer in the past.  Some times I think it is great and sometimes it is a struggle to get through one.  I don't know if it is poor quality control at Yards or maybe the beer is just not taken care of in transportation.  Regardless, I didn't care all that much for the Yard's tonight.  I then tried the Brooklyn Lager.  I have to admit that I haven't enjoyed any beer from Brooklyn Brewery and a lager was not likely to change my mind.  As it turned out my mind was not changed.  I went back to the Yards.  What about the Sly Fox beer?  Assuming it was the Berliner thanks.  That is not something I want to drink.  Interestingly enough, if it happened to be the Royal Weisse from Sly Fox I would have been all over it.  How can the brewer make one really great Weisse and that Berliner Weisse?

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Saturday Night and I Ain't Got Nobody

It was a dark and stormy night...but I was hungry and thirsty so I decided to go to the Craft Ale House in Limerick for some dinner.  Earlier in the day my wife took the kids to visit with her parents for the weekend which gave me the opportunity to complete some of those projects around the house that had been waiting for me.  I lost track of time and forgot to eat lunch.  Next thing I know it is dinner time and I hadn't prepared anything.  That's how I ended up with the great idea of going to the Craft Ale House for dinner. 

I ordered a Terrapin Hopsecutioner.  I'm not a big fan of these stupid names (what is a Hopsecutioner anyway) but the beer was pretty good.  As you might suspect from the name, it is an IPA and I think I would order this again when I see it.  Next I ordered a Steamworks Lizard Head Red and a fish and chips dinner.  If I was a thinking man I probably would not have ordered this beer with this dinner but that thought didn't occur to me until it was too late.  Regardless, this beer was more malty than I expected.  Clara Peller might have said, "Where's the hops".  So I had an OK beer with an awesome fish and chips dinner.  Yeah, they do the fish and chips right at CAH.

After dinner I sampled a Bell's Christmas Ale.  I had low expectations as I typically don't care for Christmas Ales.  This one was different.  It was not the spicy Christmas Ale I was expecting.  It was a very sweet malty beer.  Definitely not my style.  I ordered a Hercules DIPA from Great Divide without hesitation.  This is a nice DIPA.  Not the best I've had but I enjoyed the heck out of it tonight. 

I wish I could stay here all night at the Craft Ale House.  It occurs to me that my life is a dichotomy.  Often my wife is in the car with the kids and I rush into places like Craft Ale House and have a beer...maybe two and rush back out to the car.  Then there are nights like tonight.  No wife, no kids...and no designated driver.  Either way I'm limited in the quantity of beers I can enjoy.  I guess that's my cross to bear.

Friday, December 25, 2009


I left work a little early on Wednesday and made my way to The Flying Pig Saloon in Malvern.  I had a Double Aught Czech Pilsner from Bear Republic Brewing Company.  This beer was unremarkable.  There was nothing wrong with it.  It was not unpleasant.  It was simply unremarkable.  So I won't remark further.  I followed that with a Dugana Imperial IPA from Avery Brewing Company.  This is a pretty good Imperial IPA with a nice floral aroma and taste.  The considerable alcohol was well hidden.  On the way home I called for a pizza.  I had a couple of minutes to kill so it's a good thing the pizza joint is next to the Sly Fox in Phoenixville.  I went in and had a Sovereign pale ale.  Like the Double Aught earlier, this beer was also unremarkable.

I went home and tapped the sixtel of Celebration Ale from Sierra Nevada Brewing Company.  I have to say that I am a little disappointed.  I have enjoyed this nice IPA in bottles on many occasions.  I think it tastes better from the bottle. 

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Cabin Fever Relief

We had a big snow on Saturday.  Probably about a foot of snow fell at the house.  So Saturday was hard work shoveling snow and goofing around with the kids.  By Sunday I felt like the kids were getting cabin fever so we loaded up the car and went for a ride in the country.  As luck would have it we were out near Union Jack's Inn on the Manatawny about the time the kids fell asleep.  My wife was OK with it so I went into Union Jack's while they slept in the car.  I ordered a Santa's Little Helper Imperial Stout from Port Brewing Company.  This brewer continues to impress me.  I never thought anyone could come close to making a stout as good as Founder's Breakfast Stout but this one does.  I would like to have Santa's Little Helper and Breakfast Stout side by side for the sake of comparison.  And in fact I could have done that at Union Jack's today as they had both on tap.  But with the wife and kids in the car I decided to save that comparison for another day.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Beer and Stink Bugs

On the way to pick up our pizza tonight I stopped in for a quick drink at the Sly Fox in Phoenixville.  I had a Columbus Pale Ale.  This is a pretty nice pale ale, especially at the $2.50 price for happy hour. 

On an unrelated note, I poured myself a Founder's Red's Rye last night and set it on the end table next to my chair while goofing around on the internet.  I knew I was getting close to the bottom of that sixtel and I was going to savor this beer.  I became involved in whatever it was that I was doing and didn't even get to take a sip when I heard the sound of a bug flying around the light on the end table next to me.  Then it stopped.  I grabbed my beer and prudently looked inside before taking a sip.  And there is was.  A stink bug floating on the top.  If it was any other kind of bug I would probably have picked it out of the beer and drank the beer that the bug left behind.  But a stink bug?  I just couldn't do it.  I poured the beer down the sink.  On my way to the basement for a fresh Red's Rye I was lamenting my bad luck and thinking only I could have a stink bug land in my full beer.  I then set the glass down, pulled the tap handle guessed it.  The keg kicked.

I did manage to get to Exton Beverage today at lunch to purchase my next keg.  I chose Sierra Nevada Celebration.  I hope to tap it a little later.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Who Says Life is Too Short to Drink Cheap Beer?

I couldn't resist going to TJ's Restaurant and Drinkery in Paoli this evening after work.  They have a "Keg Kicker" happy hour from 4 to 6 pm Monday through Friday.  They pick a couple of draught beers (presumably those they would like to kick) and offer them to you for $3.  If you were not familiar with TJ's you might think they would offer something pedestrian like Yuengling or Blue Moon but you would be wrong.  Today for example, one of those Keg Kicker beers was Port Brewing Company's Hop 15.  This is an awesome DIPA as I have mentioned before and for $3 (regularly $5.50) how could I resist.  I am usually happy to pay $5.50 for a Hop 15 but it tastes even better when you are only paying $3.

Monday, December 14, 2009

A Very Sad Occasion

The world lost a true gentleman last Sunday when my brother-in-law lost his battle with cancer. I could not have asked for a better husband for my sister. He was a man of few words and he would be uncomfortable being the center of attention. However, on our way to his memorial service you couldn't help notice the large rainbow stretching across the sky which was curious because there was no rain that day nor was any expected. Just a few clouds and a lot of blue sky. I'm not saying that Sheldon necessarily made that rainbow happen but if it was possible for him to do so that is how I would expect him to say "I'm with you and I'm OK".

I traveled to rural South Carolina for the service and to visit with my sister and their son and hopefully provide some form of comfort. During my stay I had a couple of beers that I had never had before. With all respect to Sheldon, Debbie and Jason, I now turn my attention to the beer.

Thursday at about lunch time I arrived in Columbia, SC. I made the 15 minute trip from the airport to Hunter Gatherer Brewery for some lunch and refreshment. The atmosphere is nice with exposed beams and brick
work. They told me the building was about 100 years old. The average guest was about 21 by my approximation. We are after all virtually on the campus of the University of South Carolina. First up was the Wheat beer. It was a pleasant American style wheat. Nothing extraordinary but a nice beer. Next up was the Pale ale. This was OK but I didn't enjoy it quite as much as the Wheat. Third was the ESB. This was a nice
beer and I thought any of these beers would make a nice session beer. Finally I had the Ye Olde Bastarde. This was a brown ale with a nice taste and it was nicely balanced. I guess I was just in a nice mood. In
between these beers I had a pulled pork sandwich with cole slaw. When I ordered it I forgot that when in South Carolina if you see a pulled pork sandwich with cole slaw on the menu this really means the cole slaw is on the sandwich. When I first saw the sandwich with that slaw on it I was dissappointed but I have to say that the taste was great. I think it's ironic that for me, the highlight of my visit was the food.

