Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Has it been a month already?

So it's been about a month since my last post.  I've had many good beers since then but time does not allow me to post about them all.  Here are the highlights.

TJ's - Lost Abbey Witch's Wit was pretty good, kind of earthy.  Flying Dog Single Hop (Centennial) Imperial IPA was OK.  Jolly Pumpkin Weizen BAM was a real nice one.  Sierra Nevada Jack and Ken's was a very good Barleywine.

Appalachian Brewing Company, Collegeville - Kipona Marzen was OK but not my style.  They also had three (that's 3) DIPA's using 3 different hops.  Three 8 oz glasses for $9.  The Nugget was the best, I would say excellent.  The Cascade was a close second and the Summit...not so much.

Craft Ale House - Dogtown Pale Ale from Lagunitas was awesome as usual.  I'll go on record and say it is the best Pale Ale I've ever had.  Pretty Things Hedgerow Bitter was not my thing. 

Joe's All American - I really want this bar to succeed in Phoenixville but, I don't know.  The best they had on was Flying Fish Farmhouse Summer Ale which is ironic because I would like to get a Flying Fish beer that I like and I keep trying but it was not to be.

The Trapp Door - Furthermore Knot Stock was a nice enough pale ale but not worth the $6.  The cask-conditioned Blue Point Toxic Sludge is an excellent black ale.  I don't know if it was worth the $7 I paid but it was excellent.  I've said it before...this place has some really great beer but they are priced about $2 more than they should be.  I did have a tomato salad with peach salsa and goat cheese that was excellent.

The Drafting Room - Russian River Blind Pig was great as usual as was the Green Flash West Coast IPA.

I took a trip to Dallas, TX and had dinner at a place called Shellfish.  Dinner was good but the best beer they had on tap was Fat Tire.  I only had one.  It's an OK beer.  After dinner we went to a place down the street called Ginger Man.  The bartender suggested a 512 IPA.  He said it was a local (Austin) brewer.  Don't call it "five-twelve".  It is "five-one-two".  Names after the area code apparently.  Regardless, this was a most excellent IPA.  I like it so much I got a Pecan Porter from 512 also.  OK, this one wasn't as good as the IPA.  But man, if I get back to Texas I'm looking for that 512 IPA again.  Ye haw!

Back home (actually on the way home) from Texas I stopped in at TJ's.  I had a Matacabras from Dave's Brewfarm.  I never heard of this brewer before.  This beer was a Belgian Strong Dark Ale.  Not really my thing.  Then I had a Souther Tier Harvest Ale which is a nice-enough pale ale. 

Back to the Craft Ale House for a Great Divide 17th Anniversary DIPA which was OK.  Then a Founder's Breakfast Stout.  You know that was awesome.  Still the best Stout I've ever had.  Then I had an Insanity from Weyerbacher.  This is a pretty good beer but you have to like the taste of Bourbon because you are going to get it.  And coconut and vanilla now that I think about it.

Victory Brewing Company - Took the family for lunch.  I had a Hickory Prime sandwich that was pretty good but doesn't compare to my usual Deitrich.  To go along with it I had a Mad King (great), then a Yakima cask-conditioned (great) and then a Storm King (great).

That's about all I can remember since the last post. 

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