Friday, May 27, 2011

Stupid 1/2 Acre of Lawn. What was I thinking?

I had lunch at the Flying Pig in Malvern today.  The cheesesteak was awesome as usual.  My first beer was a Hop Hog IPA from Lancaster Brewing Company.  My co-worker buddy had the same thing.  It was OK.  I've had this before at the brewery and it's probably the best beer Lancaster makes.  I was all set to have a Rodenbach next.  But a funny thing happened.  The server asked my buddy if he was ready for another and he said "yes, the same".  I thought it unusual that she didn't as me as my beer was just as empty as his.  The next thing I knew she brought over another Hop Hog for him and another for me.  I'm not sure why she thought he was ordering for me but...whatever.  It was an honest mistake so I didn't even tell her but I sure wish I had that Rodenbach instead.

After work I went to TJ's in Paoli.  I started with a Nogne O Saison.  This might be my first Norwegian beer.  It was pretty good.  Of course, I love Saisons.  I followed that with a White Ale from Williamsburg Alewerks.  This is a really good whitbier.  Crisp and clean.  Then I moved on to a Commodore Perry IPA from Great Lakes Brewing Company.  I thought this was pretty good also.  I wouldn't travel for one of these but if it's on the chalkboard I'll get one again.

I made a quick stop into the Sly Fox in Phoenixville as I waited for my pizza (Bravo) to cook.  I had a Royal Weisse which was excellent as usual.  I had to call it quits for the night so I could get the lawn mowed.  Two hours of pushing the lawn mower and I was ready for a beer when I finally got that done.  This Tall Grass Oasis is sure a fine beer. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Almost Forgot Sam Adams

I almost forgot I tried a Rustic Saison from Sam Adams the other day while at Union Jack's Inn on the Manatawny.  I guess I almost forgot because this beer is kind of forgettable.  I love Saison's.  This one was what you would expect from Samuel Adams.  It was well made, clean and not extraordinary.  Sure I be happy to drink several of these on a hot summer day but I'd be happier drinking that Houblonette from McKenzie's.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Only Time For One

I made a quick stop in the Drafting Room in Exton today.  I only had time for one and I chose Bittersweet Lenny's R.I.P.A. from Shmaltz Brewing Company (He' Brew).  This is a good DIPA.  Not the best but pretty good.  At 10% abv I only had one.

Afterwards, I went to Exton Beverage and picked up a sixtel of Oasis from Tall Grass Brewing Company.  According to the company, "Oasis is a Double ESB/IPAish beer".  That sounds about right to me.  I've had a couple of these while out and about.  I hope they taste just as good at home.


Manayunk (Brewery) Revival

I went to Union Jack's Inn on the Manatawny yesterday and had a California Dreamin' from Manayunk Brewery and Restaurant.  It's was part of my experiment to determine if it is my imagination or have Manayunk beers improved as of late.  After finishing this very nice DIPA I have to conclude "YES".  I don't know what they did but they seem to be brewing a lot better now than in the past.  It wasn't long ago I had their Hop Phanatic and thought that was pretty good too, but the California Dreamin' is a different story.  I never had the Hop Phanatic before that tasting but I have had California Dreamin' before yesterday and was never impressed.  So something has changed in the brewery that would change (improve) an existing recipe.  I am pleased to witness a Manayunk Revival.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Netherlands Close to Belgium

Last night after work I went to TJ's in Paoli for a couple.  Up first was a very safe choice...Stone Sublimely Self Righteous.  Safe because I've had this on many occasions and it is always an excellent choice.  I guess you would call it a Black IPA if you tried to put it into a category.  I followed that with a Storm & Averij from Brouwerij De Molen in the Netherlands.  I wasn't particularly fond of this DIPA.  I guess I feel like the Dutch (and Belgians for that matter) shouldn't try to brew DIPA's (which I consider an American style) just like American's shouldn't try to beat the Belgians at their own game.  Have you ever had a Belgian-style beer brewed in America that compares to the finest Belgium has to offer?  Me either.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