The bartender at Hunter Gatherer guided me to Green's which is a good place to get beer to-go. I got a six-pack of Red Brick Brown Ale from Atlanta Brewing Company in Atlanta (duh). I also got a six-pack of Kashmir IPA from Highland Brewing Company in Asheville, NC. The Red Brick was a good brown ale but nothing that I would go out of my way for in the future. Same could be said for the Kashmir IPA. There was nothing wrong with either beer but there was nothing extreme either.

Friday I found myself in rural South Carolina in towns like Greenwood, Abbeville, and Iva. After a google search and some mis-steps with the locals, I determined that finding a fine craft beer on draught was going to be a challenge. I accepted the fact that I would be drinking bottles for the remainder of my trip. The good news is that South Carolina allows you to buy beer at the supermarket, convenience store, Walmart etc. They are blessed with a legislature that understands that free enterprise should be responsible for the sale and distribution of alcohol and not some liquor control board. The bad news is that the selection was not that great.  I went to the grocery store and came back with a 12-pack of Sam Adams Boston Lager. I never understood how this brewer became so successful. I am not a big fan of Sam Adams. Any port in a storm.

On Saturday we went to the Outback Steakhouse in Anderson, SC. They had Fat Tire from New Belgium Brewing on tap. The server told me it was a Belgian White beer simiilar to Blue Moon. I knew better. It is
actually a refreshing amber ale. This was my first draught in a while and I ordered a second one for good measure. I then went to Walmart and picked up a six-pack of Terrapin Rye Pale Ale. Things were starting to
look up. This is a really nice pale. Of course I am always partial to Rye's for some reason. God bless Walmart.

Sunday I was traveling home. I had a layover in Atlanta. I stopped in a TGI Friday's in the airport. I asked about the draught beers and as the server went down the list it was all the usual suspects (Bud, Miller...).
Then she said Sweetwater. I was not familiar with this brewer but the server said the brewer was from Atlanta. Great, pour me one! That's when the trouble started. My server told me that it was Sunday and as such they were not allowed to serve alcohol until 12:30pm. Luckily it was 12:20pm at the time. I told her I can wait. It would seem Georgia's beer laws are as stupid as Pennsylvania's. I guess a beer at 12:20pm would be sinful but 10 minutes later God would be OK with it. How do these politician's get elected? When it finally came out it was a nice enough beer. Turns out to be a Sweetwater 420 Extra Pale Ale. I could have had a couple of these but it was time to go home.

After a severe lack of draught beer for a couple of days I couldn't help but stop somewhere on the way home from Philadelphia International Airport. And what better place than TJ's Restaurant and Drinkery in Paoli. I had a Big Eye IPA from Ballast Point. This is more like it. What a nice IPA. Floral, not too bitter. Satisfied, I made my way home.

On Monday, still suffering from a lack of draught beer in my system I took my wife and my mother to the Craft Ale House in Limerick, PA. I tried the Mama's Little Yellow Pils from Oskar Blues. This is a very nice
pilsner so I ordered one for my mom. I then ordered a Yard's ESB. The brewer calls this a keg-conditioned ESB. I thought it was a pretty good beer but not to be confused with a cask-conditioned beer. Perhaps
marketing at work? Finally, I ordered a Double Simcoe from Weyerbacher. This was a little harsh with alpha acids but a great tasting double IPA. I coaxed my mom into trying it. She was not a big fan.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Quick One at TJ's

In between Christmas parties today I found myself with about 10 minutes of free time.  As it happens we were not far from TJ's Restaurant and Drinkery in Paoli.  Time enough for one beer.  The kids were asleep in the car and my wife was OK with it so in I went.  I ordered a Rogue I2PA (I squared PA, or Imperial India Pale Ale, get it?).  This is a fine tasting IIPA without being overly bitter.  I'm ready for another but time does not allow today.

A Cold and Snowy Saturday

Saturday afternoon and the snow was coming down.  I wasn't going to go to TJ's Restaurant and Drinkery for the anniversary celebration but the snow changed my mind.  Always the contrarian, if people are going to stay away because of the snow I am going to go.  I will have all that good beer to myself.  Boy was I wrong.  The place was packed.  But...since I was there already I made my way inside and ordered a Pliny the Elder from Russian River Brewing Company.  As I have stated before (and as evidenced by the "Favorite IPA's" at the top of this blog) this is a great DIPA.  I had to drink it standing up as I was unable to get a seat due to the crowd.  One of my beer drinking rules is that I will drink one beer standing up.  If a seat does not become available by the time that one is done I will not stand for another.  So despite the fact that they had a phenomenal lineup on, it was time to go.

Next stop was the Sly Fox in Phoenixville.  I thought it was kind of funny that on this cold and snowy night I was in the mood for a Royal Weisse but that is what I ordered.  I placed a to-go request for a couple orders of hot wings and crab dip and a Renard D'or for the wait.  This Belgian-style golden is a nice change of pace but it is not as good as their Saison Vos.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

TJ's For Lunch - Great

My wife called with a really great idea this morning.  "Take me over to pick up my car at the shop and we can have lunch TJ's".  It was a great idea because I love TJ's Restaurant and Drinkery in Paoli and because she and I don't have lunch together nearly often enough.  We both had the Cajun Chicken sandwich (my usual) and it was great.  I had a Bear Republic Racer 5 from the cask.  It too was great.  In fact the only thing that kept "great" from being "excellent" was that I had to pick up the tab.  Small price to pay for a great lunch, great beer and great company.

P.S.  I just looked at TJ's website and I see that the Racer 5 has been replaced by Port Brewing Hop 15.  If you haven't had this DIPA you owe it to yourself to get one.  See list of my favorite IPAs at the top of this blog.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Christmas Tree Hunting

We spent a beautiful Sunday afternoon driving to upstate Pennsylvania in search of the perfect Christmas tree.  By early evening we were driving home and not far from Union Jack's Olde Congo Hotel in Barto.  I went in for a quick one.  I ordered a Dock Street Rye IPA.  This is a really good beer with a nice mouth feel and plenty of hops but just an all around great taste.  I am becoming a big fan of this brewer.  In fact, I don't remember having a Dock Street that I didn't care for.  I have had this beer before and I am sure I will have it again.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Running Errands Saturday

Running errands yesterday I ended up in Malvern so this necessitated a visit to the Flying Pig.  They had a great line up but I already had most so I decided to start with a Terrapin Pale Ale.  This was ok, but nothing great.  Then I ordered a Dock Street Hop Garden double IPA.  This is a great beer.  I am starting to become a big fan of this brewer.  It occurred to me that I was not far from TJ's Restaurant and Drinkery in Paoli.  I ordered an Avery Dugana double IPA so I might compare it to Dock Streets.  I would like to root for the home team but I have to give this one to Avery.  It was smoother with a great hop profile.  Next up was Wolaver's Organic Oatmeal Stout.  This was a nice clean beer but nothing extraordinary.

One thing I noticed today...The Flying Pig was jam packed and I was lucky to find a seat at the bar.  TJ's on the other hand was not busy at all.  I really don't have an explanation for this.  These two bars are reasonably close to each other and have similar lineups.  Both have really good food.  And yet one is busy and the other is not?

