Friday, May 27, 2011

Stupid 1/2 Acre of Lawn. What was I thinking?

I had lunch at the Flying Pig in Malvern today.  The cheesesteak was awesome as usual.  My first beer was a Hop Hog IPA from Lancaster Brewing Company.  My co-worker buddy had the same thing.  It was OK.  I've had this before at the brewery and it's probably the best beer Lancaster makes.  I was all set to have a Rodenbach next.  But a funny thing happened.  The server asked my buddy if he was ready for another and he said "yes, the same".  I thought it unusual that she didn't as me as my beer was just as empty as his.  The next thing I knew she brought over another Hop Hog for him and another for me.  I'm not sure why she thought he was ordering for me but...whatever.  It was an honest mistake so I didn't even tell her but I sure wish I had that Rodenbach instead.

After work I went to TJ's in Paoli.  I started with a Nogne O Saison.  This might be my first Norwegian beer.  It was pretty good.  Of course, I love Saisons.  I followed that with a White Ale from Williamsburg Alewerks.  This is a really good whitbier.  Crisp and clean.  Then I moved on to a Commodore Perry IPA from Great Lakes Brewing Company.  I thought this was pretty good also.  I wouldn't travel for one of these but if it's on the chalkboard I'll get one again.

I made a quick stop into the Sly Fox in Phoenixville as I waited for my pizza (Bravo) to cook.  I had a Royal Weisse which was excellent as usual.  I had to call it quits for the night so I could get the lawn mowed.  Two hours of pushing the lawn mower and I was ready for a beer when I finally got that done.  This Tall Grass Oasis is sure a fine beer. 

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