Thursday, March 31, 2011

AMEX Sucks and Slow Cookers Rock

It was a pretty good night tonight.  I found a gift card that I had long forgotten about and although AMEX devalued it from $100 to $47 because I didn't use it right away (they suck) it was still money found.  And by coincidence, it was set to expire today (the day I re-discovered it).  So I went to the Exton mall and set out to buy something fun...something exciting...something I really wanted for myself.  I brought home a new slow cooker.  I think this is about my 5th one now but who's counting.  Ain't she a beauty?

On the way home I decided to stop in at the Drafting Room to celebrate my new acquisition.  Not much on tonight so I got a Rogue Dead Guy Ale.  It was pretty good if you like Maibocks.  That's not my favorite style but it was a good beer.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Good Weekend After All

Well that was a pretty good weekend.  Friday night at TJ's Restaurant and Drinkery in Paoli to get the weekend started.  Up first was a Yellow Snow IPA from Rogue Brewery.  I thought this was a very good IPA, just the way I like it.  I followed that with a Monk's Blood from 21st Amendment Brewery.  This is a Belgian-style dark ale.  It was OK.  I got it for the Keg Kicker special price of $3.00 so it was fantastic.  I ended with an Ommegang Abbey Ale.  This was good as usual.

Saturday I took my 2 oldest daughters to Union Jack's Inn on the Manatawny for wings, french fries and a couple of beers.  I started with Fegley's Hop'solutely triple IPA.  This is an 11.5% abv bomb.  Unfortunately the taste was a little off for me.  I like big IPA's and alcohol has never been a problem for me but this one just didn't do it for me.  I ended with a Bell's Bourbon Hell Hath No Fury.  This is a Belgian dark ale but it's more like a stout.  It is fantastic.  I can't wait to get another one but that will have to be another day.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Friday Fun

Friday after work I ended up at the Drafting Room in Exton.  I had to have a cask-conditioned Racer 5.  Yeah, it was awesome.  Nothing else on the chalk board looked interesting but I noticed something called Fish Paralyzer Pale from someone called RJ Rockers Brewing Company out of Spartanburg, SC.  It is a Belgian-style pale and I didn't expect a lot as I am often disappointed by American brewers brewing Belgian-style ales.  This wasn't bad.  Not the best I ever had and definitely no Ommegang but not bad.  I'll give them another try in the future.  I had just enough time to stop in at the Sly Fox in Phoenixville and have a Saison Vos.  It was very good as always.  Also, it struck me that regardless of whether you care for a particular beer at Sly Fox (I happen to care a lot for Saison Vos) or not, one thing in certain.  The taste is consistent year over year.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Broken Rules...Twice

This weekend I broke one of my beer drinking rules and in fact, I broke the same rule twice.  That rule is that I won't have the same beer twice in a single sitting.  I started off the weekend a little early by having lunch on Friday at the Flying Pig in Malvern.  I ordered a Hop Angel Brauhaus Angel Fuel from Dock Street.  This is a very nice Black Ale.  I didn't see anything else on the menu that I wanted (except for a couple of big alcohol beers that I would rather not have at lunch time).  So, I got another Angel fuel to go along with a really awesome cheesesteak.

After work on Friday I stopped in at McKenzie's Brewhouse in Frazer.  I started with a Houblonette.  A nice, earthy farmhouse ale.  It only has 4.5% abv but more flavor than you would expect.  This was an awesome beer.  Then I moved on to a Saison Vautour which is another farmhouse ale.  This is one of their regular beers and it is a good one also but I'd take the Houblonette over this one.  There is something about that Houblonette.  So I ordered another one.  That is the second time I broke my one beer a day rule.  While there I also managed to try an Irma La Douce.  This darker saison was good but a little sweet for my taste.

On Saturday I had lunch at the Craft Ale House in Limerick.  I started with a Yard's IPA.  It was OK.  I then had an awesome Short Rib sandwich and a Cappuccino Stout.  This is a pretty good Imperial Stout and it went well with my sandwich.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Victory - Either Extreme

I went to the Victory in Downingtown tonight to return a keg and pick up a new one.  This time I got a Prima Pils.  While there I sat and the bar and nursed a Storm King from the hand pump.  It was awesome as usual.  I always forget to ask for a small so at 9.1% abv and a large glass almost equal to 2 bottles of beer it's like having the alcohol of 4 beers in one.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Almost Forgot About Sunday

I almost forgot about Sunday.  I was at the Exton Mall doing a little shopping by myself.  Naturally, on the way home I stopped in for a quick one at the Drafting Room.  Looking at the chalk board I was sure I was going to get a cask-conditioned Racer 5.  But then I noticed a firkin sitting on the bar.  "What is that?", I asked.  Troeg's Nugget Nectar was the response.  That did it.  Nugget Nectar it was and at cellar temperature this was a great choice indeed.  If you like Nugget Nectar, try one from a firkin.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The One Beer to Have...

Another gorgeous Saturday afternoon and I find myself at Union Jack's.  Of course I only have time for one so I make it a good one.  It is Allagash Odyssey.  This is a dark Belgian-style wheat beer.  At 10% abv it packs a wallop.  I found it to be a complex beer and enjoyed the fruity flavors (think prunes).  This is the one beer to have if your having only one.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Timing is Everything

I was off to TJ's in Paoli tonight after work.  I couldn't resist having a Devotion from Lost Abbey at $3.00 on the Kegkicker special.  This is a very nice, dry Belgian Pale Ale.  I followed that with a Hop Ottin' IPA from Anderson Valley.  Very nice but at $6.00 it was no bargain.  I really wanted a Gulden Draak.  How often do you see that on tap?  But the $7.00 price tag was too rich for my blood.  I then opted for the other Kegkicker special. Ommegang BPA.  This is a very, very nice Belgian Pale Ale.  Of course, technically I should call both of these Kegkicker specials "Belgian-style" pale ales as they are both products of the good ole USA.  As luck would have it, now that I'm at home checking out TJ's on-line tap list I see they put Gulden Draak on the Kegkicker special.  That's right.  The beer I almost bought for $7 is now on tap for $3.  So in a weird kind of way, I'm glad I didn't get one earlier this evening.  Now tomorrow is a different story.  Here's hoping it is still pouring tomorrow afternoon.