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Dale's Disappointment

It's the night before Thanksgiving so I stopped into the Sly Fox in Phoenixville.  They had a new beer on that I wanted to try called Dale's 10K.  Anytime the brewer can't put a beer into a specific category you are in trouble.  Or, anytime they create a new "style" of beer you are in trouble.  This one is no exception.  Come on, make a Pils if that's what you want or make a Dubbel if that's what you want.  But don't make something and then taste it and then say it's an "amber Pils/Dubbel/Bier deGarde hybrid".  That's just a cop-out.  I had to order a Pikeland Pils just to get the taste out of my mouth.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Saturday at the Craft Ale House

I had the opportunity to visit the Craft Ale House in Limerick Saturday afternoon.  It was me and my 3-year-old daughter.  I started with an Oskar Blues Gordon IPA and she had a Sprite.  This is a pleasant IPA.  Next I tried a Stone Double Bastard.  This is big alcohol and big malt.  You could make a meal out of this one.  I ended with a Coronado Red Devil.  This was not as good as I remembered.  There was a flavor that I didn't care for.  It may have something to do with the beers that preceeded this one.  I'll give it another shot in the future. I'm told the Sprite was satisfactory.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Super IPA at the Drafting Room

I went to the Drafting Room in Exton last night after work because their on-line beer menu said they had the Sierra Nevada Bigfoot 2008 on draught.  As it turned out, they took it off tap to make room for a promotion they were doing last night.  It was lucky for me because I ordered a Bear Republic Super Rebellion instead.  They told me it was a pale ale but it sure tasted like an IPA to me.  In fact, it was an excellent beer.  I mean this one was totally fantastic.  I don't know anything about this beer other than the fact that I want more.  I followed this with a Ballast Point Sculpin.  This is also a great IPA.  Not as good as the Super Rebellion but there aren't a lot of beers that would be able to follow that one.  I am going to have to have a Sculpin as my first beer of the day one day to give it a more fair evaluation.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Out With Hop Wallop and In With Yakima Twilight

My Hop Wallop kicked last night so I stopped into Victory Brewing Company in Downingtown tonight to get another sixtel.  My wife wanted me to get another Hop Wallop but as usual I wanted to try something different.  They had a sixtel of Yakima Twilight and although I have had it before I couldn't remember what it was all about.  So the only thing to do was walk over to the bar and order one before taking a chance on a sixtel of something I may not like.  Of course, as is usually the case, there was not a seat available at the bar.  I hate standing while drinking a beer and it seems like these days that is the only way to have a beer at the Victory...standing.  I think they are a victim of their own success.  Back to the beer...Yakima Twilight is a dark ale that surprises you with a big hop nose.  Although I'm sure that the generous hops are responsible for the considerable bitterness it seemed to me that the dark malt was responsible as well.  It was as if I was tasting bitter chocolate underneath this beer.  Maybe I imagined that flavor and maybe not.  I brought home a sixtel of the Yakima Twilight so I'll have plenty of opportunity to either confirm or dismiss the idea.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Sick Day

I am home with a sick child today.  Well, not actually home because my house is getting a new roof today.  So, I am at my mother's house with my sick child today.  As it happens, my mother lives a couple of minutes away from the Craft Ale House in Limerick.  Not one to miss an opportunity like this I stopped in.  First I tried a Terrapin Depth Charge.  It is a milk stout.  It was OK.  It had more carbonation than I expected.  I then ordered an Ommegang Rare Vos.  It should be named Rare Find because although I have had this in bottles before I have never seen it on draught.  This is a fine beer.  Clean and spicy.  It would be easy to believe this was a real Belgian beer.

Fast Weekend

Well that weekend came and went pretty fast.  I did manage to get up to Union Jack's Inn on the Manatawny.  As usual, I had 20 minutes before my wife was coming to pick me up so I made the most of it.  I started with a Lagunitas Little Sumpin' Extra.  This is a really good double IPA.  Nice hop flavor and plenty of alcohol at 8.7% avb.  Next up was a Green Flash Barleywine.  I found it to be kind of harsh tasting, mabye a little green.  Put this keg in the cellar for about two years and I'll bet it will mellow into a really nice barleywine.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Mixing Beer and Business

I was at a company function and the beer was paid for so I was not complaining.  We were at a restaurant in West Chester, Pa called The Landmark Americana Tap and Grill.  First up was an Arrogant Bastard from Stone Brewing Company.  This is a great tasting American Strong Ale weighing in at 7.2% abv.  Next up was a George Washington's Tavern Porter from Yards Brewing Company.  This is an excellent porter with a rich malty flavor and although it has a 7.0% abv the alcohol was hidden well unlike the Arrogant Bastard I finished shortly before.  I wouldn't call the Landmark Americana a great beer bar but I did manage to find 2 really good beers on tap.  It's a good thing I was attending a company function because there really wasn't anything else on tap that I was craving (except maybe that Chimay).

Monday, November 9, 2009

Black Raspberry Reserve Revisited

I was racking up the leaves yesterday and developed quite a thirst.  I ran over to the Sly Fox in Phoenixville for a Pikeland Pils.  On the way in I noticed my sister and her family sitting there having dinner with friends.  They must have forgot that I live near Phoenixville when they were planning this outing.  Anyway, I had my Pikeland Pils and it was just what the doctor ordered.  Although I only intended on having one beer for some reason I changed my mind.  That Black Raspberry Reserve caught my eye.  I haven't had one in a long while.  You don't have to like beer to like this beer.  You do however, need to like raspberries.  They say there is malted barley, wheat and hops in this beer but I can only taste raspberries.  That is not a complaint.  I enjoyed this beer thoroughly.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Good Decisions, Bad Decisions???

Ok, so we have 3 daughters ages 1, 3 and 5.  We also have a large male Boxer.  My wife thinks it is a good idea to go out today and adopt a pit bull from the SPCA.  I can't disagree with her.  On the way to the SPCA I got really thirsty and thought it would be a good idea to stop in to TJ's Restaurant and Eatery in Paoli.  First up was a Coronado Red Devil American Strong Ale.  I enjoyed the heck out of this one.  I smelled hops but tasted only malted barley and alcohol.  I followed this with a Breckenridge Lucky U IPA.  This was a nice tasting beer but it didn't seem to have a lot of flavor.  I admit it may be my fault for having the Coronado Red Devil First.  I decided to try an Oskar Blues Gordon Double IPA next.  I enjoyed this one quite a bit.  Nice copper color, nice citrusy hop flavor.  I'll look for it in the future.  I expected my wife and kids to meet me on the parking lot shortly so I figure I better get going.  We have a dog to adopt for crying out loud.

God bless the folks who work at the SPCA.  They are either volunteers or those that are paid, probably don't get paid very was quite a process.  I had already "met" the dog on Thursday at about noon.  Then me, my wife, the 3 kids and our other dog went down on Thursday evening to "meet" with the dog.  The SPCA thought a 3rd visit would be in order to make sure that we are a good fit for this dog (this dog that was a stray and found it's way to the SPCA).  Anyway, after leaving TJ's, we arrived at the SPCA at about 2:00 in the afternoon.  At about 3:45 I told my wife to take the kids and our other dog home.  I would wait behind to finalize the adoption.  It was about 5:30 before I finally walked out with the dog.

As you might expect, I built up quite a thirst, so on the way home I stopped back in at TJ's.  This would be a good test for the new dog.  How would she behave in a locked car on the parking lot of a bar???  This was kind of an important test.  I had a Troegs Dead Reckoning Porter on cask.  Nice beer.  What a joy.  Yeah, that hop flavor came right through all that dark malt.  I peeked out the blinds and the dog seemed to be doing OK.  I ordered a Peak Organic IPA.  I didn't like my first sip but I must admit, I liked this beer a lot by the time I got to the bottom of it.  It had kind of a homebrew taste but I find that appealing.

