Sunday, February 20, 2011

Just Another Day

Yesterday was a beautiful sunny albeit windy day.  A perfect day to go to the Craft Ale House in Limerick and have lunch and a beer or two.  First up was a Saison Cazeau from Brasserie de Cazeau.  This is a very delicate white beer so have this one before enjoying something else.  This was a beer you could have several of on a hot Saturday afternoon.  You might say a lawnmowing beer (but a good one).  I then ordered a short rib sandwich (awesome as usual) and an Old Chub Scottish Ale from Oskar Blues to go along with it.  This was a good choice to enjoy with my sandwich.  I ended with a Maracaibo Especial from Jolly Pumpkin.  What a great ending.  This is a fine beer.  They call it a Belgian-style brown ale.  I thought it was more in the style of a Flemish Sour (only not as sour).  If you enjoy sour beers and would like to get a friend to enjoy them this would be a good starter beer.  That is nothing against this beer.  I thought this was an awesome beer.  It's just that there was a slight sourness to it (that I loved).  I had to stop at a couple of stores on the way home and get gas for the car and by that time I built up quite a thirst.  So a quick stop in at the Sly Fox in Phoenixville was in order.  I had a tall Royal Weisse.  That will cure a thirst.

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