That's A Lot Of Beer

I went to the Grand Opening of Appalachian Brewing Company’s brewpub in Collegeville last Thursday night. Yes, it was their first day of operation and I couldn’t wait to check out the place. I haven’t been in that space since it was the New Road brewpub. I can’t remember exactly what it looked like when it was New Road but it mustn’t have looked a lot different as I wasn’t shocked by what I saw when I got there. The opening wasn’t advertised so I guess they wanted a soft opening. It looked like that is what they got. It was me and 5 or 6 other middle-aged men sitting at the bar. Of course I didn’t get there until after 10:00pm so what’s to expect?
First up was a Hoppy Trails IPA. This was really good but I couldn’t wait for my next beer. I have been craving a Broad Street Barley Wine for a couple of years now. That’s because it has been a couple of years since I’ve been to ABC’s brewpub in Harrisburg. I always loved their barley wine and I loved the fact that they have it year-round. I must have built this up in my head over the years because I didn’t enjoy it the way I expected. Sure, it was good. But in my mind, I had remembered this awesome, none better, barley wine. I’ll have to try one again real soon.
Friday night I stopped at the Drafting Room in Exton. I started with a Field Mouse’s Farewell from Pretty Things. This is a very good saison. I followed with a Belvidere Big IPA from Rock Art. It was a pretty good IPA. Pretty bitter especially following that saison.
Saturday I went to the Craft Ale House in Limerick. I started there with a E.S. Bam from Jolly Pumpkin Artisan Ales. This is a nice earthy saison. I am beginning to enjoy the heck out of these. I followed with a Hop Head Red from Green Flash Brewing Company. This is a very good red ale. I ended my stay at Craft Ale House with a Mongo IPA from Port Brewing Company. This is actually a DIPA and a very good one.
Later Saturday night I went to Pickering Creek Inn in Phoenixville. I started with a St. Botolph’s Rustic Dark Ale from Pretty Things. This is a very good brown ale. I ended with a Blind Faith IPA from Magic Hat. I have tried different beers from Magic Hat over the years and never understood their popularity. I generally don’t care for their beers. But I keep trying them periodically as is my normal practice. I must admit that I enjoyed the heck out of this one. I’m sure I’ve had the Blind Faith before but this time it was actually very good.
On Sunday I took the wife and Kids to Union Jack’s Inn on the Manatawny for dinner. I only had one beer. It was Summer Solstice Cerveza Crema from Anderson Valley. I normally like this brewer but I didn’t care for this one. It was OK but kind of ordinary.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Victory???

I went to Victory Brewing Company in Downingtown tonight after work to pick up another keg.  While there I had a Braumeister Pils at the bar.  Then I sampled a Bayrisch Pale Ale.  Then I went to the retail store and picked up a keg of Bayrisch Pale Ale.  This is actually a steam beer (California Common).  It's not like any other Victory beer I've ever had.  I won't say it's their best but I'll give it some time.  I've only had a pint so far.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Another Weekend Came and Went

Another weekend came and went even more quickly than the last.  So here's is a recap...quickly.

Friday lunch was at TJ's in Paoli.  I had a DeMolen Vuur Vlam.  This is an American IPA brewed in the Netherlands.  I was not a big van.  It was OK.  I followed that with a very safe Belgian Pale Ale from Brewery Ommegang.  Safe because anything from this brewer is going to be great.  After work I made my way to the Drafting Room in Exton.  Up first was a Daddy Fat Sacs IPA from Roy Pitz.  It was OK.  Then I took a chance on a Manayunk Hop Phanatic.  I haven't had a beer from Manayunk that I liked...until now.  This is actually a very good red ale and hides the 8.2% abv well.

Saturday I went to the Craft Ale House in Limerick (or is it Royersford).  Up first was "Love is Evol" from Prism Brewing Company out of North Wales, PA.  This is a brown ale apparently made with strawberries and Jalapeno's.  It sounded horrible so I had to try it.  I could not detect any strawberry nose or flavor.  But the Jalapeno's came through loud and clear, but not over the top.  I enjoyed the heck out of this beer.  Next up was a Mission IPA from Mission Brewery from Chula Vista, CA.  It was OK. Not great, but OK.  I ended with an Oak Aged Unearthly Imperial IPA from Southern Tier Brewing Company.  I've had this one before and though it was great...before.  This time not so much.  I'm not sure what's going on.  Maybe it's me.  Then it was a quick stop at the Sly Fox in Phoenixville for an Abbey Extra.  They now serve it in a pint glass if you like.  Purists would be horrified pouring this Belgian-style ale into a pint glass.  I'm no purist.  I ended my night at McKenzie's Brewhouse in Frazer, PA.  I had the Houblonette (Saison) again.  This beer is awesome.  Then I had a Shipwrecked which is their red ale.  This was actually very good as well.  Can't wait to have another.

Monday, May 2, 2011

A Weekend of Hops

On Friday night I went to TJ's Restaurant and Drinkery in Paoli for a couple of beers.  Up first was an Oasis from Tallgrass.  This is the second time I've had this beer and I enjoyed it just as much this time as last.  I followed with a Hoptical Illusion from Bluepoint Brewing Company.  Actually, it was from a firkin and it was pretty darned good.  I have had a love/hate relationship with this beer.  I have had many cases of this beer and they were always great.  Then one day I got a keg to take home and it was horrible.  I actually returned it to the distributor.  It was the only keg I have ever returned.  So for the past couple of years I have shied away from giving it another try.  Maybe I will give it another shot.

On Saturday, after a beautiful afternoon of playgrounds and bicycling, I took my 3 kids to Union Jack's Inn on the Manatawny to quench our thirsts.  I started with a Mongo DIPA from Port Brewing Company.  Yeah, this is a good DIPA.  The kids were well-behaved.  So much so that I dared to order another beer.  This time it was Double Trouble from Founder's Brewing Company.  Ah yes, another fine DIPA.  I must admit that I enjoyed the Port a little better.  This may or may not have something to do with the order in which I drank these.  I guess another experiment is in order.