Friday, January 22, 2010

Mistakes...some mine...some not

I took a quick detour after work and stopped in at the Drafting Room  in Exton this evening.  First up was a Brew Works Hopsolutely.  At least that is what I asked for.  I am not sure what I got.  What I got looked very pale almost like a domestic beer but it tasted like a Belgian IPA.  It was not a bad beer but I don't particularly care for Belgian IPAs.  The Belgians make the finest beer in the world but IPA's are really an English thing (historically) and now an American thing (because Americans aren't afraid to dump the hops into their brew kettle).  Again, I love Belgian beers but I run away from anything called a Belgian IPA.  OK, I really got off subject there.  I don't even know if it was a Belgian IPA but I do know that asked for a Brew Works Hopsolutely.  I have seen pictures of freshly poured Hopsolutely's and I have read descriptions as well.  Deep copper color...that is not what I had.

Next I asked for a Big Bear Stout from Bear Republic.  This is a nice stout...a regular stout...but this is no Breakfast Stout.  Founder's has me spoiled.  I use their Breakfast Stout as the standard against which all stouts shall be measured.

I spent the rest of the night overhauling my kegerator.  I installed all new beer lines and disassembled/reassembled and cleaned everything.  I was not happy with the Sierra Nevada Celebration that I just kicked and I wanted to make sure that it was not because of something I did.  I then tapped a Victory Prima Pils.  It tasted as fresh as one I might have gotten at the brewpub.  I noticed some beer stone in the lines that I removed from my kegerator so maybe the problem with the Celebration Ale was my fault.  We shall see.

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