Monday, December 5, 2011

Playing Catchup Again

I can't believe it was before Thanksgiving when I last posted and now it is December 5th.  Where does the time go?  I had too many beers to remember since last post but here are a couple that I remember (I'll skip the ones I have well-documented like Russian River Blind Pig...awesome).  I had a Bell's Expedition Stout which I thought was pretty good and a Lagunitas IPA I thought was good as well.  At Craft Ale House one night I had a Babayaga which is a very nice smokey stout from Pretty Things.  At Appalachian I had a Keller Pils that I didn't care for that much and an ESB that was not that great either.    I had a Two Threads from McKenzie's which I've talked about before but is worth mentioning again because it is so good.  I think I'm going to score a sixtel of this.  The IPA I had at McKenzie's was not the best but as I got to the bottom of it I started to enjoy it more.  At the Lucky Lab in Royersford I had an awesome Oyster Po Boy sandwich and an even more awesome Racer 5.  The Smuttynose Old Brown Dog that followed was kind of ordinary.  Finally, I went to Victory and had some wings and a Prima Pils followed by a Yakima Glory.  I decided to bring a sixtel of Yakima Glory home with me.

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