Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Oh those sleepy kids

On Saturday we took the kids to Sesame Place for a day of roller coasters and water rides.  We stayed until closing (8:00pm) and I knew the kids would be asleep within minutes of leaving the parking lot.  I also knew that we were not far from Newtown which means we are not far from Isaac Newton's.  This is a place I have heard of and always wanted to visit.  Although it is in the center of town it is a little hard to find because it sits behind the other buildings on State Street.  In fact, I made several passes down the street and could not find the place.  It was my wife who suggested I park the car and get out and walk as the town is not that big.  That is what I did.  It is a really cool place with a good selection of beer.  I had a Terrapin Gamma Ray which is a big wheat wine coming in at 11% abv.  It had a good flavor with a bit of a tang to it.  I was sorry to leave after only one beer but I had to get back to the wife and kids. 

On Sunday we were out for a ride and ended up at Union Jack's Inn on the Manatawny.  Again, those sleeping kids...I went in and had a Lagunita's Undercover Shutdown Ale.  This is a malty, sweet and yet bitter ale at 9.7% abv.  Despite the temperatures in the upper 90's I enjoyed this one. 

Friday, June 25, 2010

Big Alcohol, Little Time

It's Friday night so after work I went to the Flying Pig in Malvern for a drink.  At least that was my intention.  We had a bad storm yesterday afternoon with downed trees and electrical wires all over the place.  I even saw a fully assembled trampoline next to an on-ramp of US 202 with not a residential area in sight.  Clearly it was deposited there courtesy of the storm.  I had to make several detours due to the downed trees but I made it to Malvern only to discover the downtown looked something like a ghost town.  Parking lots were empty and all the businesses were closed.  No power and this was more than 24 hours after the storm.  After making certain the Flying Pig was closed I got back in the car and headed to TJ's Restaurant and Drinkery in Paoli.  Things were looking up.  Not only were they open but they had all Brew Dogs as happy hour special for $3. 

I asked for a Bashah.  This is an American Strong Ale with an alcohol content of 8.6% abv.  Apparently this is brewed in collaboration with Stone Brewing Company.  I wouldn't say it is great but I will say it is the best beer I ever purchased for $3.  With that in mind and considering it was still happy hour I asked for another Brew Dog product.  This time it was their Tokyo Intergalactic Fantastic Oak Aged Stout.  As he was pouring it, the astute bartender (I think it was Kevin) told me it was 18% abv and asked "Is that OK".  I have to give him credit.  This beer could kill you if you aren't expecting that big alcohol.  I enjoyed this one thoroughly and it replaced the Bashah as the best beer I ever purchased for $3. 

I made my way home and poured a Victory Hop Wallop from the keg in my basement.  In fact I poured a couple of them.  At only 8.5% abv I could drink these all night.  Yeah, right.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Father's Day

For father's day yesterday we went to Union Jack's Inn on the Manatawny.  My wife and kids stayed in the car and allowed me to enjoy some peace and quiet.  I tried a new one from Southern Tier Brewing Company called 2XIPA.  As you might gather from the name it is an imperial IPA, and a very good one at that.  It has a nice grassy flavor.  I followed that with a Sexy Beast Stout from Dock Street.  I don't have any problem drinking a stout in 90 degree weather.  It was a good stout.  Not a great one but a good one.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Lost Weekend

I almost forgot to post about last weekend.  On Friday night I went to Sly Fox in Phoenixville and had a Keller Pils which I love and then I had a cask-conditioned Jakes ESB which was also very nice.

On Saturday I took my Mom to Union Jack's Inn on the Manatawny for Dinner (and beers).  I had a Sculpin IPA from Ballast Point Brewing Company.  It was great as usual.  Then I had a Double Trouble from Founder's Brewing Company.  This was also great but there is a good reason they call it Double Trouble.  Finally I had a Shark Attack from Port Brewing Company.  This is a double red ale.  I like it a lot but it is time to go.  Mom had a Miller Lite (and if I'm telling the truth she had 2 of them).  It was a fun time.

Sunday I was feeling that Double Trouble.  Or maybe it was all of the Hop Wallops I drank from the kegerator in my basement.

Monday, June 7, 2010

A Day in the Park

It was a pleasant weekend for us.  On Friday night my wife took our oldest daughter to a minor league baseball game in Allentown (go IronPigs).  She told me to pick up our 2 youngest daughters at daycare and get them a happy meal so after work I picked them up and took them to the Sly Fox in Phoenixville.  My happy meal was Buffalo wings while the girls decided on linguine and chicken strips.  During dinner I also managed to have a US Saaz Keller Pils and a Saison Vos.  Both were good as usual.

On Saturday we went to Dorney Park in Allentown.  We left at sundown and with all the activity of the day it wasn't long before the kids were asleep.  I pulled into the Tap and Table in Emaus but there was not an empty spot in the parking lot so we headed on down the road.  I went a little out of the way to get to Ortino's Northside in Zieglersville.  Obviously the kids were still asleep and my wife was playing with the DS that we bought our daughter for her birthday.  So I went in and had a Hoppy Trails IPA from Appalachian Brewing Company.  It was OK but not extraordinary.  I needed something extraordinary and I saw it on the menu.  It was a Sublimely Self-Righteous Ale from Stone Brewing Company.  I have had this strong ale before and knew I wouldn't be disappointed.  If you see it on tap get one.

Sunday was a very nice day indeed.  My mom came over to the house and we sat on the deck watching the kids play in the pool.  Mom had a Yuengling while my wife and I had Red's Rye.  Now that is a relaxing weekend.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

One Quick One Before Philadelphia Beer Week Starts

I stopped in at the Drafting Room in Exton after work today for no other reason than I was thirsty.  I got The Immortal IPA from Elysian Brewing Company.  It is a pleasant IPA but not anything unusual.  If you are looking for something extreme this is not your beer.  If you are looking for a nice, clean IPA bordering on a pale ale then this is your beer.  It looks like everyone is getting jacked up for Philadelphia Beer Week.  I will probably stay home most of the 10 day duration kind of like I stay home on New Year's Eve.  After the crowds go away I will be back.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Sunday With No Work Monday

Sunday was a fun day.  I went to the Union Jack's Congo Hotel and had a couple of beers.  First up was a Wipeout IPA from Port Brewing Company.  Great as always.  Then I had a Pursuit of Pale Ale from Victory Brewing Company.  It was just OK for me.  Nothing spectacular.  Before leaving the gal behind the bar gave me an unsolicited taste of John John Dead Guy from Rogue Ales.  Smart gal behind the bar.  I had to stay and have a full glass.  It was a wonderful and complex beer.  The oak taste from the barrels was clearly evident.  I also got tastes of sweet vanilla.  It was time to go but later on I was able to visit the Pickering Creek Inn in Phoenixville.  I must go in there at weird times because it was empty just like the last time I was in there.  I'm not complaining.  As far as I'm concerned that's a good thing for me.  I just want to sit and enjoy a beer and not be bothered by anyone.  I had a Southampton Keller Pils from Southampton Brewery and Publick House.  Under normal circumstances I would probably have said this was a really nice pils but I have been drinking quite a bit of Keller Pils at the Sly Fox and maybe I am biased towards the local brewery but I think Sly Fox has the better product.  I would definitely still order a Southampton again if it was on the menu though.