Sunday, December 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Mom

We went to Kimberton Inn to celebrate my mother's 80th birthday tonight.  We had the Wine Cellar and pretty much filled it with family.  The food was great by all accounts.  We ordered pasta with red sauce for our kids and I ordered the duck.  My 5-year-old daughter ate as much of my duck as I did.  I had mixed emotions about the beer.  They had only 3 taps.  That's not great.  But I have to give them credit.  They could have used those 3 taps for Bud, Miller and Coors but that was not the case.  They had Yard's Pale Ale, Brooklyn Lager and Sly Fox "unfiltered wheat beer" which I assumed to be the Berliner Weisse.  Although I applaud the Kimberton Inn for using their 3 taps for 3 beers that are out of the mainstream I am not a big fan of any of the 3.  I started with the Yard's Pale Ale.  I have had mixed reaction to this beer in the past.  Some times I think it is great and sometimes it is a struggle to get through one.  I don't know if it is poor quality control at Yards or maybe the beer is just not taken care of in transportation.  Regardless, I didn't care all that much for the Yard's tonight.  I then tried the Brooklyn Lager.  I have to admit that I haven't enjoyed any beer from Brooklyn Brewery and a lager was not likely to change my mind.  As it turned out my mind was not changed.  I went back to the Yards.  What about the Sly Fox beer?  Assuming it was the Berliner thanks.  That is not something I want to drink.  Interestingly enough, if it happened to be the Royal Weisse from Sly Fox I would have been all over it.  How can the brewer make one really great Weisse and that Berliner Weisse?


  1. It's the Sly Fox Royal Weisse. Did you even bother to ask?

  2. Clearly I did not bother to ask for further clarification or I would have known the answer.