The dog passed the test.  We went home and she is settling in nicely.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Another Friday Night

I stopped in to the Drafting Room in Exton tonight after work.  I notice something unfamiliar on the chalkboard.  It is Cigar City Jai Alai IPA.  I never heard of this brewer so I gave it a try.  It is an OK beer but kind of malty for an IPA.  Where's the hops?  I would order this again if I see it.

Next up was a Dock Street  Hop Garden Double IPA.  This is a very nice beer.   Of course I have had Dock Street beers in the past but not this one.  The chalk board in the Drafting Room didn't mention "double" IPA.  As I enjoyed this beer I thought, "what a great tasting IPA", never suspecting the 9% ABV content contained within.  I can't wait to see this one again.  What a nice tasting beer...what a pleasant surprise.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Treats

The kids fell asleep in the car Saturday afternoon and I found my way over to the Craft Ale House in Limerick.  With the wife and kids on the parking lot I didn't waste any time.  I tried the Terrapin Pumpkinfest.  This was an average pumpkin beer.  Not great but nothing wrong with it either.  At least the pumpkin wasn't overdone.  I couldn't resist ordering a Port Brewing Company Hop 15.  This is an excellent IPA.  I didn't have time to savor it but I still enjoyed the 10 minutes I had with this beer.  On the way out I grabbed a bottle of Coronado Islander IPA.  This was a nice IPA.  I will look for it on draught in the future to see if it is better than just "nice".

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Friday Night is Pizza Night After All

After getting into a rut and going to the Sly Fox in Phoenixville most Friday nights I decided to make a change.  I stopped in the Drafting Room in Exton after work.  I enjoyed a Port Brewing Company Wipe Out IPA.  This is such a nice IPA I can't stand it.  Then I picked up my pizza and went home.  Sure enough, my wife asked me to go out and get groceries.  On the way I got thirsty and stopped at the Sly Fox in Phoenixville.  Some habits die hard.  I enjoyed a cask conditioned Chester County Bitter while listening to a nice version of Major Tom by some young guy with an acoutic guitar.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Still Not a Fan of Dogfish Head

We were on our way to the pumpkin patch this fine Sunday afternoon when I noticed my 5 and 3-year-olds were asleep in the back of the van.  As it happens we were just passing by  Brother Paul's Pub and Restaurant in Eagleville, PA.  My wonderful wife let me go in while she drove around keeping the kids asleep.  I had a Troegs Brewing Company Troegenator.  It is a nice Double Bock, malty with a clear alcohol presence.  Against my better judgement I followed this with a Dogfish Head beer.  Against my better judgement because I am not a big fan of Dogfish Head.  I love the brewpub in Rehoboth Beach, DE but the beers are usually mediocre at best.  On tap today at Brother Paul's was the 120 Minute IPA.  A whopping 20% abv!  That was the best part.  The taste was another story.  They call this an IPA?  To me, it was sweet...not hoppy at all.  Once I got beyond the alcohol taste the rest was like a drinking hairspray.  I want to like Dogfish Head beers, I really do.  I just can't learn to like them.  I'll try again in a couple of months to see if my taste has changed, or even better if their taste has changed.

Belgian or Not Here I Come

Saturday afternoon I was able to stop into Union Jack's Inn on the Manatawny.  My wonderful wife dropped me off for a 20 minute break while she kept the kids asleep by driving though the countryside.  With only 20 minutes I had to work fast.  Up first was a Dock Street Rye IPA. I am partial to Rye beers and this one is up there with the best of them.  It is nicely balanced, not overdone with hops the way some IPA's can get.

My next beer was something I never heard of.  The tap said "Butuese Brassin".  The bartender said it was a Tripel.  I was in a Tripel kind of mood so I got one.  It was a very nice Tripel at that.  But was it a Belgian Tripel or a Belgian-style Tripel?  Honestly, I wouldn't know until I got home to my computer.  Union Jack's website called this beer "LE TROU DU DIABLE BUTUESE BRASSIN SPECIAL".  A Google search took a little more effort than usual to find this beer.  As it turns out, it was a Belgian-style Tripel (not a real Belgian Tripel) but was from Canada.  I have to give them credit though.  I couldn't tell that it was not a true Belgian beer.  Would I order another one.  You bet.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Drafting Room Exton - Port Brewing and Lost Abbey Promotion

I couldn’t resist the temptation to go to the Drafting Room in Exton, PA tonight. They were having a Port Brewing Company / Lost Abbey promotion. As it turns out, the Drafting Room apparently took it upon themselves to have this promotion despite the apparent lack of interest by the brewer or their representatives. I have to give credit to the Drafting Room. The line-up was awesome. If I hadn’t already had many of the beers listed, this night may have turned out drastically different than it did.

First up was the Port Brewing High Tide Fresh Hop Ale. This was a delicious golden beauty with a great bitter taste. I followed that with a Lost Abbey Red Barn. Don’t let the name fool you. This is not an American Red Ale. This is a farmhouse ale not unlike Ommegang Hennepin. I loved it. I finally moved on to the Lost Abbey Angel’s Share. First the complaints…it was $8.00 for a 10 oz pour. I have to tell you that I believe it was worth the $8.00. This was a meal in a glass. If you are looking for carbonation then this is not your beer. If you are looking for something complex and fruity (might I say almost like prune juice) with coffee and other flavors that make this more complex than a simple person like me can describe then this is your beer.
Hats off to the Drafting Room and to Port Brewing and Lost Abbey as well.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Just Tapped - Founder's Red's Rye P.A.

There's a new beer on tap in my basement.  It is Founder's Red's Rye P.A.  This is a deep copper ale with a tan head, a nice floral aroma and plenty of hop (grapefruit) flavor.  Let's not forget about that great clean finish.  I have had this one in bottles and if I'm being honest, it is just about as good in bottles as it is on draught.  That is not a knock against the new keg I have on...I love it.  It is just a compliment to Founder's for being able to maintain that great taste in a bottle as well.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Nice Surprise at the Drafting Room

So I'm driving past the Drafting Room in Exton tonight and notice the parking lot is empty.  Maybe I can stop in for a quick drink without delaying my arrival home after work.  I walk in and study the chalk board.  In disbelief I ask the bartender if they really have Bear Republic Racer 5 cask conditioned.  He confirms and I ask him to pour me one.  It's a beautiful beer.  Slightly hazy golden in color with a great floral aroma.  It is a smooth beer and I leave after only one, completely satisfied.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Playground Delayed But Not Denied

We were on our way to the playground when suddenly I got thirsty.  We stopped in ever so briefly at Union Jack's Manatawny.  I ordered an Otto's Double D Imperial IPA and 2 lemonades.  This is a very very good beer.  Nice mouthfeel and plenty of big IPA flavor.  It is advertised at 9.6% abv and at Union Jack's they pour it in an 18 oz vessel.  Needless to say, I only had one.  My daughters both said the lemonade met their satisfaction.

Lousy Weather Fabulous Saturday

Early afternoon on Saturday and the weather is lousy.  Sounds like a perfect day to visit the Craft Ale House in Royersford.  I start with a 21st Ammendment Live Free or Die.  This is a very nice IPA.  I follow that with a Coronado Hoppy Daze Belgian IPA.  This is a great beer.  It has a flavor that I can not compare to any other beer.  You gotta try this one.  Next up is an Ithaca Excelsior Ten.  This is a fabulous beer.  I like their Cascazilla Red and this one is like Cascazilla on steroids.  Awesome.

