Friday, February 25, 2011

Pizza and a Beer...Must Be Friday

I had barely enough time to get a beer tonight after work.  The boss called right at quitting time so I was stuck there late.  On the way home, I called for a pizza and when they said it would be 30 minutes that gave me the time I needed to have a beer at the Sly Fox in Phoenixville.  It seems like just last night I was at the Sly Fox.  Anyway, I just had a quick Pikeland Pils to satisfy my thirst then it was off to the pizza joint and home in a flash.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Happy Birthday Daughter #2

It's hard to believe my second daughter is 5 years old today.  To celebrate I took the family to the Sly Fox in Phoenixville.  We all went in and had a nice dinner.  The girls behaved well and I got to try a new beer called TW Fearless Pale Ale.  It was a pleasant beer as far as pale ales go.  I also had a Greek Salad for dinner which was excellent.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Just Another Day

Yesterday was a beautiful sunny albeit windy day.  A perfect day to go to the Craft Ale House in Limerick and have lunch and a beer or two.  First up was a Saison Cazeau from Brasserie de Cazeau.  This is a very delicate white beer so have this one before enjoying something else.  This was a beer you could have several of on a hot Saturday afternoon.  You might say a lawnmowing beer (but a good one).  I then ordered a short rib sandwich (awesome as usual) and an Old Chub Scottish Ale from Oskar Blues to go along with it.  This was a good choice to enjoy with my sandwich.  I ended with a Maracaibo Especial from Jolly Pumpkin.  What a great ending.  This is a fine beer.  They call it a Belgian-style brown ale.  I thought it was more in the style of a Flemish Sour (only not as sour).  If you enjoy sour beers and would like to get a friend to enjoy them this would be a good starter beer.  That is nothing against this beer.  I thought this was an awesome beer.  It's just that there was a slight sourness to it (that I loved).  I had to stop at a couple of stores on the way home and get gas for the car and by that time I built up quite a thirst.  So a quick stop in at the Sly Fox in Phoenixville was in order.  I had a tall Royal Weisse.  That will cure a thirst.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Never Say Never (when it comes to Wipeout)

After work last night I was ready for a beer and the Flying Pig in Malvern seemed as good a place as any to get one.  It's always a crap shoot going in there (no on-line beer menu that I'm aware of).  As luck would have it they had Wipeout IPA from Port Brewing Company and so did I.  In my book this one is right up there with the best IPA's available.  Due to the fact that I wasn't that interested in anything else on the menu plus the fact that this is such an excellent beer I broke one of my beer drinking rules.  Never drink the same beer twice in one sitting.  Never say never.  I had a second Wipeout IPA.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Headwaters Pale Ale - Victory Does It Again

I needed to go to Victory Brewing Company tonight to exchange my empty keg for a full one.  I would have gone last night but they were having their 15th anniversary party and I hate crowds (not that Victory is ever without one).  They have a new beer on called Headwaters Pale Ale and they had a couple of sixtels in the retail store but rather than take a chance I made my way to the bar to try one first.  The bar was full of course.  I stood behind a guy seated at the bar trying to get the bartenders attention.  And then a funny thing happened.  The guy seated in front of me got up to leave.  I couldn't believe my luck.  This doesn't happen to me.  I took it as a good omen.  Seated comfortably at the bar I ordered a Headwaters.  It is a 5.2% abv "no frills" pale ale and it is really good.  Good enough that I left Victory tonight with a sixtel to enjoy at home.

Monday, February 14, 2011

A day in the Country

Another Saturday afternoon in the country and I stopped in at Union Jack's Inn on the Manatawny.  All three kids were asleep so I was able to go in by myself.  I had a 2XIPA from Southern Tier which apparently is pronounced 2 "times" IPA.  What do I know?  This is a pretty good double IPA but you gotta like hops.  I followed that with a Bell's Rye Stout.  This was a nice roasty stout but a little more carbonated than I expected.  Regardless, it was a great day in the country.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Smoke 'em If You Got 'em

I stopped in at TJ's Restaurant and Drinkery in Paoli after work and had a quick Big Red from Southern Tier.  It was a nice enough Imperial Red Ale.  Problem is I have Bear Republic Hop Rod Rye on at the house so I'm a little spoiled at the moment.  I would have had a couple more beers but I was standing and I have this rule about standing...1 beer only.  There were some open seats at the bar but they were being "used" by folks outside having a smoke.  That problem will cure itself eventually.  Smoke 'em if you got 'em.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Stupid Pennsylvania Liquor Laws

I waited 3 years on a mailing list just for the privilege of being able to purchase wine from a certain winery in California.  I knew that because of the stupid liquor laws in Pennsylvania I wouldn't be able to have it shipped to my home but I had an address in Delaware that I expected to use.  After 3 years of waiting I finally was given an allotment.  When I went to place my order I discovered that Delaware apparently has stupid liquor laws as well.  Why is it that as an adult living in Pennsylvania I can't purchase a product from a legitimate business in California?  Who are these idiots we have representing us that allow this to continue?  I guess I need to find another address in one of the progressive states to have my wine delivered.  Here's a link to a pretty cool site to see if you live in a stupid state or a progressive state.  The stupid ones are in red on the map.   This site also makes it easy for you to send a message to these representatives, not that I would expect them to do anything about the current laws but it makes me feel a little better letting them know how I feel.

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Good Life...California Beers In PA

I was reminded of a Sam the Sham and the Pharoahs song today.  My sixtel of Dock Street Hop Garden kicked (Oh, that's bad).  Then I picked up a sixtel of Hop Rod Rye from Bear Republic (Oh, that's good).  It cost me a cool $125 (Oh, that's bad).  I poured myself one and had a long cool drink (Oh, that's good).  And so it goes.

I then stopped at the Drafting Room in Exton and had an Older Viscosity from Port Brewing Company.  I'm not sure how to categorize this beer but it ain't a stout and it ain't a barleywine either.  Imagine blending both and then carbonating the hell out of it.  It was very good with a nice woody taste (oak maybe?).  I'd get it again but I can't imagine having more than one at a single sitting.

So here I sit having a couple of Hop Rod Rye's in the comfort of my living room.  Life is good.