Saturday, September 5, 2009

Friday Night at the Sly Fox

My wife was interested in me bringing dinner home last night. I suggested I bring her a nice Caesar Salad since I knew I could find one at the Sly Fox in Phoenixville. While waiting for her salad (and my wings) I was able to enjoy a Pikeland Pils, Royal Weisse and since it was taking so long for that salad I had an Ichor. She doesn't understand how the Sly Fox service is always good when we go there together but when I go there by myself it seems that the service is a little slower, and sometimes a lot slower.

Getting back to that Ichor...I don't necessarily care for it that much but that Sly Fox is sly. Ichor is only offered on the first Friday of each month. So when I see it on tap it is a rare occasion for me and I feel like I must get one. Go figure. I guess if they offered Coors Light once-a-month I would order one of those? Nah.

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