Monday, August 30, 2010

Saturday Fun and Sunday Thud

We went to Union Jack's Inn on the Manatawny on Saturday afternoon.  Originally we were all going to go in but that plan fell apart on the way there.  So I went in by myself.  First up was an Avant Garde from The Lost Abbey.  Again, this was a very good beer but not the kind of great beer you think of when you think about The Lost Abbey or Port Brewing.  So I followed that with a Hophead Red from Green Flash.  This is a fine beer indeed.  Exactly what the doctor ordered.

On Sunday I fell off a ladder.  Saturday was the better day this weekend.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Beer and a Cheese Steak

Yesterday I met my wife for lunch at Ron's Original Bar & Grille in Exton.  I had an awesome pizza steak made with sharp provolone and it was the real deal.  I had an Anniversary Ale from Port Brewing Company.  This is a huge IPA.  10% abv and enough hops to choke a horse.  It was excellent as you would expect from Port.  Later in the evening I stopped in at the Sly Fox in Phoenixville for a pint of Pikeland Pils and a pint of Royal Weisse.  Total bill was $5.00.  You can't beat that.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I'm traveling on business and staying in Manchester, CT this evening.  I had dinner at John Harvard's in Manchester.  I tasted a Heffe Weissen which was a lot lighter than I was in the mood for.  I ordered a tall Old Willy IPA instead.  This wasn't the greatest IPA I have ever had but at the same time it was better than anything I would have gotten at the Outback Steakhouse (which was my other choice for dinner).  So it was a typical trade off.  I got a better beer at John Harvard's but the Tuna Steak I had was mediocre at best.  I'm sure the steak at Outback would have been awesome and maybe I would have gotten a bottle of Sam Adams at best?

I'm missing my kegerator right about now.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

You Gotta Pay If You Wannna Play

My wife left with the kids for a weekend of fun with her parents in upstate Pennsylvania.  She made sure to leave me a list of things to do while they were away.  After completing a considerable amount of work (not enough I am sure) I decided enough was enough.  It was about 7:00pm and I was ready to stop working and start recharging my batteries.  I showered up and headed for the Craft Ale House in Limerick.  Their website said they had Russian River Registration Ale and Port Wipeout IPA.  I already knew what I was going to drink tonight before I left the house.  When I got to the Craft Ale House and looked at their draught menu guess which two beers were scratched off?  Yep, Registration Ale and Wipeout IPA.  That figures.  I sampled a Blast DIPA from Brooklyn Brewery.  As is usually the case with this brewer, I didn't care for the beer.  So I got a Loose Cannon from Heavy Seas instead.  This is a nice enough IPA but nothing special.  I would get it again though.  The Craft Ale House did have a beer from Twin Lakes on the list.  I remembered reading about a brewery starting up near Greenville Delaware (Wilmington) a while back and I always wanted to give the local guys a chance.  So I ordered a Greenville Pale Ale.  It was OK.  Again, nothing great but a nice pale ale none the less.  After that there was nothing else on the menu that I wanted...except of course that Rodenbach Grand Cru which I did not want to pay $7.50 for a 10 oz. pour.  Guess what I ordered...yep...a Rodenbach Grand Cru.  You know what?  Considering the options tonight I have no regrets even considering the astronomical price.  It was awesome as usual.  The fish and chips I had for dinner was pretty good as well. 

Good Beer Free

I hadn't been to TJ's Restaurant and Drinkery in what seems like a very long time.  I also noticed that they had a couple of good ones on tap so I decided it was time to visit.  I asked for a Jack D'or from Pretty Things.  This is a nice Saison.  I think it is interesting that  Pretty Things is a gypsy brewer.  Maybe I should be a gypsy brewer.  How do you go about getting a gig like that?  Anyway, the Jack D'or kicked but at least I got a little free beer...the half glass or so that was in my glass when the keg kicked.  Next I asked for a Little Sumpin' Sumpin' from Lagunitas.  It was awesome as usual.  Love that pine and grapefruit combo.  I had a quick taste of Newbold IPA from Philadelphia Brewing Company.  They need to work on that one a little bit.  I'll try it again within the next year or so to see how they are doing.  I finished with a Hop Head Red from Green Flash Brewing Company.  This is a very good American Red Ale.  Hoppy as you might expect with a name like that.  It was a great way to end the visit.

