Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Home or Hulmeville?

I was in New Jersey on business today.  After all that work I developed quite a thirst but unfortunately, like I said, I was in New Jersey.  I felt like I had to get back to Pennsylvania to get a nice beer but where?  Could I wait to get back towards home or should I take a chance on a place out that way.  I remembered that I heard good things about the Hulmeville Inn as far as beer selection is concerned and more importantly...it is not far from the NJ-PA border.  I found my way to Hulmeville.  A sign on the door warns that this is a smoking establishment, a fact not lost on most of the patrons at the bar.  They had Man Full of Trouble Porter from Dock Street Brewing Company on the hand pump.  I did enjoy this beer quite a bit.  It was nice and roasty like you would expect a from a porter.  I suspect I wouldn't enjoy a regular draught of this one as much but you never know.  That is an experiment for another day.

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