I make my way back home and my wonderful wife says that she would like to have dinner at Victory Brewing Company in Downingtown.  I said that would be satisfactory with me.  So with wife and 3 daughters in tow we go to Downingtown.  On the way, my 3-year-old falls asleep.  My wife stays in the car with her and I take my 1-year-old and 5-year-old in to the Victory to get started.  After 2 trips to the ladies room (1 trip for number 1 and a seperate trip for number 2) I am ready to enjoy the Braumeister Pils that is waiting for me.  Great start to my dinner.  This is a crisp enjoyable pilsner.  Since I haven't been to the Victory in a long while, I decide to order a sampler.  Victory has the best sampler deal I have ever seen.  YOU CHOOSE the number of different beers you want in your sampler and YOU CHOOSE which beers you would like from ANY that are currently on tap including cask conditioned beers (i.e. no exceptions).  These are not the little sample glasses you might be thinking of.  And it can get expensive but it is still a great program. 

The Wild Devil sample I got set me back $3.25.  I loved this beer when it first became available but either the taste of the beer has changed or my taste has changed.  I get the whole "wild yeast" thing and it seemed like the original version I had had a nice sour note, not overwhelming.  The new version seems astringent and not nearly as pleasant.  I say "original" and "new" version without knowing if Victory did indeed change the recipe.

The Harvest Ale (only $1.00) had a nice light taste not at all like the typical big Victory beers.

The Yakima cask ale sample was only $2.00 which I thought was a bargain.  This is a fabulous beer.  It is a dark copper color and all the big alcohol and big hops you would expect from the Victory.  The cask conditioning ensured a nice mellow flavor despite the big hops.

The Storm King Stout which really is an imperial stout was satisfying as usual.  Nice roasty flavor, it was like drinking a meal and for only $2.00.

Enough of these little glasses.  I had to get a pint of the Yakima Cask Conditioned IPA.  This still tasted just as good as it did in the little glass.

Oh yeah, we did eat also.  My 3-year-old had the hot wings which in my opinion are the best wings on earth.  My 5-year-old enjoyed her pizza.  My wife had the El Paso Ensalada which turned out to be too sweet (dressing) for her taste.  I had the Head Hunter sandwhich and this was great.  Chicken breast, BBQ sauce, mozzarella cheese and onion rings all on a soft roll.  Hurry if you want one of these.  It is on their "seasonal" menu. 

All in all it was a great day.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Third Friday, Firkin Friday

Once again I stopped at the Sly Fox on a Friday night while waiting for my pizza to get cooked next door at Rocco's Pizza.  It was before 6:00 by a couple of minutes so I had to take advantage of the happy hour pricing and chose the Pikeland Pils.  Truth be told, I probably would have chosen this one happy hour or not.  It is just a great start to my Friday night.  It also happens to be the third Friday night of the month which means Firkin Friday (i.e. they are putting on a new cask conditioned ale).  The new cask conditioned ale is Naked Wheat.  For some reason I don't think of wheat beers when I think of cask conditioned ales but that may just be my bias.  It was a pleasant beer but not exactly what I would call a full-flavored one.  It had a nice dry finish which is always good for me.  Next I noticed they had an Octoberfest on the menu.  I order one and it is actually quite good.  If you are looking for hops this is not your beer but it is a nice Octoberfest kind of beer with a clean malty taste.

Is it really the third Friday in October already?

Bad Beer and Worse Eyesight

I was in Middletown, Connecticut yesterday on business.  We stopped for lunch at a Chili's restaurant.  Prior to going in a coworker asked me why I looked depressed.  I said, "The best I can hope for in Chili's is a Sam Adams".  Sure enough, that was about the best they had on draught.  At least they had the Octoberfest which I haven't tried yet.  This beer looked nice when it came out but that is all I can say.  It tasted horrible.  I don't blame Sam Adams either.  I blame Chili's.  I couldn't even taste the beer because the off-taste from the taps.  It's almost as if Chili's doesn't care to maintain the taps with any kind of frequency.  No doubt about it, the lines were dirty.  So I still haven't really tasted a Sam Adams Octoberfest but my low expectations for a beer yesterday were not even met.

A funny thing happened though.  While walking into the bar area my sight was trained on the taps, as it usually is.  After I ascertained that nothing interesting was on tap at this Chili's, I then took my seat in the booth and turned my attention to the rest of the restaurant.  Sitting at the bar was a very attractive blond.  She would have been in my direct line of sight as I walked into the bar and perused the taps.  I would have had to look around her to get a look at those taps on the way in.  Somehow I never noticed her sitting there.  I am getting old.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Weekend End

I went to Ron's Original Bar and Grille in Exton, PA for dinner this evening.  It is a Sunday night and I figured things would be slow.  I figured wrong.  I managed to get a seat at the bar and ordered a Bear Rebuplic Double Aught.  This is a pilsner weighing in at 4.2% ABV.  I was disappointed.  I really expect a lot from Bear Rebuplic and I'm starting to see a trend.  I will say that this beer was better than Budweiser.  OK, a lot better than Budweiser but it could not hold a candle to Victory Prima Pils or even Sly Fox Pikeland Pils.

I ordered a Ceasar salad with tuna steak and a Terrapin India Brown Ale.  This is a very interesting beer that I liked a lot (but not a good choice to accompany a Ceasar salad and tuna).  This is a deep brown ale and yet there was plenty of hop character throughout.  I will look for this one again.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Limerick, Phoenixville and Beyond

I stopped at the Craft Ale House in Limerick, PA this afternoon.  My excitement was building since earlier in the afternoon when I noticed their website showed that they had 2 Bear Rebuplic IPA's on.  I ordered the Rebellion.  It is a nice IPA but not nearly as good as I expected from Bear Republic.  The description on the menu says "...with flavors of grapefruit, earth, floral and caramel".  I only tasted earth.

My faith in Bear Republic was shaken but I ordered another Bear Republic offering anyway.  Next up was the Mach 10.  I overheard others at the bar raving about this one but I found it to be just OK.  It had a great taste but I was getting an aftertaste I didn't care for.  I would still order this one again some time. 

Now it was time for Port Brewing Company's Panzer Imperial Pilsner.  This is not your father's pilsner.  This is a great pilsner as stated in an earlier post.  Get it if you can get it.

Next up was a Lost Abbey 10 Commandments.  This was a nice tasting Belgian-style but seemed a bit overcarbonated. 

Finally, I ordered a Monk's Cafe Flemish Sour.  I have had this in bottles before and didn't really care for it but I must say that it is pretty good on draft.  It is not as tart or as sour as the bottle or even when compared to a Rodenbach.  Great beer.

I decided it was time to head down the road and work my way towards home. 

Next, I was finally successful at gaining entrance to the Pickering Creek Inn in Phoenixville.  This is a nice place with plenty of character in downtown Phoenixville.  It was Saturday night and business seemed pretty good.  I ordered Summit Horizon Red Ale.  It is a very nice beer but not worth the $6 I paid for it.  It is definitely not up to the standards of a Hop Rod Rye or a Red's Rye but it is a clean tasting red, just not extraordinary.  I am glad I got it.  If they had anything else interesting on tap I would have had another but I decided to go home and have a Hop Wallop before retiring for the evening.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Typical Friday Night

Once again I stopped at the Sly Fox in Phoenixville while waiting for a pizza to cook next door.  It's happy hour and I intend to have one cheap beer and then pick up my pizza.  I ordered a Dunkel Lager for my one and only beer.  It is OK, not great.  JP behind the bar pours me a sample of the Columbus Pale Ale which is currently being served on the hand pump.  So of course, I end up ordering a pint of that as well.  I scold JP for up-selling me (cask conditioned beers at the Sly Fox are full priced even during happy hour).  Then I sit back and enjoy this one.  It is bitter and quite enjoyable.  I learn that they expect to put a new cask conditioned beer on every third Friday of the month and apparently Chester County Bitter on the first Friday with the goal of keeping a cask conditioned beer on at all times.  Let's hope it works out.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Rhode Trip

I was ordered to to Providence, RI on a business trip.  I was to fly out of Philadelphia to Providence, meet with a customer and then back to Philadelphia that night.  My itinerary didn't leave a lot of time for shenanigans.  I met up with 2 co-workers in Providence and had about an hour and a half until our visit with the customer.  My coworker started to poll his GPS to find a place to eat.  Wendy'  Burger  I asked him to input Trinity (a brewpub I knew was nearby having done my due diligence prior to my visit).  It was less than 2 miles away.  We decided to go there for lunch which presented me with a dilemma.  I love brewpubs but I never visited one without having a beer and I did not want to have a beer prior to meeting with the customer.  My coworkers were not big beer drinkers so they had no problem with iced tea or Coke.  I think I can do this.