Monday, August 16, 2010

No Great Beers But Some Great Crock Pots

On Saturday I had to go to the Exton Mall to pick up a new Crock Pot.  Actually I picked up 2 new Crock Pots.  One 6 quart for entres and one small one for dips and things like that.  It was about the most fun I could have without beer.  Since I was in Exton I went to the Drafting Room for a cold drink.  I asked for a LuciĆ©rnaga from Jolly Pumpkin.  After attempting to pour one I was told something was wrong and it was just pouring foam.  I had to pick something else.  Somewhat disappointed I asked for a Summer Session from Dock Street.  From there my disappointment grew.  This was an OK beer but I have come to expect greatness from Dock Street.  Next up was a Rogue Mogul Ale.  This is a big red hoppy beer and a good one at that.  With nothing else interesting on the chalkboard I decided to head up the road to Ron's Original Bar and Grille.  I started with a Double Wit from Great Divide Brewing Company.  This is not my style of beer but I will say that the 8.1% alcohol was well hidden.  Next up was a Shark Attack from Port Brewing Company.  I have had this beer a couple of times now but this time it wasn't as good as I remember.  It seemed to have a chemical taste to it and I don't mean the 9% abv.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Friday at the Craft Ale House

My boss was kind enough to let me work from home today.  I am sure I gave him more than 8 hours of solid performance but this also allowed me to get to the Sly Fox in Phoenixville by about 5:00pm.  Last Friday I got there a little after 5:00pm and the place was mobbed.   This time not so bad.  I ordered a Jake's ESB which was OK.  I asked JP about the crowd last week and he said it was because they were having their grand opening.  That is typical of me.  I stumble into a grand opening and don't even realize it.  Of course the place opened several months ago but that is besides the point.  Anyway getting back to tonight, after a little disappointment with the Jake's I had a Chester County Bitter from the hand pump.  This is a really good session beer.  I followed that with a good old Pikeland Pils and everything was OK.

Later in the evening I made my way to the Craft Ale House in Limerick.  I started with a Pharmhouse Arrest from Philadelphia Brewing Company.  I must admit I was a little disappointed.  It wasn't bad but it was nothing to write home about.  Then I had a Black IPA from 21st Amendment Brewery.  This was a really nice beer.  And now I'll show my ignorance.  What is the difference between this style and a really good black and tan made from a nice IPA and porter?

Next up was a Big Eye IPA from Ballast Point.  It was not as good as I remembered. 

Let's go home and have a couple of good ones from the basement.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Bikes and Beer

I stopped in at the Flying Pig in Malvern after work on Friday.  I had a Tommyknocker Hop Strike Black Rye IPA.  This is a very unusual beer.  I wouldn't say it was great but it was pretty good.  Of course I like rye and I like IPA's so I knew it would be likely that I enjoy this one.  I think the black color had a psychological affect on me though.  It didn't taste like you might expect from its color.  I followed that with a Summer Solstice from Anderson Valley Brewing Company.  I didn't care for this one that much and that surprised me because I like this brewer a lot.  It was almost like drinking fruit juice.  That may be because it followed that black IPA I don't know.  I'll have to give this one another try in the future.  I then made a quick stop at the Sly Fox in Phoenixville.  The bar was packed.  When my Pikeland Pils came my bill was $2.50.  No wonder the place was packed.  I always liked Pikeland Pils but when it is $2.50 during happy hour it just tastes a little better.

