Saturday, September 26, 2009

Mr. Malt...Not

I stopped at the Sly Fox last night while waiting for my pizza order to be ready.  I was not in a risky mood so I went with the old stand-by for a first beer of the Friday night...Pikeland Pils.  As usual that worked just fine.  I noticed there was a beer on the hand pump and this was not the third Friday of the month (Firkin Friday).  Then I remembered reading something on the Sly Fox website about having something on the hand pump year round.  My only question to the Sly Fox is, "WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG TO COME UP WITH THAT IDEA?".  You installed those 3 hand pumps what...a couple of years ago?  And used them one Friday out of the month?  Enough said.  Any way, I tried a Chester County Bitter from the hand pump and it was quite enjoyable as I described in an earlier posting.

Speaking of earlier posting, I mentioned that I enjoyed a Hacker-Pschorr Octoberfest even though I am generally partial to hoppier beers.  Maybe, just maybe my tastes are changing and I am moving over to the malty side of beers.  Still at the Sly Fox...I decide to try a Dunkel Lager.  I have patronized the Sly Fox for many years and I am pretty sure I never ordered a Dunkel Lager.  Let's test out my theory that my tastes are moving maltier.  I got to the bottom and decided that I didn't dislike this beer but it is not my style.  I think the hop industry does not need to fear my departure.

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