Saturday, September 5, 2009

A Fine Saturday Afternoon

After watching the first half of the Penn State vs. Akron game and being comfortable with the 31-0 lead, I thought it might be a good idea to head over to the Craft Ale House for something to eat. I started with a Russian River Blind Pig. Yep. Still good. I sampled a Furthermore Knot Stock. It had an interesting black pepper taste but I decided to pass. Next up was a glass of water and a Kira Belgian White. Yea, I know I should have had the Kira first but that's the way things go sometime. Anyway, the Kira was as good as you might expect. Those Belgians don't know how to make a mediocre beer.

Gary tapped a La Chouffe N'ice and the gal at the bar was kind enough to give me a sample. See comments above regarding those Belgians. However, I was in an Oscar Blues Ten Fidy kind of mood. Actually, I ordered what amounts to a roast beef sandwich so the Ten Fidy was the perfect choice. If you like imperial stouts you will love this one.

I had a brush with fame this afternoon. Jack Curtin was sitting right next to me. Thank goodness he didn't recognize me. It is always embarrasing when fans make a fuss at the bar.

Now it was time to go home. On the way, I remembered hearing some good buzz about Pickering Creek Inn in Phoenixville. It was about 3:30pm and the place was empty. Actually, the place was closed. The kind lady at the bar reminded me that they open at 4:00. I wasn't going to wait but I also didn't want to waste a trip into Phoenixville so I decided to give the Iron Hill another try. Considering previous trips into Iron Hill (at this and other locations) I went in with low expectations...and they didn't disappoint. The cask conditioned Ironbound Ale poured beautifully. Think Boddingtons with a copper color. The taste was like something I used to brew as a homebrewer. Did I mention that I was not that great a homebrewer?

Speaking of home, that is where I need to be. Tomorrow is another day.

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