On Saturday, after an afternoon of bike riding and bike pushing (my daughter is learning to ride without training wheels) we went to Union Jack's Inn on the Manatawny for dinner.  That's right.  Me and the rest of the family went IN to Union Jack's.  Actually we didn't go in.  We ate outside.  I started with an Avant Garde from The Lost Abbey.  This is a Biere de Garde which is not my favorite style of beer.  However as you might expect, I liked this one.  At least I liked this one for a Biere de Garde.  The Lost Abbey could not make a bad beer if they tried.  My second beer at Union Jack's was A Little Sumpin' Sumpin' Ale from Lagunitas Brewing Company.  This is a fantastic Pale Wheat Ale (or maybe an Wheat IPA).  If you don't like the taste of hops don't order this beer.  That will leave more for me.

By the way, if you like ribs and you are near Union Jack's Inn on the Manatawny should should order them   They were really good.  Plenty of BBQ sauce on them and the meat falling off of the bone.  I got a full order because my daughter and I were going to share.  I ended up taking half of the rack home with us because the serving was so large.  It was a great outing.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Two Fresh Kegs

I somehow allowed both of my taps to go dry at the same time.  I kicked the Victory Hop Wallop about a week ago and then the Dock Street Saison DuPotts kicked yesterday before I could replace the Hop Wallop.  So tonight after work I was on an adventure.  After running a few quick errands I went to Exton Beverage and picked up a sixtel of Red's Rye PA from Founder's Brewing Company.  I have had this on tap at home before and it never disappoints.  Then I went down the road to Downingtown and the Victory Brewing Company.  I returned my keg ready to pick up another one and I noticed they had a sixtel of something called Gassy Jacks Bitter.  Since I was unfamiliar with this beer I strolled out of the retail shop and into the bar to order a pint.  The chalkboard signaled a 4.7% abv for this beer.  Quite low for Victory I thought.  Despite the low alcohol content I ordered one and to my surprise I really liked this beer.  They call it an American Bitter.  It poured copper with a white head.  I was satisfied enough that I went back to the retail shop and got that sixtel to take home with me.  It is a refreshing change to the usually extreme Victory beers.

Once home I thoroughly cleaned my system and replaced the beer lines.  By the time I was done it was 10:30pm.  I tapped both kegs and of course had to pour one of each.  When I carried them upstairs my wife had already fallen asleep.  Now here I sit with a Gassy Jack and a Red's Rye all to myself.  Life is good.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Winter, Summer, Who Cares?

I spent the last week on vacation in Bethany Beach, DE.  Because it is Delaware and for other reasons beyond my control my beer drinking experience was extremely limited.  I did have a bottle of Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA.  I am still not a big fan.  I knew of two other local breweries that I wanted to try and I found the first, 16 Mile Brewing Company on tap at the Cottage Cafe in Bethany Beach.  It was their Blues Golden Ale.  This was a nice enough beer.  Nothing fact it was ordinary but I admit I had a couple.  The second brewer I wanted to sample was Evolution Craft Brewing Company.  I got a six pack of their Exile ESB.  Now this was something to get excited about.  It is not an extreme beer but it is a solid, good tasting, well balanced beer.  I enjoyed all six of them.  I can't wait to find this brewer's beers on tap somewhere.  I hope they are not a one-trick pony.  Considering they are located in lower Delaware and almost in Maryland I don't expect to find them any time soon in Pennsylvania but a guy can hope.

Finally back at home I made a virtual B-line for Union Jack's Inn on the Manatawny.  I started with a 2XIPA from Southern Tier.  It was very good just as it was the last time I had one.  With the wife and kids waiting in the car I had to finish it in a hurry if I wanted to have that Imperial Russian Stout from Stone Brewing Company that was on tap.  It's interesting to me that this is a seasonal beer (i.e. they brew it to be consumed in the summer) but I never had a problem drinking a big, dark beer whether summer or winter.  It is a very good beer.  I still favor the Breakfast Stout when it comes to Stouts but they are really two different beers aren't they.  My hat is off to Stone for defying common logic and brewing this big wonderful Stout for the summer.  Which reminds me...a brewery I don't talk about much is Appalachian Brewing Company in Harrisburg, PA.  They have a Broad Street Barleywine on tap year-round.  It is one of their flagship beers.  Imagine that!  I always thought they were a little nuts for having a barleywine on tap in the middle of summer and I always got one when I was there (Summer and Winter).  I think a road trip is in order.