Monday, April 15, 2013

Been a While

Well it's been a while since I posted so I'll start off with a negative.  I am struggling to get through a sixtel of Evolution Exile ESB.  Truth be known, that's my fault.  You see, I've had this beer before and it is a good one.  Then I brought a sixtel home and it sucks.  If you know me, you know I keep my lines clean so that ain't the problem.  I just got a bad sixtel and I should have returned it.  So is my fault.  But more importantly, who made the original mistake?  Did the brewer screw something up or did the distributor store it improperly?  It's really against my nature to return things...especially beer.  But I am going to promise myself to return a sixtel if this happens again.  It's enough to drive me to drink.