We arrive in the heart of Providence and find Trinity Brewhouse easily enough.  Parking wasn't quite as easy but we manage to find a lot nearby for $10.  There were tables set up on the sidewalk in front of the pub but more interesting to me was the brass rail out on the sidewalk.  This belly-high rail would allow several revelers to rest their beer while standing outside waiting to get in...or just standing outside enjoying a beer.  Great idea for when things are really humming.  Well, my visit was at noon on a Wednesday.  The place was not humming.  In fact, we were the only patrons when we walked in.  The place has an old feel to it, like it has been around for a while.  It has probably seen better days in an earlier incarnation.  I must say that it did have character.  There was plenty of old wood that could have looked beautiful were it not for the dust that seemed to be everywhere.  In no time we were seated and placed our order.  I got an Angus burger and iced tea.  The burger turned out to be quite good.  We soon ran out of time and had to leave for our business meeting.

Our customer meeting went well and we found ourselves with some extra time between the end of our meeting and our flight departure time.  My coworkers sensed my disappointment at visiting a brewpub without sampling the beer and suggested we go back to Trinity.  Keep in mind that I said they were not particularly big beer drinkers.  From this point on in my story I will refer to my coworkers as "my friends".

We went back to Trinity Brewhouse at about 4:00pm and although it was easy to find a table there were a few more guests than during the lunch hour.  I ordered the sampler which included all 6 of the beers currently on tap.

Kolsch - This was a typical Kolsch, not my style.

Tommy's Red - This was not a bad beer but there was not a lot there. 

Rhode Island IPA - Now we are getting somewhere.  Not a great IPA but at least I'm starting to get some flavor (and apparently alcohol as they advertise this one at 7%).  Speaking of alcohol, this brewpub is unusual in that they advertised a range for the alcohol content of a given beer.  For example, Tommy's Red was quoted as 4-5%.  Come on.  Where is the quality control.

Helles Bock - 7-8% ABV.  Again, not my style.

Belgian Saison - This was a nice tasting Saison, well made.  Very enjoyable particularly for a beer with an ABV of 3-4%.

Russian Imperial Stout - 8% ABV.  What a great surprise.   I enjoyed the heck out of this one.  Very well made.  The description didn't mention oak but I would swear that it tasted as if it were aged in an oak barrel.

I had time for a pint but with a long night of travel ahead of me I decided to have a pint of the Belgian Saison.  I enjoyed the Saison but I do regret not getting a pint of that Russian Imperial Stout.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Who Waits Until 4:00 to Open on a Saturday???

We are out and about on this gorgeous Saturday afternoon and we decide to stop at Ott's Greenhouse in Schwenksville, PA. My 3-year-old falls asleep in the car so I continue to drive up the road to have a beer at Ortino's Northside in Zieglersville, PA. For probably the hundredth time I stopped here and it is closed. It is always closed. How can you be closed at 3:00 on a Saturday afternoon? And while I'm complaining, how can you put a round-about in the middle of PA-73? This is America for crying out loud. Even New Jersey figured out that these things are ridiculous. Regardless, I drive a little further and find myself at Union Jack's Congo Hotel. My wife drops me off and continues to drive around with the kids. I ordered a Green Flash West Coast IPA. I have had these before and it is a very nice beer. I then sneak in a Lagunitas Lucky 13 before my ride comes back for me. It is a nice, but dark IPA kind of beer.

Eventually we make our way to Ott's Greenhouse and enjoy a walk among the plants, flowers, pumpkins, hardy mums etc.

Now that it is past 4:00 I decide to go back to Ortino's Northside and give them another shot. They are actually open if you can believe it. I have a Troeg's Nugget Nectar from the hand pump. It is OK, not great. It may have had a slight infection. Next up I order a Port Brewing Company Panzer Pils. This is a fine pilsner and a very deceitful one as well. You would never guess this little gem had an ABV of somewhere around 9%. In between beers we manage to order dinner. I got the eggplant parmesan sandwhich and my wife gets some kind of salad with shrimp. My daughters split an order of hot wings. Everyone seems pretty satisfied.

Why Do They Call It Hop WALLOP?

It started off innocently enough.  I went to the Sly Fox in Phoenixville as I often do and I had a Pikeland Pils as I often do.  Then I ordered a Chester County Bitter from the hand pump because, as I stated in an earlier post, the Sly Fox finally got the great idea of keeping a real beer on the hand pump at all times.  Imagine my disappointment when I was told that nothing was on the hand pump.  What gives?  I grudgingly order a Royal Weisse (in a pint glass of course because I wanted to take advantage of the happy hour pricing).

I went home and had a couple of Hop Wallop's from my kegerator.  I say a couple because I didn't keep track of how many I had.  This morning I wish I actually had kept track.  You have to be careful with that stuff.   Victory Brewing Company claims an ABV of 8.5% but like all of their beers, I suspect it is actually higher.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Not Bad for a Wednesday

As luck would have it, I was able to visit the Tap and Table in Emmaus, PA once again this evening.  It is Wednesday night and the place was very active.  As I was alone I was able to find a seat at the bar but if I had company we would have been hard pressed to find 2 seats next to each other at the bar.  I ordered a cask conditioned Blue Point Rastafa Rye ale.  It is advertised at 7.5% abv but you would never know it.  This is a great tasting, great mouth-feeling ale.  Between the alcohol, the candlelight and the live acoutic guitar music (sans singing) I was getting good and relaxed.  I already enjoyed the other 2 cask conditioned beers on an earlier visit (Brewdog Hardcore IPA and Bear Republic Red Rocket) so I decided to "settle" for a regular draught beer.  I ordered a Furthermore Oscura.  I knew nothing about this brewery or this beer but the bartender told me it was a dark lager and something about coffee beans.  Wow, this is an unusual beer.  I could smell the coffee long before the liquid got to my tongue.  Then there was this pleasant coffee taste, not at all bitter.  This beer is not for everyone and I'm OK with that.  More for me.  The only issue for me is that it is after 11:00pm and I am not at all sleepy.  Could it have something to do with the coffee in the Oscura?

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Beer Is Hard Work

Lately I started drinking more bottled beer primarily because I was too lazy to run out and buy a keg or two to replaced the ones I kicked.  Last night I had a bottle of Railbender from  Erie Brewing Company .  That was the last straw.  I have been to Erie Brewing Company and I have enjoyed many of their beers but this one left me wanting.  I need a hoppy potent draught ale and I was determined to get one.

Tonight I took 2 of my daughters to Victory Brewing Company in Downingtown.  On the way out I picked up a sixtel of Hop Wallop.  Sounds great, right?  Then I got home and spent about an hour cleaning my taps and preparing for my new arrival (Hop Wallop).  During the process I started to wonder if it was worth the trouble.  Of course, maybe I was just inefficient at cleaning the taps.  Maybe I should be able to do it in 15 minutes, I don't know.  Regardless, I started questioning the whole thing.  The money spent on the sixtel, the travel to pick up the sixtel, the cleaning supplies, the electricity to run the kegerator, the investment I have in the kegerator etc.  Then I poured a Hop Wallop and took a long cool sip.  Yeah, it is worth it.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Great Saturday

So my wife drops me off at the Craft Ale House in Royersford  so I can enjoy a nice beer.  I only have 20 minutes while she drives around with the kids asleep in the car.  I tell Rob at the bar that I'm looking for something unusual.  He suggests a St. Somewhere Saison Du Chene.  This turns out to be a quirky beer and exactly what I was looking for.  Citrusy and sour with a taste that I can't quite put my finger on.  I will definitely get another one of these when I get the chance.  It was so good I finish it quickly.  I have enough time to order a second beer.

