Friday, April 2, 2010

Nice Night for an IPA

This long weekend will be devoted to stripping and staining my deck.  I worked on it until dark last night and then after building up quite a thirst I went to the Craft Ale House in Limerick.  I didn't see anything particularly interesting that I haven't had recently but then I noticed a firkin on the far corner of the bar.  It contained Double Simcoe from Weyerbacher.  That was not on the chalkboard so I was pleasantly surprised.  I remembered this being a little harsh for my taste the last time I had it but of course that was not from a firkin.  What a difference the firkin makes.  It had the same great taste but just a little more mellow.  After that one I asked for a Southern Tier Oat Imperial Stout but it had just kicked.  It was replaced by another beer from Weyerbacher called Heresy.  This is their Imperial Stout aged in oak barrels and the oak really comes through.  After that I tried another Weyerbacher product called Insanity.  This is their barleywine aged in oak barrels.  This was a sweet beer almost like butterscotch syrup.  It was very good but I wouldn't want more than one.  I ended up going back to the Double Simcoe.  Those hops will remove any sweetness left over from the Insanity for sure.

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