Thursday, March 25, 2010

Hoppe Yes, Pty No

I stopped in at TJ's Restaurant and Drinkery in Paoli after work because I wanted to try Hoppe Imperial Extra Pale Ale from Souther Tier Brewing Company.  This brewer never disappoints me.  This is a nice clean-tasting amber beauty and although I could not taste much alcohol I know it is in there because I actually started to get that good relaxed feeling after only one.  I talked to Will on my way out.  He told me that Pliny the Younger only lasted about 10 minutes during their event last week.  People were lined up along the sidewalk in front of TJ's at 11:30am.  He also told me that althougth they sold 66 tickets for a glass of Pliny the Younger the keg yeilded a couple of beers shy of that number.  Imagine being the poor bastard that bought a ticket and waited a couple of hours only to be told the keg had kicked.  Yeah they got their money back and yeah it's hard to have a bad time at TJ's but it still had to be disappointing.  Not familiar with Pliny the Younger?  I read an interesting article about Pty (that's apparently what the cool folks call it) by Joe Sixpack on if you would like to become acquainted.

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