Friday, February 3, 2012

I've Had Better

After work today I stopped in Ron's Original in Exton.  OK, it was before 5:00 so maybe I left work a little early but regardless...the place was busy.  No seats at the bar.  Doesn't anyone work any more?  I had a Full Pint Rumplepilsen.  It was OK, but geographically halfway between Victory Brewing and Sly Fox you better bring something better than that.  This is the land of great American pilsners.  I left because a seat at the bar did not present itself and is my custom...I left.

I found myself at the Drafting Room in Exton.  I easily found a seat at the bar.  First up was an IPA from Sam Adams.  It was OK...not great.  Why are they so successful year after year producing mediocre beers?  Up next was another IPA from Tall Grass.  It too was just OK.  I ended with a  G'Night from Oskar Blues.  I didn't enjoy this one tonight.

I am so looking forward to tomorrow.  Maybe a revisit to Prism Brewing or maybe that thing at Teresa's in Wayne.  We shall see.

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