Up next I order a Stone Sublimely Self Righteous ale.  This is a great beer.  The guy at the bar next to me looks at the dark color and asks me if I usually like "those malty beers".  I tell him I would not call this a malty beer.  If I didn't see the dark color of this beer I would have thought it was an IPA or double IPA. 

I say good bye to Rob at the bar and go to the parking lot expecting to see my wife and kids waiting.  After about 10 minutes on the parking lot waiting for my usually prompt wife I head back inside the Craft Ale House.  Rob asks me what's the matter.  I exclaim, "My wife has either left me or has been in a horrible accident...pour me a Stone Epic 090909".  This is another fine beer.  Have one when you get a chance.  I finish this beer and head out to the parking lot again and thankfully the van is back with wife and kids safe and sound.

Fast forward to home.  I have a 2-tap kegerator at home but I allowed both kegs to kick.  I dig through the refrigerator and open a bottle of Svyturys Ekstra.  They advertise this beer as "Lithuania's most popular" lager beer.  If Lithuania is inspired by American mass produced beer then they have done well (think Yuengling Lager). 

Finally, in the back of the fridge I find a bottle of Founder's Red's Rye.  Folks, this has to the be best bottled beer I have ever had.  I have had this beer on tap and I insist that it is just as good from the bottle.

Mr. Malt...Not

I stopped at the Sly Fox last night while waiting for my pizza order to be ready.  I was not in a risky mood so I went with the old stand-by for a first beer of the Friday night...Pikeland Pils.  As usual that worked just fine.  I noticed there was a beer on the hand pump and this was not the third Friday of the month (Firkin Friday).  Then I remembered reading something on the Sly Fox website about having something on the hand pump year round.  My only question to the Sly Fox is, "WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG TO COME UP WITH THAT IDEA?".  You installed those 3 hand pumps what...a couple of years ago?  And used them one Friday out of the month?  Enough said.  Any way, I tried a Chester County Bitter from the hand pump and it was quite enjoyable as I described in an earlier posting.

Speaking of earlier posting, I mentioned that I enjoyed a Hacker-Pschorr Octoberfest even though I am generally partial to hoppier beers.  Maybe, just maybe my tastes are changing and I am moving over to the malty side of beers.  Still at the Sly Fox...I decide to try a Dunkel Lager.  I have patronized the Sly Fox for many years and I am pretty sure I never ordered a Dunkel Lager.  Let's test out my theory that my tastes are moving maltier.  I got to the bottom and decided that I didn't dislike this beer but it is not my style.  I think the hop industry does not need to fear my departure.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Surprise in a Bottle

My next door neighbor stopped over with a couple bottles of Hacker-Pschorr Oktoberfest-Märzen.  Now I usually like American micros and I usually like draughts so this one already had two strikes against it.  I am also kind of partial to hoppier beers so things weren't looking too good.  Being the open-minded being that I am I poured one into a glass and gave it a try.  OK, I admit it.  This bottled German malty beer was actually quite good.  Maybe you can teach an old dog a new trick.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Beautiful Sunday Afternoon

I got thirsty on my way to the grocery store so I stopped in at the Sly Fox.  It seemed like the kind of day when a Royal Weisse would be in order.  A fruity wheat beer kind of day.  I got a tall one (22 oz) which not only quenched my thirst but gave me the energy to do the grocery shopping. 

Saturday, September 19, 2009

A Fine Saturday Afternoon

What a great day. I finally got the chance to experience the new Tap And Table in Emmaus, PA. We arrived at 3:00pm exactly which coincidentally is when they open the doors. I walked in by myself as my wife and kids would rather go for a quick ride in the countryside. I was followed by approximately 8 other thirsty travelers. I assume that says something for the success of this new venture.

I ordered a Bear Republic Red Rocket from the hand pump which is a nice red ale weighing in at 6.8% abv. This was a great beer, I mean a really great beer. I only had 20 minutes tops so I had to make my choices work for me. Unsure what to order next the server suggested a Brewdog Hardcore IPA which was also on the hand pump. Brewdog is from Scotland. I was originally reluctant to order anything not from the USA but I was convinced to give this one a try. You must try this beer if given the opportunity. You may not find it on the hand pump but if you see it anywhere, give it a try. I know what you are thinking...from the UK, no hops. Try this one. It has a bite. My time has run out and my ride is probably waiting for me at the front door.

Next stop is Union Jack's on the Manatawny. I take the wife and kids with me for a nice dinner on the patio. My first one is a Bear Republic Racer X. Awesome but the 9% abv is going to kill a lightweight like me. Then I try a Southern Tier Pumking. OK, I love this brewery but I must admit the Pumking is a little too perfumey for me.

I am not sure what to order but John, the server suggests a Dogfish Head 90 Minute Imperial IPA. Throughout the years I have thought that this brewer is an over-hyped under acheiver. I give credit to Sam Calagione's ability to get print but the beers always seem mediocre. OK, it's only $5.00. Let's give it a try. Very nice. I am still not conviced that all of Dogfish Head's beers are all that good but I reluctantly admit that I enjoyed this one immensely.

What to round out the night? I had plenty of alcohol already. And although my wife already agreed to drive us home I felt that a low alcohol dark beer was in order. Sly Fox O'Reilly's Stout sounds great at this point. I pretended to taste alcohol that was non-existant and convinced myself that this was a great ending to the day.

Until I could get home to my beloved kegerator...

Friday, September 18, 2009

Better Bitter

I stopped by the Sly Fox tonight to have a quick Pikeland Pils while waiting for my pizza from Rocco's next door. More precisely, while my family was waiting for that pizza from next door. I was in no particular hurry to eat. That Pils hit the spot quenching my Friday evening thirst. Of course, this being the third Friday of the month, it also happened to be Firkin Friday at the Sly Fox which meant something was being served on the hand pump.

I still haven't figured out why something is not always on the hand pump at the Sly Fox but that is for another day. On the pump tonight was Chester County Bitter. Unlike most English bitters, this one was actually bitter. Go figure. I liked this one. I hope it is on for a while as I would like to verify my conclusions about this one.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

South Jersey Drought

That's correct, South Jersey drought, not draught.

My wife's co-worker invited us to their house along with about 30 other guests for a picnic on Saturday. Normally this would not be great news but the fact that the location was South Jersey didn't really help my mood. Prior to leaving for the picnic I thought it would be a good idea to search for a nice brewpub or beer bar to go to after the picnic. Hey, if I have to go to New Jersey I have to try to find something good to make the trek worthwhile.

I began my internet search. It didn't take long to come to the realization that the southern part of New Jersey is a difficult place to find a good beer. In fact, I discovered I would have to travel 60 plus miles to get to Atlantic City and visit the Tun Tavern. Nothing of interest between where I was and 60 plus miles. I haven't heard much about the Tun Tavern so I can not comment but the truth of the matter is that after enjoying several Yuenglings at the picnic (I am not an ingrate, I did appreciate the Yuenglings) we headed straight back to Pennsylvania where it is not quite as difficult to find a beer with flavor. Not quite as difficult but not as easy as I would like to see either.

