Monday, February 13, 2012

Mostly IPA Saturday

Saturday was a good day.  I revisited the Railroad Street Bar and Grille in Linfield.  My last visit at about 7pm on a Saturday was a little hectic in that the place was swamped and I couldn't get a seat at the bar.  This time it was about noon so things were a little less busy but still brisk even at that early hour.  I started with a Sculpin from Ballast Point, moved on to a West Coast IPA from Green Flash and ended with a Wipeout IPA from Port Brewing.  All were excellent.  I could have stayed there all day and continued to drink one great beer after another without ever having the same one twice.  Don't believe me?  Check out their beer menu.  It was still early on a Saturday afternoon so I thought it best that I leave before things get out of hand.  On my way out, I remembered that I was pretty close to the Craft Ale House and thought it would be a shame to be so close and not visit.  So I did.  I only had one but it was a good one.  Vertical Epic 11.11.11 from Stone Brewing.  I thought this was a very good beer.  It was big alcohol as you might expect and of all things, the chili pepper flavor really came through for me.  Fantastic.

Later that night we went out for dinner as a family.  We went to the Lucky Lab in Royersford.  This is the former Sly Fox.  I had a Racer 5 IPA from Bear Republic Brewing Company and Two Hearted IPA from Bell's Brewery.  Awesome.

So, in summary, I had a Saturday filled with IPA's that I've already had many times over and I am not complaining.  They were all excellent.  And I managed to squeak in a Vertical Epic which was just icing on the cake.

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