Friday, October 16, 2009

Bad Beer and Worse Eyesight

I was in Middletown, Connecticut yesterday on business.  We stopped for lunch at a Chili's restaurant.  Prior to going in a coworker asked me why I looked depressed.  I said, "The best I can hope for in Chili's is a Sam Adams".  Sure enough, that was about the best they had on draught.  At least they had the Octoberfest which I haven't tried yet.  This beer looked nice when it came out but that is all I can say.  It tasted horrible.  I don't blame Sam Adams either.  I blame Chili's.  I couldn't even taste the beer because the off-taste from the taps.  It's almost as if Chili's doesn't care to maintain the taps with any kind of frequency.  No doubt about it, the lines were dirty.  So I still haven't really tasted a Sam Adams Octoberfest but my low expectations for a beer yesterday were not even met.

A funny thing happened though.  While walking into the bar area my sight was trained on the taps, as it usually is.  After I ascertained that nothing interesting was on tap at this Chili's, I then took my seat in the booth and turned my attention to the rest of the restaurant.  Sitting at the bar was a very attractive blond.  She would have been in my direct line of sight as I walked into the bar and perused the taps.  I would have had to look around her to get a look at those taps on the way in.  Somehow I never noticed her sitting there.  I am getting old.

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