Friday, December 18, 2009

Beer and Stink Bugs

On the way to pick up our pizza tonight I stopped in for a quick drink at the Sly Fox in Phoenixville.  I had a Columbus Pale Ale.  This is a pretty nice pale ale, especially at the $2.50 price for happy hour. 

On an unrelated note, I poured myself a Founder's Red's Rye last night and set it on the end table next to my chair while goofing around on the internet.  I knew I was getting close to the bottom of that sixtel and I was going to savor this beer.  I became involved in whatever it was that I was doing and didn't even get to take a sip when I heard the sound of a bug flying around the light on the end table next to me.  Then it stopped.  I grabbed my beer and prudently looked inside before taking a sip.  And there is was.  A stink bug floating on the top.  If it was any other kind of bug I would probably have picked it out of the beer and drank the beer that the bug left behind.  But a stink bug?  I just couldn't do it.  I poured the beer down the sink.  On my way to the basement for a fresh Red's Rye I was lamenting my bad luck and thinking only I could have a stink bug land in my full beer.  I then set the glass down, pulled the tap handle guessed it.  The keg kicked.

I did manage to get to Exton Beverage today at lunch to purchase my next keg.  I chose Sierra Nevada Celebration.  I hope to tap it a little later.

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