Thursday, April 15, 2010

Bitter Sweet

I just kicked my sixtel of Terrapin Rye Pale Ale.  Kicking a keg at my house is always a bitter-sweet occasion.  It is bitter because I really enjoyed that last one but it is sweet because I can now pick out something new to have on tap in the basement.  Speaking of bitter-sweet I read a story on Sly Fox's web page announcing the closing of the Phoenixville location.  We have a lot of fond memories from inside that pub and we will miss it.  That is the bitter part.  The sweet part is that they are opening up a new pub across the street.  I am confident that we will continue to enjoy the Sly Fox experience in Phoenixville albeit in a new building.  I wonder if at one time they considered closing the Phoenixville location leaving only the Royersford location.  If they did I congratulate them on their decision to stay.  The only question now is 'When will the new pub open'?

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