Monday, January 30, 2012


I thought that last post got me up to date but I was wrong.  After Prism, I went to Union Jack's Inn on the Manatawny and had a couple of beers.  First up was Daisy Cutter Pale Ale from Half Acre Beer Company.  Let me tell you, this is a fantastic beer.  A lot of folks would call this an IPA but either way it is great.  I can't wait to find it again.  I also had a Joe Coffee Porter from Philadelphia Brewing Company and a Dugana from Avery.  The porter was pretty good but you better like coffee.  The Dugana was very good as usual.

Finally, on Sunday we had lunch at the new McKenzie's in Wayne, PA.  This was our second lunch at the new place.  My kids love the spaghetti and the pizza.  I had a new beer.  It's called Vautour du Bois.  It is a sour version of the Saison Vautour.  I thought it was fantastic.  You have to have a taste for sour beers and if you don't, you will not like this beer.  If you do...this is the beer for you.  It is not mildly sour.  It is very sour.   And I loved it.

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