Saturday, November 7, 2009

Good Decisions, Bad Decisions???

Ok, so we have 3 daughters ages 1, 3 and 5.  We also have a large male Boxer.  My wife thinks it is a good idea to go out today and adopt a pit bull from the SPCA.  I can't disagree with her.  On the way to the SPCA I got really thirsty and thought it would be a good idea to stop in to TJ's Restaurant and Eatery in Paoli.  First up was a Coronado Red Devil American Strong Ale.  I enjoyed the heck out of this one.  I smelled hops but tasted only malted barley and alcohol.  I followed this with a Breckenridge Lucky U IPA.  This was a nice tasting beer but it didn't seem to have a lot of flavor.  I admit it may be my fault for having the Coronado Red Devil First.  I decided to try an Oskar Blues Gordon Double IPA next.  I enjoyed this one quite a bit.  Nice copper color, nice citrusy hop flavor.  I'll look for it in the future.  I expected my wife and kids to meet me on the parking lot shortly so I figure I better get going.  We have a dog to adopt for crying out loud.

God bless the folks who work at the SPCA.  They are either volunteers or those that are paid, probably don't get paid very was quite a process.  I had already "met" the dog on Thursday at about noon.  Then me, my wife, the 3 kids and our other dog went down on Thursday evening to "meet" with the dog.  The SPCA thought a 3rd visit would be in order to make sure that we are a good fit for this dog (this dog that was a stray and found it's way to the SPCA).  Anyway, after leaving TJ's, we arrived at the SPCA at about 2:00 in the afternoon.  At about 3:45 I told my wife to take the kids and our other dog home.  I would wait behind to finalize the adoption.  It was about 5:30 before I finally walked out with the dog.

As you might expect, I built up quite a thirst, so on the way home I stopped back in at TJ's.  This would be a good test for the new dog.  How would she behave in a locked car on the parking lot of a bar???  This was kind of an important test.  I had a Troegs Dead Reckoning Porter on cask.  Nice beer.  What a joy.  Yeah, that hop flavor came right through all that dark malt.  I peeked out the blinds and the dog seemed to be doing OK.  I ordered a Peak Organic IPA.  I didn't like my first sip but I must admit, I liked this beer a lot by the time I got to the bottom of it.  It had kind of a homebrew taste but I find that appealing.

The dog passed the test.  We went home and she is settling in nicely.

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