I woke up Sunday with a severe lack of hop juice in my bloodstream. I was desperate for a good beer and I found one. I took the 45 minute drive from my house to Union Jack's on the Manatawny. I hear you. 45 minutes IS a long way to drive for a beer. Like I said above, I would like to see good draught beer more readily available in Pennsylvania as well...but it's better than New Jersey. I had a Ballast Point Dorado Double IPA. This was a straw-colored, white headed masterpiece. I enjoyed every drop and at 9.6% alcohol my mood started to improve. My wife had dropped me off at the bar and she rode around with the kids to give me enough time to enjoy a beer but they were back before I could succumb to the temptation to order another. Incidentally, if I did have another it would have been the Bear Republic Racer X that they had on...or maybe the Southern Tier Pumking...or...maybe...God bless Union Jack's and God Bless Pennsylvania.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Mining for Gold

Sunday night but a holiday Sunday night so what is there to do?

I checked out the draught menus before leaving the house but it looks like a dry spell has hit the western suburbs of Philadelphia. Nobody has anything worth traveling for, and I'll travel a good distance for a good beer.

Since I didn't get to try Pickering Creek Inn last night I thought I'd try there again. The parking lot tells me I won't have trouble finding a seat at the bar. The sign on the door (open 4:00 Sunday) tells me I'll finally get to check this place out. The deadbolt on the heavy wooden door tells me otherwise. I'm not sure what's going on there but it will be a while until I try that place again.

Off to TJ's Everyday in Paoli, PA. I suspect I am in for a nice sandwich but the draught menu I looked at on-line was not encouraging.

First up was a Dark Horse Crooked Tree IPA. It smelled great. It tasted nice. Then came the aftertaste. Not so good. I finished that one quickly in order to get a shot at something that would make my trip worthwhile.

Up next, a Lagunitas Lucky 13 Amber Ale. I haven't had a Lagunitas that I didn't like (forgive me Roy). Ok, now we are getting somewhere. This was a well-balanced beer with plenty of hops and plenty of malt flavor. I can't wait to have another one of these. Damn that rule of mine where I can't order the same beer on the same day.

I order a Mojo Panini for dinner. It turns out to be a very good sandwich and I'm sure I'll get it again on some future trip to TJ's.

Back to the beer. I am one for two working on a draught menu that isn't that great. Can I mine another diamond out of this mess? Bartender...pour me a Great Lakes Edmund Fitzgerald porter. So far I have been impressed with the Great Lakes label and it is hard to mess up a dark beer like a porter or stout. Excellent. This is a great porter. I will look for this in the future as I travel along.

I feel like a miner coming out tonight with low expectations (usually I see that somebody has something on draught that I really want to try), finding nothing of import on the menu at TJ's and then picking through the rubble and finding a couple of jewels. Two out of three ain't bad.


Saturday, September 5, 2009

A Fine Saturday Afternoon

After watching the first half of the Penn State vs. Akron game and being comfortable with the 31-0 lead, I thought it might be a good idea to head over to the Craft Ale House for something to eat. I started with a Russian River Blind Pig. Yep. Still good. I sampled a Furthermore Knot Stock. It had an interesting black pepper taste but I decided to pass. Next up was a glass of water and a Kira Belgian White. Yea, I know I should have had the Kira first but that's the way things go sometime. Anyway, the Kira was as good as you might expect. Those Belgians don't know how to make a mediocre beer.

Gary tapped a La Chouffe N'ice and the gal at the bar was kind enough to give me a sample. See comments above regarding those Belgians. However, I was in an Oscar Blues Ten Fidy kind of mood. Actually, I ordered what amounts to a roast beef sandwich so the Ten Fidy was the perfect choice. If you like imperial stouts you will love this one.

I had a brush with fame this afternoon. Jack Curtin was sitting right next to me. Thank goodness he didn't recognize me. It is always embarrasing when fans make a fuss at the bar.

Now it was time to go home. On the way, I remembered hearing some good buzz about Pickering Creek Inn in Phoenixville. It was about 3:30pm and the place was empty. Actually, the place was closed. The kind lady at the bar reminded me that they open at 4:00. I wasn't going to wait but I also didn't want to waste a trip into Phoenixville so I decided to give the Iron Hill another try. Considering previous trips into Iron Hill (at this and other locations) I went in with low expectations...and they didn't disappoint. The cask conditioned Ironbound Ale poured beautifully. Think Boddingtons with a copper color. The taste was like something I used to brew as a homebrewer. Did I mention that I was not that great a homebrewer?

Speaking of home, that is where I need to be. Tomorrow is another day.

Friday Night at the Sly Fox

My wife was interested in me bringing dinner home last night. I suggested I bring her a nice Caesar Salad since I knew I could find one at the Sly Fox in Phoenixville. While waiting for her salad (and my wings) I was able to enjoy a Pikeland Pils, Royal Weisse and since it was taking so long for that salad I had an Ichor. She doesn't understand how the Sly Fox service is always good when we go there together but when I go there by myself it seems that the service is a little slower, and sometimes a lot slower.

Getting back to that Ichor...I don't necessarily care for it that much but that Sly Fox is sly. Ichor is only offered on the first Friday of each month. So when I see it on tap it is a rare occasion for me and I feel like I must get one. Go figure. I guess if they offered Coors Light once-a-month I would order one of those? Nah.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Stay at home weekend

It was a stay-at-home weekend as we celebrate my daughter's first birthday. In her honor I tapped a sixtel of Great Lakes Burning River. I still have the Sly Fox Saison Vos on tap as well.

This Burning River is a very good pale ale. I don't claim to be a beer expert or anything...I just know what I like and I like this beer. I had a house full of people who seemed to agree with me. It is a well balanced beer with plenty of hops and yet that malt comes through it all. Incidentally, I have had this beer in bottles and enjoyed it equally as well.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hump Day Doldrums

Here I sit wishing I could get out and enjoy my favorite beverage but alas, I can not. But if I could, here is what I'd do. Go to Paoli and visit TJ's Everyday for a Founder's Red Rye followed by a Port Brewing Wipeout IPA. What a minute...Union Jack's on the Manatawny In Oley has Port Brewing Hop 15 DBL IPA and Bear Republic Hop Rod Rye. That's likeTJ's beers on steroids. Union Jack's it is! Wait a minute...Ortino's Northside in Zieglerville has Founders Breakfast Stout and Bear Republic Racer X. I guess it would be Ortino's Northside...if I was going out...but I'm not.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sunday 082309

After a long day of yard work and no time left to go out I settle for a Sly Fox Saison Vos which is currently on draught in my basement.


Yesterday I stopped into Union Jack's on the Manatawny. I had a Left Hand Chainsaw Double ESB. It was very good. It tasted like a barley wine like Victory's Old Horizontal but less alcohol. I didn't miss the taste of the alcohol at all (at about 8% it was no lightweight anyway). Next I had a Duck Rabbit Rabid Duck Russian Imperial Stout. It was OK but I expected a lot better considering the good press this brewer seems to get. Actually, this beer tasted like the stouts I used to create as a home brewer. Which is to say, it was OK for a homebrewer...enough said.

Later we pulled into the parking lot of the Craft Ale House in Limerick but considering I had my wife and 3 kids in the car and the number of cars on the lot, we decided to continue down the road to the Sly Fox in Royersford. I had a refreshing Pikeland Pils and an equally refreshing Royal Weisse. The tuna steak sandwich I had was good.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

I stopped in the Flying Pig in Malvern for a glass of lunch yesterday. I enjoyed a cask-conditioned Lagunitas Maximus. It was great although the pour was unconventional. I supposed in order to eliminate the waste from allowing the head to overflow into the sink, the server kept a pitcher there and added to the glass rather than pouring a drink directly from the cask. This resulted in a soap-bubble looking toupee on top. It still tasted great...just looked funny.