Thursday, March 31, 2011

AMEX Sucks and Slow Cookers Rock

It was a pretty good night tonight.  I found a gift card that I had long forgotten about and although AMEX devalued it from $100 to $47 because I didn't use it right away (they suck) it was still money found.  And by coincidence, it was set to expire today (the day I re-discovered it).  So I went to the Exton mall and set out to buy something fun...something exciting...something I really wanted for myself.  I brought home a new slow cooker.  I think this is about my 5th one now but who's counting.  Ain't she a beauty?

On the way home I decided to stop in at the Drafting Room to celebrate my new acquisition.  Not much on tonight so I got a Rogue Dead Guy Ale.  It was pretty good if you like Maibocks.  That's not my favorite style but it was a good beer.

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